Source code for planetmapper.gui

# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init,protected-access
import math
import os
import sys
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.colorchooser
import tkinter.filedialog
import tkinter.messagebox
import tkinter.scrolledtext
import traceback
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from tkinter import ttk
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, TypedDict, TypeVar

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.markers
import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import spiceypy as spice
from import fits
from matplotlib.artist import Artist
from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseButton, MouseEvent
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import NavigationToolbar2Tk  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.text import Text

from . import base, data_loader, progress, utils
from .body import BasicBody, Body, NotFoundError
from .body_xy import MapKwargs
from .observation import Observation

Widget = TypeVar('Widget', bound=tk.Widget)
SetterKey = Literal[
    'x0', 'y0', 'r0', 'rotation', 'step', 'plate_scale_arcsec', 'plate_scale_km'
PlotKey = Literal[
ImageMode = Literal['sum', 'single', 'rgb']

DEFAULT_PLOT_SETTINGS: dict[PlotKey, dict] = {
    'grid': dict(zorder=3.1, color='#333', linewidth=1, linestyle='dotted'),
    'terminator': dict(zorder=3.2, color='w', linewidth=1, linestyle='dashed'),
    'limb': dict(zorder=3.3, color='w', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='solid'),
    'limb_illuminated': dict(zorder=3.31, color='w', linewidth=1, linestyle='solid'),
    'ring': dict(zorder=3.4, color='w', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='solid'),
    'pole': dict(zorder=3.5, color='k', outline_color='w'),
    'coordinate_of_interest_lonlat': dict(zorder=3.6, marker='x', color='k', s=36),
    'coordinate_of_interest_radec': dict(zorder=3.7, marker='+', color='k', s=36),
    'other_body_of_interest_marker': dict(zorder=3.8, marker='+', color='w', s=36),
    'other_body_of_interest_label': dict(zorder=3.81, color='grey'),
    'marked_coord': dict(zorder=4, color='cyan', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='solid'),
    'image': dict(zorder=0.9, cmap='inferno'),
    '_': dict(

LINESTYLES = ('solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dashdot')
MARKERS = ('x', '+', 'o', '.', '*', 'v', '^', '<', '>', ',', 'D', 'd', '|', '_')
GRID_INTERVALS = ('10', '30', '45', '90')
CMAPS = ('gray', 'viridis', 'plasma', 'inferno', 'magma', 'cividis')
LIMIT_TYPES = ('absolute', 'percentile')

MAP_INTERPOLATIONS = ('nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic')
MAP_PROJECTIONS = ('rectangular', 'orthographic', 'azimuthal', 'azimuthal equal area')


# Deal with X11 font bug by replacing high codepoint chars with ASCII equivalents.
# This seems to prevent the use of fonts which cause the X_OpenFont error which
# XQuartz was producing when trying to run planetmapper over SSH on mac. This is a bit
# of a hack and produces an uglier UI, but is better than always crashing.
# TODO remove this when the bug is fixed in XQuartz
except KeyError:
    USE_X11_FONT_BUGFIX = False  # pyright: ignore[reportConstantRedefinition]
        '↖': None,
        '↑': '^',
        '↗': None,
        '←': '<',
        '→': '>',
        '↙': None,
        '↓': 'v',
        '↘': None,
        '↺': '<',
        '↻': '>',

def _run_gui_from_cli(*args: str | None) -> None:
    """Called with `planetmapper` from the command line"""
        print('*** Using X11 font bugfix ***')
    gui = GUI()
    if args and args[0] is not None:
        # pylint: disable-next=broad-exception-caught
        except Exception as e:
            print(f'Error loading observation: {e}')

class Quit(Exception):

[docs]class GUI: """ Class to create and run graphical user interface to fit observations. This class does not usually need to be run directly, as a GUI can be created directly from an :class:`planetmapper.Observation` object using :func:`planetmapper.Observation.run_gui`, or by calling `planetmapper` from the command line. """ MINIMUM_SIZE = (600, 600) DEFAULT_GEOMETRY = '800x650+15+15' def __init__(self, allow_open: bool = True) -> None: self.allow_open = allow_open self._observation: Observation | None = None self.step_size = 1 self.click_locations: list[tuple[float, float]] = [] """ List of click locations marked on the plot in `(x, y)` pixel coordinates. This list is cleared whenever a new observation is opened. """ self.last_click_location: tuple[float, float] | None = None self.coords_formatted_str: str | None = None self.coords_machine_str: str | None = None self.shortcuts: dict[Callable[[], Any], list[str]] = { self.increase_step: [']'], self.decrease_step: ['['], self.move_up: ['<Up>', 'w'], self.move_down: ['<Down>', 's'], self.move_right: ['<Right>', 'd'], self.move_left: ['<Left>', 'a'], self.rotate_right: ['>', '.'], self.rotate_left: ['<less>', ','], self.increase_radius: ['+', '='], self.decrease_radius: ['-', '_'], self.save_button: ['<Control-s>'], self.load_observation: ['<Control-o>'], self.copy_machine_coord_values: ['<Control-c>'], self.display_header: ['<Control-h>'], } self.shortcuts_to_keep_in_entry = ['<Control-s>', '<Control-o>'] self.setter_callbacks: defaultdict[SetterKey, list[Callable[[float], Any]]] = ( defaultdict( list, { 'x0': [lambda f: self.get_observation().set_x0(f)], 'y0': [lambda f: self.get_observation().set_y0(f)], 'r0': [lambda f: self.get_observation().set_r0(f)], 'rotation': [lambda f: self.get_observation().set_rotation(f)], 'step': [self.set_step], 'plate_scale_arcsec': [ lambda f: self.get_observation().set_plate_scale_arcsec(f) ], 'plate_scale_km': [ lambda f: self.get_observation().set_plate_scale_km(f) ], }, ) ) self.ui_callbacks: defaultdict[SetterKey | None, set[Callable[[], Any]]] = ( defaultdict(set) ) self.getters: dict[SetterKey, Callable[[], float]] = { 'x0': lambda: self.get_observation().get_x0(), 'y0': lambda: self.get_observation().get_y0(), 'r0': lambda: self.get_observation().get_r0(), 'rotation': lambda: self.get_observation().get_rotation(), 'step': lambda: self.step_size, 'plate_scale_arcsec': lambda: self.get_observation().get_plate_scale_arcsec(), 'plate_scale_km': lambda: self.get_observation().get_plate_scale_km(), } self.plot_handles: defaultdict[PlotKey, list[Artist]] = defaultdict(list) self.plot_settings: defaultdict[PlotKey, dict] = defaultdict(dict) for k, v in DEFAULT_PLOT_SETTINGS.items(): self.plot_settings[k] = v.copy() self.disc_finding_routines: dict[ str, list[tuple[Callable[[], None], str, str]] ] = { 'Reset position': [ ( lambda: self.get_observation().centre_disc(), 'Centre disc in image', 'Centre the target\'s planetary disc and make it fill ~90% of the observation', ), ], 'Use WCS data from FITS header': [ ( lambda: self.get_observation().disc_from_wcs( suppress_warnings=True, validate=False ), 'Use WCS position, rotation & scale', 'Set all disc parameters using approximate WCS information in the observation\'s FITS header', ), ( lambda: self.get_observation().position_from_wcs( suppress_warnings=True, validate=False ), 'Use WCS position', 'Set disc position using approximate WCS information in the observation\'s FITS header', ), ( lambda: self.get_observation().rotation_from_wcs( suppress_warnings=True, validate=False ), 'Use WCS rotation', 'Set disc rotation using approximate WCS information in the observation\'s FITS header', ), ( lambda: self.get_observation().plate_scale_from_wcs( suppress_warnings=True, validate=False ), 'Use WCS plate scale', 'Set plate scale using approximate WCS information in the observation\'s FITS header', ), ], 'Fit observation': [ ( lambda: self.get_observation().fit_disc_position(), 'Fit disc position', 'Set x0 and y0 so that the planet\'s disc is fit to the brightest part of the data (this may take a few seconds)', ), ( lambda: self.get_observation().fit_disc_radius(), 'Fit disc radius', 'Set r0 by calculating the radius around (x0, y0) where the brightness decrease is the fastest (this may take a few seconds)', ), ], 'Use FITS header metadata': [ ( lambda: self.get_observation().disc_from_header(), 'Use PlanetMapper metadata', 'Set disc parameters using information in the observation\'s FITS header generated by any previous runs of PlanetMapper', ), ], } self.kernels: list[str] = [ os.path.join(base.get_kernel_path(), pattern) for pattern in base._KERNEL_DATA['kernel_patterns'] ] self.delayed_actions: dict[str, tuple[Callable[[], Any], str]] = {} self.event_time_to_ignore = None self.gui_built = False def __repr__(self) -> str: return 'InteractiveObservation()'
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """ Run the GUI. """ print('Running user interface...') try: self.get_observation() except Quit: print('App quit') return # Disable keyboard shortcuts context = {} for k in mpl.rcParams: if k.startswith('keymap.'): context[k] = [] with mpl.rc_context(context): self.build_gui() self.bind_keyboard() self.root.mainloop()
def load_observation(self) -> None: if self.allow_open: OpenObservation(gui=self, first_run=self._observation is None) if self._observation is None: raise Quit
[docs] def set_observation(self, observation: Observation) -> None: """ Set the observation used in the GUI. For example, to run the GUI with the data in `'europa.fits'`, use: :: gui = planetmapper.gui.GUI() gui.set_observation(planetmapper.Observation('europa.fits')) Args: observation: Observation to fit. """ self._observation = observation self.image_modes: dict[ImageMode, tuple[Callable[[], np.ndarray], str]] = { 'single': (self.image_single, 'Single wavelength'), 'sum': (self.image_sum, 'Sum all wavelengths'), 'rgb': (self.image_rgb, 'RGB composite'), } n_wavl = self.get_observation().data.shape[0] if n_wavl < 2: del self.image_modes['sum'] if n_wavl < 3: del self.image_modes['rgb'] if n_wavl == 1: self.plot_settings['_']['image_mode'] = 'single' elif n_wavl == 3 and not self.gui_built: self.plot_settings['_']['image_mode'] = 'rgb' else: self.plot_settings['_']['image_mode'] = 'sum' self.plot_settings['_'].update( image_idx_single=0, image_idx_r=0, image_idx_g=1, image_idx_b=2, ) if self.gui_built: self.run_all_ui_callbacks() self.rebuild_plot() self.root.title(self.get_observation().get_description(multiline=False)) self.reset_help_hint() self.click_locations = [] self.clear_click_location()
def get_observation(self) -> Observation: if self._observation is None: self.load_observation() assert self._observation is not None return self._observation # GUI Building def build_gui(self) -> None: self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.geometry(self.DEFAULT_GEOMETRY) self.root.minsize(*self.MINIMUM_SIZE) self.configure_style(self.root) self.root.title(self.get_observation().get_description(multiline=False)) self.hint_frame = ttk.Frame(self.root) self.hint_frame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.controls_frame = ttk.Frame(self.root) self.controls_frame.pack(side='left', fill='y') self.plot_frame = ttk.Frame(self.root) self.plot_frame.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=True) self.build_plot() self.build_help_hint() self.build_controls() self.update_plot() self.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit) self.gui_built = True def quit(self) -> None: plt.close(self.fig) self.root.destroy() self.gui_built = False def configure_style(self, root: tk.Tk | None) -> None: if root is None: root = self.root = ttk.Style(root)'default') for element in ['TEntry', 'TCombobox', 'TSpinbox', 'TButton', 'TLabel']: element, foreground='black', insertcolor='black', fieldbackground='white', selectbackground='#bdf', selectforeground='black', )'TScale', troughcolor=[('disabled', '#d9d9d9')]) def build_controls(self) -> None: self.notebook = ttk.Notebook(self.controls_frame) self.notebook.pack(fill='both', expand=True) self.build_main_controls_tab() self.build_disc_finding_controls_tab() self.build_plot_settings_controls_tab() self.build_coords_tab() def build_main_controls_tab(self) -> None: frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) frame.pack() self.notebook.add(frame, text='Controls') buttons: list[ tuple[ str, str, Callable[[], None], int | tuple[int, int], int | tuple[int, int], ] ] = [ ( 'Open...', 'Open a new observation, change target/date/observer, and adjust kernel settings', self.load_observation, 0, 0, ), ( 'Save...', 'Save FITS files of the observation and mapped observation with backplane data', self.save_button, 1, 0, ), ( 'View FITS header', 'View the FITS header for the observation', self.display_header, (0, 2) if self.allow_open else 1, 1, ), ] if not self.allow_open: del buttons[0] self.build_main_controls_section( frame=frame, label='File', buttons=buttons, button_tooltip_base='{hint}', entry_tooltip='', numeric_entries=[], wide_buttons=True, ) self.build_main_controls_section( frame=frame, label='Position', buttons=[ ('↖', 'up and left', self.move_up_left, 0, 0), ('↑', 'up', self.move_up, 1, 0), ('↗', 'up and right', self.move_up_right, 2, 0), ('←', 'left', self.move_left, 0, 1), ('→', 'right', self.move_right, 2, 1), ('↙', 'down and left', self.move_down_left, 0, 2), ('↓', 'down', self.move_down, 1, 2), ('↘', 'down and right', self.move_down_right, 2, 2), ], button_tooltip_base='Move fitted disc {hint}', entry_tooltip='Set pixel coordinates of the centre of the disc', numeric_entries=['x0', 'y0'], ipadx=20, ) self.build_main_controls_section( frame=frame, label='Rotation', buttons=[ ('↺', 'anticlockwise', self.rotate_left, 0, 0), ('↻', 'clockwise', self.rotate_right, 1, 0), ], button_tooltip_base='Rotate fitted disc {hint}', entry_tooltip='Set the rotation of the disc in degrees', numeric_entries=[('rotation', 'Rotation (°)')], ) self.build_main_controls_section( frame=frame, label='Size', buttons=[ ('-', 'Decrease', self.decrease_radius, 0, 0), ('+', 'Increase', self.increase_radius, 1, 0), ], button_tooltip_base='{hint} fitted disc radius', entry_tooltip='Set the equatorial radius of the disc, r0, in pixels', numeric_entries=[ ('r0', 'r0'), ('plate_scale_arcsec', 'arcsec/pixel'), ('plate_scale_km', 'km/pixel'), ], add_callbacks=['r0', 'plate_scale_arcsec', 'plate_scale_km'], ) self.build_main_controls_section( frame=frame, label='Step size', buttons=[ ('÷', 'Decrease', self.decrease_step, 0, 0), ('×', 'Increase', self.increase_step, 1, 0), ], button_tooltip_base='{hint} step size when clicking buttons', entry_tooltip='Set the step size when clicking buttons', numeric_entries=['step'], ) def build_main_controls_section( self, frame: ttk.Frame, label: str, buttons: list[ tuple[ str, str, Callable[[], None], int | tuple[int, int], int | tuple[int, int], ] ], button_tooltip_base: str, entry_tooltip: str, numeric_entries: list[SetterKey | tuple[SetterKey, str]], ipadx=30, ipady=1, add_callbacks: list[SetterKey] | None = None, wide_buttons: bool = False, **kw, ) -> None: label_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(frame, text=label) label_frame.pack(fill='x', pady=3, ipadx=1, ipady=1) if buttons: button_frame = ttk.Frame(label_frame) button_frame.pack( fill='x' if wide_buttons else 'none', expand=wide_buttons, padx=5 if wide_buttons else 0, ) for text, hint, fn, column, row in buttons: if isinstance(column, tuple): column, columnspan = column else: columnspan = 1 if isinstance(row, tuple): row, rowspan = row else: rowspan = 1 text = self.maybe_replace_string_with_x11_bugfix(text) self.add_tooltip( ttk.Button(button_frame, text=text, command=fn, width=1), button_tooltip_base.format(hint=hint), fn, ).grid( column=column, row=row, columnspan=columnspan, rowspan=rowspan, ipadx=ipadx, ipady=ipady, padx=2, pady=2, sticky='we', ) if wide_buttons: button_frame.grid_columnconfigure(column, weight=1) if numeric_entries: entry_frame = self.add_tooltip(ttk.Frame(label_frame), entry_tooltip) entry_frame.pack(pady=2) for ne in numeric_entries: if isinstance(ne, str): NumericEntry( self, entry_frame, ne, pady=2, add_callbacks=add_callbacks, **kw ) else: NumericEntry( self, entry_frame, ne[0], ne[1], pady=2, add_callbacks=add_callbacks, **kw, ) def build_plot_settings_controls_tab(self) -> None: menu = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) menu.pack() self.notebook.add(menu, text='Settings') # Image frame = ttk.LabelFrame(menu, text='Observation') frame.pack(fill='x', pady=5) frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.image_setting = PlotImageSetting( self, frame, 'image', label='Observed image', hint='the image of your observation', callbacks=[self.replot_image], ) self.ui_callbacks[None].add(self.image_setting.update_tool_ui_state) # Plot features frame = ttk.LabelFrame(menu, text='Plotted features') frame.pack(fill='x', pady=5) frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) PlotLineSetting(self, frame, 'limb', label='Limb', hint='the target\'s limb') PlotLineSetting( self, frame, 'limb_illuminated', label='Limb (dayside)', hint='the illuminated part of the target\'s limb', ) PlotLineSetting( self, frame, 'terminator', label='Terminator', hint='the line between the dayside and nightside regions on the target', ) PlotGridSetting( self, frame, 'grid', label='Gridlines', hint='the longitude/latitude grid on the target', callbacks=[self.replot_grid], ) PlotRingsSetting( self, frame, 'ring', label='Rings', hint='rings around the target (click Edit to define ring radii)', callbacks=[self.replot_rings], ) PlotOutlinedTextSetting( self, frame, 'pole', label='Poles', hint='the target\'s poles', ) PlotCoordinatesSetting( self, frame, 'coordinate_of_interest_lonlat', label='Lon/Lat POI', hint='points of interest on the surface of the target (click Edit to define POI)', callbacks=[self.replot_coordinates_lonlat], coordinate_list=self.get_observation().coordinates_of_interest_lonlat, menu_label='\n'.join( [ 'List of Lon/Lat points of interest.', 'Coordinates should be written as comma', 'separated "lon, lat" values, with each', 'coordinate pair on a new line:', ] ), ) PlotCoordinatesSetting( self, frame, 'coordinate_of_interest_radec', label='RA/Dec POI', hint='points of interest in the sky (click Edit to define POI)', callbacks=[self.replot_coordinates_radec], coordinate_list=self.get_observation().coordinates_of_interest_radec, menu_label='\n'.join( [ 'List of RA/Dec points of interest.', 'Coordinates should be written as comma', 'separated "ra, dec" values, with each', 'coordinate pair on a new line:', ] ), ) PlotOtherBodyScatterSetting( self, frame, 'other_body_of_interest_marker', label='Other bodies (e.g. moons)', hint='other bodies of interest (click Edit to specify other bodies to show, e.g. moons)', callbacks=[self.replot_other_bodies], ) PlotOtherBodyTextSetting( self, frame, 'other_body_of_interest_label', label='Other body labels', hint='labels for other bodies of interest (click Edit to specify other bodies to show, e.g. moons)', callbacks=[self.replot_other_bodies], ) # Marked coords frame = ttk.LabelFrame(menu, text='Marked coords') frame.pack(fill='x', pady=5) frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) PlotLineSetting( self, frame, 'marked_coord', label='Click location', hint='the location on the image clicked when to calculate coordinates (see the Coords tab)', callbacks=[self.replot_marked_coord], ) def build_disc_finding_controls_tab(self) -> None: frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) frame.pack() self.notebook.add(frame, text='Find disc') for label, routines in self.disc_finding_routines.items(): label_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(frame, text=label) label_frame.pack(fill='x', pady=10) for fn, name, description in routines: self.add_tooltip( ttk.Button( label_frame, text=name, command=self.make_disc_finding_fn(fn), ), description, ).pack(fill='x', pady=2, padx=5) def make_disc_finding_fn(self, fn: Callable[[], None]) -> Callable[[], None]: def button_command(): try: fn() except ValueError as e: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error finding disc', message=str(e), ) self.run_all_ui_callbacks(update_plot=True) return button_command def build_help_hint(self) -> None: frame = ttk.Frame(self.hint_frame) frame.pack(fill='x', padx=5, pady=1) self.help_hint = ttk.Label(frame, text=DEFAULT_HINT) self.help_hint.pack(side='left') self.help_hint.bind('<Enter>', lambda e: self.reset_help_hint(hover=True)) self.help_hint.bind('<Leave>', lambda e: self.reset_help_hint()) self.reset_help_hint() def set_help_hint(self, msg: str, *, color: str = 'black'): self.help_hint.configure(text=msg, foreground=color) def reset_help_hint(self, *, hover: bool = False): path = self.get_observation().path if path is None: msg = '' else: msg = path if hover else os.path.basename(path) self.set_help_hint(msg, color='gray50') def add_tooltip( self, widget: Widget, msg: str, shortcut_fn: Callable | None = None, **kw ) -> Widget: if shortcut_fn is not None: keys = self.shortcuts.get(shortcut_fn, None) if keys is not None: key = keys[0] key = key.replace('<less>', '<').upper() if key[0] == '<' and key[-1] == '>' and len(key) > 2: key = key[1:-1] msg = f'{msg} (keyboard shortcut: {key})' widget.bind('<Enter>', lambda e: self.set_help_hint(msg, **kw)) widget.bind('<Leave>', lambda e: self.reset_help_hint()) return widget # Coords def build_coords_tab(self): top_level_frame = ttk.Frame(self.notebook) top_level_frame.pack() self.notebook.add(top_level_frame, text='Coords') frame = ttk.Frame(top_level_frame) frame.pack(padx=5, fill='x') self.coords_tab_labels: dict[str, ttk.Label] = {} self.coords_labels: dict[str, list[str | tuple[str, str]]] = { 'Pixel coordinates': ['x', 'y'], 'Celestial coordinates': [ ('ra', 'Right ascension'), ('dec', 'Declination'), ], 'Planetographic coordinates': [('lon', 'Longitude'), ('lat', 'Latitude')], 'Illumination angles': ['phase', 'incidence', 'emission', 'azimuth'], } for name, part_labels in self.coords_labels.items(): label_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(frame, text=name) label_frame.pack(fill='x', pady=5) for col in range(2): label_frame.grid_columnconfigure(col, weight=1, uniform='a') for row, kl in enumerate(part_labels): if isinstance(kl, tuple): key, label = kl else: key = kl label = kl.capitalize() label = label + ':' l1 = ttk.Label(label_frame, text=label) l1.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e', pady=2, padx=2) l2 = ttk.Label(label_frame, text='') l2.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w', pady=2, padx=2) self.coords_tab_labels[key] = l2 button_frame = ttk.Frame(frame) button_frame.pack(fill='x', pady=5) self.coords_copy_formatted_button = self.add_tooltip( ttk.Button( button_frame, text='Copy formatted values', command=self.copy_formatted_coord_values, state='disable', ), 'Copy formatted coordinate values', self.copy_formatted_coord_values, ) self.coords_copy_formatted_button.pack(fill='x', pady=2, padx=2) self.coords_copy_machine_button = self.add_tooltip( ttk.Button( button_frame, text='Copy machine readable values', command=self.copy_machine_coord_values, state='disable', ), 'Copy machine readable coordinate values, compatible with Python, JSON, etc.', self.copy_machine_coord_values, ) self.coords_copy_machine_button.pack(fill='x', pady=2, padx=2) message = [ '', 'Click on the plot to get coordinates', 'Right click on the plot to clear', '', 'Note that most of these values change', 'when you adjust the disc position', '', ] ttk.Label(top_level_frame, text='\n'.join(message), justify='center').pack( fill='x', padx=5 ) def get_click_coords(self) -> dict[str, float]: if self.last_click_location is None: return {} out: dict[str, float] = {} observation = self.get_observation() x, y = self.last_click_location out['x'] = x out['y'] = y out['ra'], out['dec'] = observation.xy2radec(x, y) try: targvec = observation._xy2targvec(x, y) out['lon'], out['lat'] = observation.targvec2lonlat(targvec) ( phase, incdnc, emissn, ) = observation._illumination_angles_from_targvec_radians(targvec) az = observation._azimuth_angle_from_gie_radians(phase, incdnc, emissn) ( out['phase'], out['incidence'], out['emission'], out['azimuth'], ) = np.rad2deg((phase, incdnc, emissn, az)) except NotFoundError: pass return out def update_coords(self, print_coords: bool = False) -> None: if self.last_click_location is None: for k, label in self.coords_tab_labels.items(): label.configure(text='') return coords = self.get_click_coords() coords_strs = self.get_click_coords_formatted_strings(coords) if print_coords: # Print with trailing comma so can be copied straight into a list print(self.make_click_json_string(coords) + ',') self.coords_machine_str = self.make_click_json_string( coords, fmt='', fmt_radec='' ) self.coords_formatted_str = self.make_click_formatted_string(coords_strs) for k, label in self.coords_tab_labels.items(): label.configure(text=coords_strs.get(k, '')) def get_click_coords_formatted_strings( self, coords: dict[str, float], fmt: str = '.2f', dms_fmt: str = '.3f' ) -> dict[str, str]: out: dict[str, str] = {} x, y = coords['x'], coords['y'] observation = self.get_observation() out['x'] = f'{x:{fmt}}' out['y'] = f'{y:{fmt}}' ra, dec = coords['ra'], coords['dec'] out['ra'] = utils.decimal_degrees_to_dms_str(ra, dms_fmt) out['dec'] = utils.decimal_degrees_to_dms_str(dec, dms_fmt) try: # Use targvec for a bit more speed here lon, lat = coords['lon'], coords['lat'] ew = observation.positive_longitude_direction ns = 'N' if lat >= 0 else 'S' out['lon'] = f'{lon:{fmt}}°{ew}' out['lat'] = f'{abs(lat):{fmt}}°{ns}' out['phase'] = f'{coords["phase"]:{fmt}}°' out['incidence'] = f'{coords["incidence"]:{fmt}}°' out['emission'] = f'{coords["emission"]:{fmt}}°' out['azimuth'] = f'{coords["azimuth"]:{fmt}}°' except KeyError: pass return out def make_click_formatted_string(self, coords_strs: dict[str, str]) -> str: msg = [] for name, part_labels in self.coords_labels.items(): msg.append(name) for row, kl in enumerate(part_labels): if isinstance(kl, tuple): key, label = kl else: key = kl label = kl.capitalize() value = coords_strs.get(key, '') msg.append(f' - {label}: {value}') return '\n'.join(msg) def make_click_json_string( self, coords: dict[str, float], fmt: str = '.2f', fmt_radec: str = '.6f' ) -> str: x, y = coords['x'], coords['y'] ra, dec = coords['ra'], coords['dec'] parts = [ f'"xy": [{x:{fmt}}, {y:{fmt}}]', f'"radec": [{ra:{fmt_radec}}, {dec:{fmt_radec}}]', ] try: # Use targvec for a bit more speed here lon, lat = coords['lon'], coords['lat'] parts.extend( [ f'"lonlat": [{lon:{fmt}}, {lat:{fmt}}]', f'"phase": {coords["phase"]:{fmt}}', f'"incidence": {coords["incidence"]:{fmt}}', f'"emission": {coords["emission"]:{fmt}}', f'"azimuth": {coords["azimuth"]:{fmt}}', ] ) except KeyError: pass # Not on disc return '{' + ', '.join(parts) + '}' def figure_click_callback(self, event: MouseEvent) -> None: if not event.inaxes or event.dblclick: return try: # Disable when panning/zooming if self.toolbar.mode._navigate_mode is not None: return # pylint: disable-next=bare-except except: pass if event.button == MouseButton.RIGHT: self.clear_click_location() if event.button == MouseButton.LEFT: x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata if x is None or y is None: return self.set_click_location(x, y) self.replot_marked_coord() self.update_plot(print_coords=True) def set_click_location(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: self.click_locations.append((x, y)) self.last_click_location = (x, y) for button in [ self.coords_copy_formatted_button, self.coords_copy_machine_button, ]: button['state'] = 'normal' def clear_click_location(self) -> None: self.last_click_location = None self.coords_formatted_str = None self.coords_machine_str = None try: for button in [ self.coords_copy_formatted_button, self.coords_copy_machine_button, ]: button['state'] = 'disable' except AttributeError: pass def copy_formatted_coord_values(self) -> None: self.copy_to_clipboard(self.coords_formatted_str) def copy_machine_coord_values(self) -> None: self.copy_to_clipboard(self.coords_machine_str) def copy_to_clipboard(self, s: str | None) -> None: if s is None: s = '' self.root.clipboard_clear() self.root.clipboard_append(s) # Plotting def update_plot(self, print_coords: bool = False) -> None: self.get_observation().update_transform() self.canvas.draw() self.update_coords(print_coords=print_coords) def update_only_image(self) -> None: self.replot_image() self.canvas.draw() def build_plot(self) -> None: # Use Figure rather than plt.figure to avoid segmentation fault when running # from tkinter GUI (issue #258) self.fig = Figure() = self.fig.add_axes([0.06, 0.03, 0.93, 0.96]) self.transform = ( self.get_observation().matplotlib_radec2xy_transform() + ) self.replot_all() self.format_plot() self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fig, master=self.plot_frame) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=True) toolbar_frame = tk.Frame(self.plot_frame) toolbar_frame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') tk.Label(toolbar_frame, text='\N{NO-BREAK SPACE}').pack(side='left') self.toolbar = CustomNavigationToolbar( self.canvas, toolbar_frame, pack_toolbar=False, gui=self, ) self.toolbar.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.fig.canvas.callbacks.connect( 'button_press_event', self.figure_click_callback ) self.add_tooltip( self.canvas.get_tk_widget(), 'Customise the displayed data, colour scales and plotted features in the "Settings" tab', ) def rebuild_plot(self) -> None: self.transform = ( self.get_observation().matplotlib_radec2xy_transform() + ) self.replot_all() self.format_plot() self.update_plot() def replot_all(self) -> None: self.replot_image() self.replot_grid() self.replot_terminator() self.replot_limb() self.replot_rings() self.replot_poles() self.replot_coordinates_lonlat() self.replot_coordinates_radec() self.replot_other_bodies() def format_plot(self): self.fig.set_dpi(100), self.get_observation()._nx - 0.5), self.get_observation()._ny - 0.5)'x-small')'x-small')'0.1') def replot_image(self): self.remove_artists('image') mode = self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_mode', 'single') vmin = self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_vmin', 0) vmax = self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_vmax', 1) limit_type = self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_limit_type', 'absolute') with utils.ignore_warnings('All-NaN slice encountered'): image = self.image_modes[mode][0]() if limit_type == 'percentile': vmin = np.nanpercentile(image, vmin) vmax = np.nanpercentile(image, vmax) self.plot_handles['image'].append( image, origin='lower', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **self.plot_settings['image'], ) ) def replot_limb(self): self.remove_artists('limb') self.remove_artists('limb_illuminated') self.plot_handles['limb'].extend( *self.get_observation().limb_radec(), transform=self.transform, **self.plot_settings['limb'], ) ) ( ra_day, dec_day, ra_night, dec_night, ) = self.get_observation().limb_radec_by_illumination() self.plot_handles['limb_illuminated'].extend( ra_day, dec_day, transform=self.transform, **self.plot_settings['limb_illuminated'], ) ) def replot_terminator(self): self.remove_artists('terminator') self.plot_handles['terminator'].extend( *self.get_observation().terminator_radec(), transform=self.transform, **self.plot_settings['terminator'], ) ) def replot_poles(self): self.remove_artists('pole') for lon, lat, s in self.get_observation().get_poles_to_plot(): ra, dec = self.get_observation().lonlat2radec(lon, lat) self.plot_handles['pole'].append( OutlinedText( ra, dec, s, ha='center', va='center', weight='bold', size='small', transform=self.transform, clip_on=True, **self.plot_settings['pole'], ) ) ) def replot_grid(self) -> None: self.remove_artists('grid') interval = self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('grid_interval', 30) for ra, dec in self.get_observation().visible_lonlat_grid_radec(interval): self.plot_handles['grid'].extend( ra, dec, transform=self.transform, **self.plot_settings['grid'], ) ) def replot_coordinates_lonlat(self) -> None: self.remove_artists('coordinate_of_interest_lonlat') for lon, lat in self.get_observation().coordinates_of_interest_lonlat: if self.get_observation().test_if_lonlat_visible(lon, lat): ra, dec = self.get_observation().lonlat2radec(lon, lat) self.plot_handles['coordinate_of_interest_lonlat'].append( ra, dec, transform=self.transform, **self.plot_settings['coordinate_of_interest_lonlat'], ) ) def replot_coordinates_radec(self) -> None: self.remove_artists('coordinate_of_interest_radec') for ra, dec in self.get_observation().coordinates_of_interest_radec: self.plot_handles['coordinate_of_interest_radec'].append( ra, dec, transform=self.transform, **self.plot_settings['coordinate_of_interest_radec'], ) ) def replot_rings(self) -> None: self.remove_artists('ring') for radius in self.get_observation().ring_radii: ra, dec = self.get_observation().ring_radec(radius) self.plot_handles['ring'].extend( ra, dec, transform=self.transform, **self.plot_settings['ring'], ) ) def replot_other_bodies(self) -> None: self.remove_artists('other_body_of_interest_label') self.remove_artists('other_body_of_interest_marker') for body in self.get_observation().other_bodies_of_interest: ra = body.target_ra dec = body.target_dec label = hidden = not self.get_observation().test_if_other_body_visible(body) if hidden: label = f'({label})' self.plot_handles['other_body_of_interest_label'].append( ra, dec, label + '\n', size='small', ha='center', va='center', transform=self.transform, clip_on=True, **self.plot_settings['other_body_of_interest_label'], ) ) self.plot_handles['other_body_of_interest_marker'].append( ra, dec, transform=self.transform, alpha=0.5 if hidden else 1, **self.plot_settings['other_body_of_interest_marker'], ) ) def replot_marked_coord(self) -> None: self.remove_artists('marked_coord') if self.last_click_location is not None: x, y = self.last_click_location self.plot_handles['marked_coord'].append(, **self.plot_settings['marked_coord']) ) self.plot_handles['marked_coord'].append(, **self.plot_settings['marked_coord']) ) def remove_artists(self, key: PlotKey) -> None: while self.plot_handles[key]: self.plot_handles[key].pop().remove() # Delayed actions def add_delayed_action(self, name: str, ms: int, func: Callable[[], Any]) -> None: self.cancel_delayed_action(name) self.delayed_actions[name] = ( func, self.root.after(ms, lambda: self.run_delayed_action(name)), ) def cancel_delayed_action(self, name: str) -> None: action = self.delayed_actions.pop(name, None) if action: self.root.after_cancel(action[1]) def run_delayed_action(self, name: str) -> None: func, _ = self.delayed_actions.pop(name) func() # Image def image_sum(self) -> np.ndarray: return 100 * utils.normalise( np.nansum(self.get_observation().data, axis=0) ) ** self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_gamma', 1) def image_single(self) -> np.ndarray: return 100 * utils.normalise( self.get_observation().data[ self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_idx_single', 0) ] ) ** self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_gamma', 1) def image_rgb(self) -> np.ndarray: r = self.get_observation().data[ self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_idx_r', 0) ] g = self.get_observation().data[ self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_idx_g', 0) ] b = self.get_observation().data[ self.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('image_idx_b', 0) ] return utils.normalise(np.stack((r, g, b), axis=2)) ** self.plot_settings[ '_' ].setdefault('image_gamma', 1) # Keybindings def bind_keyboard(self) -> None: for fn, events in self.shortcuts.items(): handler = lambda e, f=fn: self.process_keypress(e, f) for event in events: self.root.bind(event, handler) def process_keypress(self, event, fn) -> None: if event.time != self.event_time_to_ignore: fn() def ignore_keypress(self, event) -> None: self.event_time_to_ignore = event.time # API def run_all_ui_callbacks(self, update_plot: bool = True): all_callbacks: set[Callable[[], None]] = set() # Use a set so we don't call same callback multiple times for k, callbacks in self.ui_callbacks.items(): all_callbacks.update(callbacks) for fn in all_callbacks: fn() if update_plot: self.update_plot() def set_value(self, key: SetterKey, value: float, update_plot: bool = True) -> None: for fn in self.setter_callbacks[key]: fn(value) for fn in self.ui_callbacks[key]: fn() if update_plot: self.update_plot() def set_step(self, step: float) -> None: if not step > 0: raise ValueError('step must be greater than zero') self.step_size = step # Buttons def increase_step(self) -> None: self.set_value('step', self.step_size * 10, update_plot=False) def decrease_step(self) -> None: self.set_value('step', self.step_size / 10, update_plot=False) def move_up(self) -> None: self.set_value('y0', self.get_observation().get_y0() + self.step_size) def move_up_right(self) -> None: self.set_value( 'y0', self.get_observation().get_y0() + self.step_size, update_plot=False ) self.set_value('x0', self.get_observation().get_x0() + self.step_size) def move_right(self) -> None: self.set_value('x0', self.get_observation().get_x0() + self.step_size) def move_down_right(self) -> None: self.set_value( 'y0', self.get_observation().get_y0() - self.step_size, update_plot=False ) self.set_value('x0', self.get_observation().get_x0() + self.step_size) def move_down(self) -> None: self.set_value('y0', self.get_observation().get_y0() - self.step_size) def move_down_left(self) -> None: self.set_value( 'y0', self.get_observation().get_y0() - self.step_size, update_plot=False ) self.set_value('x0', self.get_observation().get_x0() - self.step_size) def move_left(self) -> None: self.set_value('x0', self.get_observation().get_x0() - self.step_size) def move_up_left(self) -> None: self.set_value( 'y0', self.get_observation().get_y0() + self.step_size, update_plot=False ) self.set_value('x0', self.get_observation().get_x0() - self.step_size) def rotate_left(self) -> None: self.set_value( 'rotation', self.get_observation().get_rotation() - self.step_size ) def rotate_right(self) -> None: self.set_value( 'rotation', self.get_observation().get_rotation() + self.step_size ) def increase_radius(self) -> None: self.set_value('r0', self.get_observation().get_r0() + self.step_size) def decrease_radius(self) -> None: try: self.set_value('r0', self.get_observation().get_r0() - self.step_size) except ValueError: # hide value error message when trying to go r0<0 pass # File IO def save_button(self) -> None: SaveObservation(self) def maybe_replace_string_with_x11_bugfix(self, s: str) -> str: # X11 font bug if USE_X11_FONT_BUGFIX: s = s.translate(X11_FONT_BUGRIX_TRANSLATIONS) return s def display_header(self) -> None: HeaderDisplay(self)
class Popup: def get_int( self, string_variable: tk.StringVar | str, name: str, positive: bool = True, minimum: int | None = None, maximum: int | None = None, ) -> int: if isinstance(string_variable, tk.StringVar): s = string_variable.get() else: s = string_variable try: value = int(s) except ValueError: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title=f'Error parsing {name}', message=f'Could not convert {name} {s!r} to int', ) raise if not np.isfinite(value): tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title=f'Error parsing {name}', message=f'{name.capitalize()} must be finite', ) raise ValueError if positive and not value > 0: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title=f'Error parsing {name}', message=f'{name.capitalize()} must be greater than zero', ) raise ValueError if minimum is not None and value < minimum: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title=f'Error parsing {name}', message=f'{name.capitalize()} must not be less than {minimum}', ) raise ValueError if maximum is not None and value > maximum: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title=f'Error parsing {name}', message=f'{name.capitalize()} must not be greater than {maximum}', ) raise ValueError return value def get_float( self, string_variable: tk.StringVar | str, name: str, positive: bool = True, finite: bool = True, ) -> float: if isinstance(string_variable, tk.StringVar): s = string_variable.get() else: s = string_variable try: value = float(s) except ValueError: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title=f'Error parsing {name}', message=f'Could not convert {name} {s!r} to float', ) raise if finite and not math.isfinite(value): tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title=f'Error parsing {name}', message=f'{name.capitalize()} must be finite', ) raise ValueError if positive and not value > 0: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title=f'Error parsing {name}', message=f'{name.capitalize()} must be greater than zero', ) raise ValueError return value # File IO popups class OpenObservation(Popup): def __init__(self, gui: GUI, first_run: bool) -> None: self.gui = gui self.first_run = first_run try: self.gui.root except AttributeError: self.first_run = True self.make_widget() self.make_menu() if self.first_run: self.window.mainloop() def make_widget(self) -> None: if self.first_run: self.window = tk.Tk() self.window.title('PlanetMapper') self.gui.configure_style(self.window) geometry = self.gui.DEFAULT_GEOMETRY else: self.window = tk.Toplevel(self.gui.root) self.window.title('Observation settings') self.window.grab_set() self.window.transient(self.gui.root) geometry = self.gui.root.geometry() x, y = (int(s) for s in geometry.split('+')[1:]) self.window.geometry( '{sz}+{x:.0f}+{y:.0f}'.format( sz='600x400', x=x + 50, y=y + 50, ) ) frame = ttk.Frame(self.window) frame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') frame = ttk.Frame(frame) frame.pack(padx=10, pady=10) for idx, (text, command) in enumerate( [ ('OK', self.click_ok), ('Cancel', self.click_cancel), ('Apply', self.click_apply), ] ): ttk.Button(frame, text=text, width=7, command=command).grid( row=0, column=idx, padx=2, ) if not self.first_run: self.window.bind('<Escape>', self.close_window) window_frame = ttk.Frame(self.window) window_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both') self.menu_frame = ttk.Frame(window_frame) self.menu_frame.pack(side='top', padx=10, pady=10, fill='x') self.heading_frame = ttk.Frame(self.menu_frame) self.heading_frame.pack(fill='x') self.grid_frame = ttk.Frame(self.menu_frame) self.grid_frame.pack(fill='x') self.window.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.close_window) def make_menu(self): kwargs = {} self.stringvars: dict[str, tk.StringVar] = {} observation = self.gui._observation if observation is not None: kwargs['path'] = observation.path kwargs['target'] = kwargs['utc'] = observation.utc kwargs['observer'] = self.stringvars['path'] = tk.StringVar(value=str(kwargs.get('path', ''))) self.stringvars['target'] = tk.StringVar(value=str(kwargs.get('target', ''))) self.stringvars['utc'] = tk.StringVar(value=str(kwargs.get('utc', ''))) self.stringvars['observer'] = tk.StringVar( value=str(kwargs.get('observer', 'EARTH')) ) self.stringvars['path'].trace_add('write', self.path_changed) heading = '\n'.join( ['Select a FITS or image (e.g. PNG, JPEG) file to navigate and map'] ) ttk.Label(self.heading_frame, text=heading + '\n').pack() self.grid: list[tuple[tk.Widget, ...]] = [ ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Path: '), ttk.Entry( self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.stringvars['path'], # state='disabled', ), ttk.Button(self.grid_frame, text='Open', command=self.get_path), ), ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Target: '), ttk.Entry(self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.stringvars['target']), ), ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Date (UTC): '), ttk.Entry(self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.stringvars['utc']), ), ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Observer: '), ttk.Entry(self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.stringvars['observer']), ), ] self.add_to_menu_grid(self.grid) self.grid_frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) value = '\n'.join(self.gui.kernels) label = '\n'.join( [ 'List of paths of SPICE kernels to load, with each path listed on a new line.', 'User "~" and glob (e.g. "*", "**") patterns will be automatically expanded:', ] ) ttk.Label(self.menu_frame, text='\n' + label).pack(fill='x') self.kernel_txt = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.menu_frame) self.kernel_txt.pack(fill='both') self.kernel_txt.insert('1.0', value) def path_changed(self, *_) -> None: path = self.stringvars['path'].get() kwargs = {} if any(path.endswith(ext) for ext in Observation.FITS_FILE_EXTENSIONS): try: with as hdul: # pylint: disable-next=no-member header = hdul[0].header # type: ignore Observation._add_kw_from_header(kwargs, header) except FileNotFoundError: pass for k, v in kwargs.items(): try: if v: self.stringvars[k].set(str(v)) except KeyError: pass def get_path(self): path = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename( title='Choose observation', parent=self.window, ) if path: self.stringvars['path'].set(str(path)) def click_ok(self) -> None: if self.apply_changes(): self.close_window() def click_apply(self) -> None: self.apply_changes() def apply_changes(self) -> bool: ObservationKwargs = TypedDict( 'ObservationKwargs', {'path': str, 'target': str, 'utc': str | float, 'observer': str}, ) observation_kwargs: ObservationKwargs = { k: v.get() for k, v in self.stringvars.items() } #  type: ignore for k, v in observation_kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, str) and len(v.strip()) == 0: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title=f'Error parsing {k}', message=f'{k!r} must not be empty' ) return False string = self.kernel_txt.get('1.0', 'end') kernels = [k.strip() for k in string.splitlines()] base.load_kernels(*kernels, clear_before=True) kernel_help = '\n' + base._SPICE_ERROR_HELP_TEXT sb = base.SpiceBase(auto_load_kernels=False) try: target = sb.standardise_body_name(observation_kwargs['target']) # pylint: disable-next=bare-except except: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error parsing target', message='Target name {!r} not recognised\n{}'.format( observation_kwargs['target'], kernel_help ), ) return False try: observer = sb.standardise_body_name(observation_kwargs['observer']) # pylint: disable-next=bare-except except: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error parsing observer', message='Observer name {!r} not recognised\n{}'.format( observation_kwargs['observer'], kernel_help ), ) return False if target == observer: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Target and observer identical', message='Target and observer must correspond to different bodies', ) return False try: observation_kwargs['utc'] = float( observation_kwargs['utc'] ) #  type: ignore except ValueError: try: spice.utc2et(observation_kwargs['utc']) #  type: ignore # pylint: disable-next=bare-except except: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error parsing utc', message='Could not parse {!r}\n{}'.format( observation_kwargs['utc'], kernel_help ), ) return False try: observation = Observation(**observation_kwargs, auto_load_kernels=False) # pylint: disable-next=broad-except except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error processing inputs', message=f'Error: {e}' + '\n\nSee terminal for more details', ) return False self.gui.set_observation(observation) self.gui.kernels = kernels return True def click_cancel(self) -> None: self.close_window() def close_window(self, *_) -> None: self.window.destroy() base.load_kernels(*self.gui.kernels, clear_before=True) def add_to_menu_grid( self, grid: list[tuple[tk.Widget, ...]], frame: ttk.Frame | None = None ) -> None: if frame is None: frame = self.grid_frame ncols = max(len(row) for row in grid) for grid_row in grid: row = frame.grid_size()[1] label = grid_row[0] widgets = grid_row[1:] label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='w', pady=5) for idx, widget in enumerate(widgets): if idx == len(widgets) - 1: colspan = ncols - len(widgets) else: colspan = 1 widget.grid(row=row, column=1 + idx, sticky='ew', columnspan=colspan) class SaveObservation(Popup): def __init__(self, gui: GUI) -> None: self.gui = gui self.make_widget() self.make_menu() self.save_nav_toggle() self.save_map_toggle() def make_widget(self) -> None: self.window = tk.Toplevel(self.gui.root) self.window.title('Save observation') self.window.grab_set() self.window.transient(self.gui.root) x, y = (int(s) for s in self.gui.root.geometry().split('+')[1:]) self.window.geometry( '{sz}+{x:.0f}+{y:.0f}'.format( sz='600x400', x=x + 50, y=y + 50, ) ) frame = ttk.Frame(self.window) frame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') frame = ttk.Frame(frame) frame.pack(padx=10, pady=10) self.save_button = ttk.Button( frame, text='Save', width=10, command=self.click_save ) self.save_button.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2) ttk.Button(frame, text='Cancel', width=10, command=self.click_cancel).grid( row=0, column=1, padx=2 ) self.window.bind('<Escape>', self.close_window) window_frame = ttk.Frame(self.window) window_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both') self.menu_frame = ttk.Frame(window_frame) self.menu_frame.pack(side='top', padx=10, pady=10, fill='x') self.heading_frame = ttk.Frame(self.menu_frame) self.heading_frame.pack(fill='x') self.grid_frame = ttk.Frame(self.menu_frame) self.grid_frame.pack(fill='x') self.saving_progress_window: SavingProgress | None = None def add_to_menu_grid( self, grid: list[tuple[tk.Widget, ...]], frame: ttk.Frame | None = None ) -> None: if frame is None: frame = self.grid_frame ncols = max(len(row) for row in grid) for grid_row in grid: row = frame.grid_size()[1] label = grid_row[0] widgets = grid_row[1:] label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='w', pady=5) for idx, widget in enumerate(widgets): if idx == len(widgets) - 1: colspan = ncols - len(widgets) else: colspan = 1 widget.grid(row=row, column=1 + idx, sticky='ew', columnspan=colspan) def make_menu(self): path = self.gui.get_observation().path if path is not None: root, _ = os.path.splitext(path) if root.endswith('.fits'): # deal with e.g. .fits.gz files root, _ = os.path.splitext(root) path_nav = os.path.abspath(root + '_nav.fits') path_map = os.path.abspath(root + '_map.fits') else: path_nav = os.path.abspath( self.gui.get_observation().make_filename(suffix='_nav') ) path_map = os.path.abspath( self.gui.get_observation().make_filename(suffix='_map') ) self.save_nav = tk.IntVar(value=1) self.save_map = tk.IntVar(value=1) self.path_nav = tk.StringVar(value=path_nav) self.path_map = tk.StringVar(value=path_map) self.map_projection = tk.StringVar(value='rectangular') self.map_degree_interval = tk.StringVar(value=str(1)) self.map_lon = tk.StringVar(value=str(0)) self.map_lat = tk.StringVar(value=str(0)) self.map_output_size = tk.StringVar(value=str(100)) self.map_interpolation = tk.StringVar(value='linear') self.keep_open = tk.IntVar(value=0) self.save_nav.trace_add('write', self.save_nav_toggle) self.save_map.trace_add('write', self.save_map_toggle) self.map_projection.trace_add('write', self.save_map_toggle) self.nav_widgets: list[tk.Widget] = [] self.map_widgets: list[tk.Widget] = [] self.map_rect_widgets: list[tk.Widget] = [] self.map_ortho_widgets: list[tk.Widget] = [] self.grid_frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) LabelKwargs = TypedDict('LabelKwargs', {'sticky': str, 'pady': int}) label_kwargs = LabelKwargs(sticky='w', pady=5) # Navigated ttk.Checkbutton( self.grid_frame, text='Save navigated observation', variable=self.save_nav ).grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Path: ').grid(row=1, column=0, **label_kwargs) w = ttk.Entry(self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.path_nav) w.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ew') self.nav_widgets.append(w) w = ttk.Button(self.grid_frame, text='...', width=3, command=self.get_path_nav) w.grid(row=1, column=2) self.nav_widgets.append(w) ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text=' ').grid(row=2, column=0, **label_kwargs) # Mapped ttk.Checkbutton( self.grid_frame, text='Save mapped observation', variable=self.save_map ).grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Path: ').grid(row=4, column=0, **label_kwargs) w = ttk.Entry(self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.path_map) w.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky='ew') self.map_widgets.append(w) w = ttk.Button(self.grid_frame, text='...', width=3, command=self.get_path_map) w.grid(row=4, column=2, sticky='w') self.map_widgets.append(w) self.map_option_grid = ttk.Frame(self.grid_frame) self.map_option_grid.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky='nsew') for col in [1, 3, 5]: self.map_option_grid.grid_columnconfigure(col, weight=1) label_kwargs = LabelKwargs(sticky='w', pady=2) ttk.Label(self.map_option_grid, text='Interpolation: ').grid( row=0, column=0, **label_kwargs ) w = ttk.Combobox( self.map_option_grid, textvariable=self.map_interpolation, width=15, values=MAP_INTERPOLATIONS, state='readonly', ) w.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=5, sticky='w') self.map_widgets.append(w) ttk.Label(self.map_option_grid, text='Projection: ').grid( row=1, column=0, **label_kwargs ) w = ttk.Combobox( self.map_option_grid, textvariable=self.map_projection, width=15, values=MAP_PROJECTIONS, state='readonly', ) w.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=5, sticky='w') self.map_widgets.append(w) # Projection options width = 10 ttk.Label(self.map_option_grid, text='Degree interval: ').grid( row=2, column=0, **label_kwargs ) w = ttk.Entry( self.map_option_grid, textvariable=self.map_degree_interval, width=width ) w.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='w') self.map_rect_widgets.append(w) ttk.Label(self.map_option_grid, text='Output size: ').grid( row=3, column=0, **label_kwargs ) w = ttk.Entry( self.map_option_grid, textvariable=self.map_output_size, width=width ) w.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='w') self.map_ortho_widgets.append(w) ttk.Label(self.map_option_grid, text='Longitude: ').grid( row=3, column=2, **label_kwargs ) w = ttk.Entry(self.map_option_grid, textvariable=self.map_lon, width=width) w.grid(row=3, column=3, sticky='w') self.map_ortho_widgets.append(w) ttk.Label(self.map_option_grid, text='Latitude: ').grid( row=3, column=4, **label_kwargs ) w = ttk.Entry(self.map_option_grid, textvariable=self.map_lat, width=width) w.grid(row=3, column=5, sticky='w') self.map_ortho_widgets.append(w) message = '\n'.join( [ '', 'Click SAVE below to save the requested files', 'For larger files, backplane generation, mapping, and saving can take ~1 minute', '', ] ) ttk.Label(self.menu_frame, text='\n' + message, justify='center').pack() ttk.Checkbutton( self.menu_frame, text='Keep this popup open after saving files', variable=self.keep_open, ).pack() def get_path_nav(self) -> None: self.get_path(self.path_nav) def get_path_map(self) -> None: self.get_path(self.path_map) def get_path(self, stringvar: tk.StringVar) -> None: path = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename( parent=self.window, confirmoverwrite=True, initialfile=stringvar.get(), ) if len(path.strip()) > 0: stringvar.set(path) def save_nav_toggle(self, *_) -> None: self.toggle(bool(self.save_nav.get()), self.nav_widgets) def save_map_toggle(self, *_) -> None: map_enabled = bool(self.save_map.get()) projection_type = self.map_projection.get() self.toggle(map_enabled, self.map_widgets) self.toggle( map_enabled and projection_type in {'rectangular'}, self.map_rect_widgets ) self.toggle( map_enabled and projection_type in {'orthographic', 'azimuthal', 'azimuthal equal area'}, self.map_ortho_widgets, ) def toggle(self, enabled: bool, widgets: list[tk.Widget]) -> None: for widget in widgets: if enabled: if isinstance(widget, ttk.Combobox): widget['state'] = ['readonly'] else: widget['state'] = 'normal' else: widget['state'] = 'disable' if any(iv.get() for iv in [self.save_nav, self.save_map]): self.save_button['state'] = 'normal' else: self.save_button['state'] = 'disable' def click_save(self) -> None: self.try_run_save() def click_cancel(self) -> None: self.close_window() def close_window(self, *_) -> None: self.window.destroy() def try_run_save(self) -> None: save_nav = bool(self.save_nav.get()) save_map = bool(self.save_map.get()) map_kw: MapKwargs = {} path_map = self.path_map.get().strip() path_nav = self.path_nav.get().strip() keep_open = bool(self.keep_open.get()) interpolation = 'linear' if (save_nav and len(path_nav) == 0) or (save_map and len(path_map) == 0): tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error saving file', message='File paths must not be empty', ) return try: if save_map: interpolation = self.map_interpolation.get() map_kw['projection'] = self.map_projection.get() if map_kw['projection'] in {'rectangular'}: map_kw['degree_interval'] = self.get_float( self.map_degree_interval, name='degree interval', positive=True, finite=True, ) if map_kw['projection'] in {'orthographic', 'azimuthal'}: map_kw['size'] = self.get_int( self.map_output_size, name='output size', positive=True, ) map_kw['lon'] = self.get_float( self.map_lon, name='longitude', positive=False, finite=True, ) map_kw['lat'] = self.get_float( self.map_lat, name='latitude', positive=False, finite=True, ) except ValueError: return # If we get to this point, everything should (hopefully) be working saving_process = SavingProgress( self, save_nav=save_nav, path_nav=path_nav, save_map=save_map, path_map=path_map, interpolation=interpolation, map_kw=map_kw, keep_open=keep_open, ) try: saving_process.run_save() # pylint: disable-next=broad-except except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error saving files', message=f'Error: {e}' + '\n\nSee terminal for more details', ) return finally: self.gui.get_observation()._remove_progress_hook() self.gui.set_help_hint( 'File{s} saved successfully'.format(s='s' if save_nav and save_map else ''), color='green', ) class SavingProgress(Popup): def __init__( self, parent: SaveObservation, save_nav: bool, path_nav: str, save_map: bool, path_map: str, interpolation: str, map_kw: MapKwargs, keep_open: bool, ): self.parent = parent self.parent.saving_progress_window = self self.save_nav = save_nav self.path_nav = path_nav self.save_map = save_map self.path_map = path_map self.interpolation = interpolation self.map_kw = map_kw self.keep_open = keep_open self.make_window() self.make_required_widgets() def make_window(self) -> None: self.window = tk.Toplevel(self.parent.window) self.window.transient(self.parent.window) self.window.grab_set() self.window.title('Saving files...') x, y = (int(s) for s in self.parent.window.geometry().split('+')[1:]) self.window.geometry( '{sz}+{x:.0f}+{y:.0f}'.format(sz='500x175', x=x + 50, y=y + 50) ) self.frame = ttk.Frame(self.window) self.frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both') def make_required_widgets(self) -> None: if self.save_nav: self.nav_widgets = self.make_widgets('Saving navigated observation...') if self.save_map: self.map_widgets = self.make_widgets('Saving mapped observation...') button_frame = ttk.Frame(self.frame) button_frame.pack(padx=10, pady=10, fill='x') self.close_button = ttk.Button( button_frame, command=self.click_close, text='Close', width=10, ) def make_widgets(self, label: str) -> dict[str, tk.Widget]: frame = ttk.Frame(self.frame) frame.pack(padx=10, pady=10, fill='x') widgets = {} text_frame = ttk.Frame(frame) text_frame.pack(fill='x') widgets['label'] = ttk.Label(text_frame, text=label, justify='left') widgets['label'].pack(side='left') widgets['message'] = ttk.Label(text_frame, text='', justify='right') widgets['message'].pack(side='right') widgets['bar'] = ttk.Progressbar(frame) widgets['bar'].pack(fill='x') return widgets def run_save(self) -> None: SaveKwargs = TypedDict( 'SaveKwargs', {'show_progress': bool, 'print_info': bool} ) save_kwargs = SaveKwargs(show_progress=False, print_info=True) observation = self.parent.gui.get_observation() if self.save_nav: observation._set_progress_hook(SaveNavProgressHookGUI(**self.nav_widgets)) observation.save_observation(self.path_nav, **save_kwargs) observation._remove_progress_hook() if self.save_map: n_wavelengths = len(self.parent.gui.get_observation().data) observation._set_progress_hook( SaveMapProgressHookGUI(n_wavelengths, **self.map_widgets) ) observation.save_mapped_observation( self.path_map, interpolation=self.interpolation, # type: ignore **self.map_kw, **save_kwargs, ) observation._remove_progress_hook() self.close_button.pack() self.window.title('Saving files complete') def click_close(self) -> None: self.destroy() if not self.keep_open: self.parent.close_window() def destroy(self) -> None: self.window.destroy() self.parent.gui.get_observation()._remove_progress_hook() self.parent.saving_progress_window = None class HeaderDisplay(Popup): def __init__(self, gui: GUI) -> None: self.gui = gui self.make_widget() def make_widget(self) -> None: self.window = tk.Toplevel(self.gui.root) self.window.title('FITS Header') self.window.grab_set() self.window.transient(self.gui.root) geometry = self.gui.root.geometry() x, y = (int(s) for s in geometry.split('+')[1:]) self.window.geometry( '{sz}+{x:.0f}+{y:.0f}'.format( sz='650x800', x=x + 50, y=y + 50, ) ) self.window_frame = ttk.Frame(self.window) self.window_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both') self.content_frame = ttk.Frame(self.window_frame) self.content_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both') self.window.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.close_window) self.window.bind('<Escape>', self.close_window) self.add_header_widget() def add_header_widget(self) -> None: self.header_txt = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.content_frame) self.header_txt.pack(expand=True, fill='both') self.header_txt.insert('1.0', self.get_header_string()) self.header_txt.configure(state='disabled') def get_header_string(self) -> str: header = self.gui.get_observation().header return header.tostring(sep='\n') def click_close(self) -> None: self.close_window() def close_window(self, *_) -> None: self.window.destroy() # Progress hooks class SaveProgressHookGUI(progress._SaveProgressHook): def __init__( self, label: ttk.Label, bar: ttk.Progressbar, message: ttk.Label, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.label = label = bar self.message = message def update_bar(self, progress_change: float) -> None: if self.progress_parts.get(self.default_key, 0) >= 1:['value'] = 100 self.message.configure(text='Complete') else:['value'] = self.overall_progress * 100 self.message.configure(text=format(self.overall_progress, '.0%')) class SaveNavProgressHookGUI(progress._SaveNavProgressHook, SaveProgressHookGUI): pass class SaveMapProgressHookGUI(progress._SaveMapProgressHook, SaveProgressHookGUI): pass # Artist settings popups class ArtistSetting(Popup, ABC): def __init__( self, gui: GUI, parent: tk.Widget, key: PlotKey, label: str | None = None, hint: str | None = None, callbacks: list[Callable[[], None]] | None = None, row: int | None = None, ): self.parent = parent self.key: PlotKey = key self.gui = gui self._enable_callback = True if label is None: label = key self.label = label self.callbacks = callbacks if row is None: row = parent.grid_size()[1] self.enabled = tk.IntVar() self.enabled.set(self.gui.plot_settings[self.key].get('visible', True)) self.enabled.trace_add('write', self.checkbutton_toggle) self.checkbutton = ttk.Checkbutton( parent, text=self.label, variable=self.enabled ) self.checkbutton.grid(column=0, row=row, sticky='nsew') self.button = ttk.Button( parent, text='Edit', width=4, command=self.button_click ) self.button.grid(column=1, row=row, sticky='e') if hint: self.gui.add_tooltip(self.checkbutton, 'Show ' + hint) self.gui.add_tooltip(self.button, 'Format ' + hint) def checkbutton_toggle(self, *_) -> None: enabled = bool(self.enabled.get()) if enabled: self.button['state'] = 'normal' else: self.button['state'] = 'disable' for artist in self.gui.plot_handles[self.key]: artist.set_visible(enabled) self.gui.plot_settings[self.key]['visible'] = enabled self.gui.update_plot() def button_click(self) -> None: self.make_window() def make_window(self) -> None: self.window = tk.Toplevel(self.gui.root) self.window.title(self.label) self.window.grab_set() self.window.transient(self.gui.root) x, y = (int(s) for s in self.gui.root.geometry().split('+')[1:]) self.window.geometry( '{sz}+{x:.0f}+{y:.0f}'.format( sz=self.get_window_size(), x=x + 50, y=y + 50, ) ) frame = ttk.Frame(self.window) frame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') frame = ttk.Frame(frame) frame.pack(padx=10, pady=10) for idx, (text, command) in enumerate( [ ('OK', self.click_ok), ('Cancel', self.click_cancel), ('Apply', self.click_apply), ] ): ttk.Button(frame, text=text, width=7, command=command).grid( row=0, column=idx, padx=2, ) self.window.bind('<Escape>', self.close_window) window_frame = ttk.Frame(self.window) window_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both') self.menu_frame = ttk.Frame(window_frame) self.menu_frame.pack(side='top', padx=10, pady=10) self.grid_frame = ttk.Frame(self.menu_frame) self.grid_frame.pack() self.make_menu() @abstractmethod def make_menu(self) -> None: ... @abstractmethod def apply_settings(self) -> bool: ... def run_callbacks(self) -> None: if self.callbacks is None: # Update artists in place settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] if settings: plt.setp(self.gui.plot_handles[self.key], **settings) else: # Replot artists for callback in self.callbacks: callback() self.gui.update_plot() def close_window(self, *_) -> None: self.window.destroy() def click_ok(self) -> None: if self.apply_settings(): self.run_callbacks() self.close_window() def click_apply(self) -> None: if self.apply_settings(): self.run_callbacks() def click_cancel(self) -> None: self.close_window() def add_to_menu_grid( self, grid: list[tuple[tk.Widget, tk.Widget]], frame: ttk.Frame | None = None ) -> None: if frame is None: frame = self.grid_frame for label, widget in grid: row = frame.grid_size()[1] label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='w', pady=5) widget.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') def get_window_size(self) -> str: return '350x350' class PlotImageSetting(ArtistSetting): REPLOT_DELAY_MS = 100 def __init__( self, gui: GUI, parent: tk.Widget, key: PlotKey, label: str | None = None, hint: str | None = None, callbacks: list[Callable[[], None]] | None = None, row: int | None = None, ): super().__init__(gui, parent, key, label, hint, callbacks, row) row = parent.grid_size()[1] self.tools_frame = ttk.Frame(parent) self.tools_frame.grid( row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='nsew' ) general_settings = self.gui.plot_settings['_'] self.single_wavelength_enabled = tk.IntVar( value=int(general_settings.setdefault('image_mode', 'single') == 'single') ) self.wavelength_variable = tk.IntVar( value=int(general_settings.setdefault('image_idx_single', 0)) ) self.single_wavelength_checkbutton = ttk.Checkbutton( self.tools_frame, text='Single wavelength', variable=self.single_wavelength_enabled, ) self.single_wavelength_checkbutton.pack() self.wavelength_slider = ttk.Scale( self.tools_frame, variable=self.wavelength_variable, from_=0, to=self.gui.get_observation().data.shape[0], ) self.wavelength_slider.pack(fill='x') self.enabled.trace_add('write', self.update_tool_ui_state) self.single_wavelength_enabled.trace_add( 'write', self.on_single_wavelength_checkbutton_change ) self.wavelength_variable.trace_add('write', self.on_wavelength_slider_change) self.gui.add_tooltip( self.single_wavelength_checkbutton, 'Toggle displaying single wavelength or average of all wavelengths (click Edit for more options)', ) self.gui.add_tooltip( self.wavelength_slider, 'Change displayed wavelength (click Edit for more options)', ) self.in_tool_updating_state = False self.update_tool_ui_state() def on_single_wavelength_checkbutton_change(self, *_) -> None: if self.in_tool_updating_state or self.gui.get_observation().data.shape[0] < 2: return is_single = bool(self.single_wavelength_enabled.get()) self.gui.plot_settings['_']['image_mode'] = 'single' if is_single else 'sum' self.schedule_replot(skip_full_delay=True) def on_wavelength_slider_change(self, *_) -> None: if self.in_tool_updating_state or self.gui.get_observation().data.shape[0] < 2: return wavelength_idx = self.wavelength_variable.get() if not self.single_wavelength_enabled.get(): # tick the checkbox if user changes the slider value if wavelength_idx != self.gui.plot_settings['_']['image_idx_single']: self.single_wavelength_enabled.set(1) self.gui.plot_settings['_']['image_idx_single'] = wavelength_idx self.schedule_replot() def schedule_replot(self, skip_full_delay: bool = False) -> None: self.gui.add_delayed_action( 'update_only_image', 1 if skip_full_delay else self.REPLOT_DELAY_MS, self.gui.update_only_image, ) def update_tool_ui_state(self, *_) -> None: self.in_tool_updating_state = True try: general_settings = self.gui.plot_settings['_'] n_wavelengths = self.gui.get_observation().data.shape[0] enable = self.enabled.get() and n_wavelengths > 1 is_single_wavelength = bool( general_settings.setdefault('image_mode', 'single') == 'single' ) wavelength_idx = int(general_settings.setdefault('image_idx_single', 0)) self.single_wavelength_enabled.set(int(is_single_wavelength)) self.wavelength_variable.set(wavelength_idx) self.single_wavelength_checkbutton.configure( state='normal' if enable else 'disable', ) self.wavelength_slider.configure( to=n_wavelengths - 1, state='normal' if enable else 'disable', ) finally: self.in_tool_updating_state = False def make_menu(self) -> None: settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] general_settings = self.gui.plot_settings['_'] self.cmap = tk.StringVar(value=settings.setdefault('cmap', 'gray')) self.image_vmin = tk.StringVar( value=str(general_settings.setdefault('image_vmin', 0)) ) self.image_vmax = tk.StringVar( value=str(general_settings.setdefault('image_vmax', 100)) ) self.image_limit_type = tk.StringVar( value=str(general_settings.setdefault('image_limit_type', 'absolute')) ) self.image_mode = tk.StringVar( value=general_settings.setdefault('image_mode', 'single') ) self.image_idx_single = tk.StringVar( value=str(general_settings.setdefault('image_idx_single', 0)) ) self.image_idx_r = tk.StringVar( value=str(general_settings.setdefault('image_idx_r', 0)) ) self.image_idx_g = tk.StringVar( value=str(general_settings.setdefault('image_idx_g', 0)) ) self.image_idx_b = tk.StringVar( value=str(general_settings.setdefault('image_idx_b', 0)) ) self.image_gamma = tk.StringVar( value=str(general_settings.setdefault('image_gamma', 1)) ) # Image mode selection frame_top = ttk.Frame(self.grid_frame) frame_top.pack() ttk.Label(frame_top, text='Image mode:').pack() for mode, (fn, desc) in self.gui.image_modes.items(): ttk.Radiobutton( frame_top, text=desc, value=mode, variable=self.image_mode, ).pack(fill='x') ttk.Label(frame_top, text='').pack() # spacer # Settings frame = ttk.Frame(self.grid_frame) frame.pack() idx_max = self.gui.get_observation().data.shape[0] - 1 class IndexInput(ttk.Spinbox): def __init__(self, textvariable: tk.StringVar): super().__init__( frame, textvariable=textvariable, from_=0, to=idx_max, increment=1, width=10, ) self.grid: list[ tuple[tk.Widget, tk.Widget, set[ImageMode | Literal['_readonly']]] ] = [ ( ttk.Label(frame, text='Wavelength index (single): '), IndexInput(self.image_idx_single), {'single'}, ), ( ttk.Label(frame, text='Wavelength index (red): '), IndexInput(self.image_idx_r), {'rgb'}, ), ( ttk.Label(frame, text='Wavelength index (green): '), IndexInput(self.image_idx_g), {'rgb'}, ), ( ttk.Label(frame, text='Wavelength index (blue): '), IndexInput(self.image_idx_b), {'rgb'}, ), ( ttk.Label(frame, text='Matplotlib colormap: '), ttk.Combobox( frame, textvariable=self.cmap, values=CMAPS, width=10, ), {'single', 'sum'}, ), ( ttk.Label(frame, text='gamma: '), ttk.Spinbox( frame, textvariable=self.image_gamma, from_=0, to=100, increment=0.2, width=10, ), {'single', 'sum', 'rgb'}, ), ( ttk.Label(frame, text='vmin: '), ttk.Spinbox( frame, textvariable=self.image_vmin, from_=0, to=100, increment=5, width=10, ), {'single', 'sum'}, ), ( ttk.Label(frame, text='vmax: '), ttk.Spinbox( frame, textvariable=self.image_vmax, from_=0, to=100, increment=5, width=10, ), {'single', 'sum'}, ), ( ttk.Label(frame, text='vmin/vmax type: '), ttk.Combobox( frame, textvariable=self.image_limit_type, values=LIMIT_TYPES, width=10, state='readonly', ), {'single', 'sum', '_readonly'}, ), ] self.add_to_menu_grid([(a, b) for a, b, c in self.grid], frame=frame) msg = '\n'.join( [ '', 'Images are scaled to vary from 0 to 100,', 'so set vmin=0 and vmax=100 to show the', 'entire dynamic range.', '', 'Set vmin/vmax type to "percentile" to', 'calculate the limits as percentiles of the', 'data in the image. This can be useful if', 'your data has extreme outliers (e.g. try', 'vmin=1, vmax=99 & type=percentile).', ] ) ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text=msg).pack() self.image_mode.trace_add('write', self.change_image_mode_radio) self.change_image_mode_radio() # run initial setup def change_image_mode_radio(self, *_) -> None: mode = self.image_mode.get() for l, widget, modes in self.grid: if mode in modes: widget['state'] = 'readonly' if '_readonly' in modes else 'normal' else: widget['state'] = 'disable' def get_idx(self, stirng_variable: tk.StringVar, name: str) -> int: sz = self.gui.get_observation().data.shape[0] value = self.get_int( stirng_variable, name=name, positive=False, minimum=-sz, maximum=sz - 1 ) if value < 0: value = sz - value return value def apply_settings(self) -> bool: settings = {} general_settings = {} try: image_mode = self.image_mode.get() general_settings['image_mode'] = image_mode if image_mode == 'single': general_settings['image_idx_single'] = self.get_idx( self.image_idx_single, 'wavelength index (single)' ) if image_mode == 'rgb': general_settings['image_idx_r'] = self.get_idx( self.image_idx_r, 'wavelength index (red)' ) general_settings['image_idx_g'] = self.get_idx( self.image_idx_g, 'wavelength index (green)' ) general_settings['image_idx_b'] = self.get_idx( self.image_idx_b, 'wavelength index (blue)' ) general_settings['image_gamma'] = self.get_float( self.image_gamma, 'gamma', positive=False ) if image_mode in {'single', 'sum'}: general_settings['image_limit_type'] = self.image_limit_type.get() general_settings['image_vmin'] = self.get_float( self.image_vmin, 'vmin', positive=False ) general_settings['image_vmax'] = self.get_float( self.image_vmax, 'vmax', positive=False ) if general_settings['image_vmin'] >= general_settings['image_vmax']: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error parsing limits', message='vmin must be less than vmax', ) return False except ValueError: return False if image_mode in {'single', 'sum'}: try: cmap = self.cmap.get() except ValueError: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error parsing colormap', message=f'Unrecognised matplotlib colormap {self.cmap.get()!r}', ) return False settings['cmap'] = cmap self.gui.plot_settings[self.key].update(settings) self.gui.plot_settings['_'].update(general_settings) self.update_tool_ui_state() return True def get_window_size(self) -> str: return '350x600' class PlotLineSetting(ArtistSetting): def make_menu(self) -> None: settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] self.linewidth = tk.StringVar(value=str(settings.get('linewidth', '1.0'))) self.linestyle = tk.StringVar(value=str(settings.get('linestyle', 'solid'))) self.color = tk.StringVar(value=str(settings.get('color', 'red'))) self.add_to_menu_grid( [ ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Linewidth: '), ttk.Spinbox( self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.linewidth, from_=0.1, to=10, increment=0.1, width=10, ), ), ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Linestyle: '), ttk.Combobox( self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.linestyle, values=LINESTYLES, state='readonly', width=10, ), ), ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Colour: '), ColourButton(self.grid_frame, width=10, textvariable=self.color), ), ] ) def apply_settings(self) -> bool: settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] try: linewidth = self.get_float(self.linewidth, 'linewidth') except ValueError: return False settings['linewidth'] = linewidth settings['linestyle'] = self.linestyle.get() settings['color'] = self.color.get() return True class PlotGridSetting(PlotLineSetting): def make_menu(self) -> None: super().make_menu() self.grid_interval = tk.StringVar( value=str(self.gui.plot_settings['_'].setdefault('grid_interval', 30)) ) self.add_to_menu_grid( [ ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Grid interval (°): '), ttk.Combobox( self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.grid_interval, values=GRID_INTERVALS, width=10, ), ), ] ) def apply_settings(self) -> bool: try: grid_interval = self.get_float(self.grid_interval, 'grid interval') except ValueError: return False self.gui.plot_settings['_']['grid_interval'] = grid_interval return super().apply_settings() class PlotRingsSetting(PlotLineSetting): def make_menu(self) -> None: super().make_menu() radii_selected = self.gui.get_observation().ring_radii.copy() radii_options = data_loader.get_ring_radii().setdefault( self.gui.get_observation().target, {} ) ttk.Label(self.menu_frame, text='').pack(fill='x') # Add a spacer self.checkbox_dict: dict[tuple[float, ...], tk.IntVar] = {} for name, radii in sorted(radii_options.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): key = tuple(radii) if key in self.checkbox_dict: # Skip repeated rings (for Neptune where multiple rings have same radii # on fact sheet) continue iv = tk.IntVar() self.checkbox_dict[key] = iv label = '{n} ({r})'.format( n=name, r=', '.join(format(r, 'g') + 'km' for r in radii) ) ttk.Checkbutton(self.menu_frame, text=label, variable=iv).pack(fill='x') iv.set(all(r in radii_selected for r in radii)) for radii, iv in self.checkbox_dict.items(): # Radii will be indicated by checkbox, so remove them from the text list # Do after creating all checkboxes so that overlapping rings (e.g. Saturn's # B & C rings) don't break logic. if iv.get(): radii_selected -= set(radii) value = '\n'.join(str(r) for r in sorted(radii_selected)) label = '\n'.join( [ 'Manually list{s} ring radii in km from the'.format( s=' more' if self.checkbox_dict else '' ), 'target\'s centre below. Each radius should', 'be listed on a new line:', ] ) ttk.Label(self.menu_frame, text='\n' + label).pack(fill='x') self.txt = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.menu_frame) self.txt.pack(fill='both') self.txt.insert('1.0', value) def apply_settings(self) -> bool: rings: list[float] = [] try: string = self.txt.get('1.0', 'end') for value in string.splitlines(): value = value.strip() if value: rings.append(self.get_float(value, 'ring radius')) except ValueError: return False for radii, iv in self.checkbox_dict.items(): if iv.get(): rings.extend(radii) self.gui.get_observation().ring_radii.clear() self.gui.get_observation().ring_radii.update(rings) return super().apply_settings() def get_window_size(self) -> str: return '350x600' class PlotScatterSetting(ArtistSetting): def make_menu(self) -> None: settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] self.marker = tk.StringVar(value=str(settings.setdefault('marker', 'o'))) self.size = tk.StringVar(value=str(settings.setdefault('s', '36'))) self.color = tk.StringVar(value=str(settings.setdefault('color', 'red'))) self.add_to_menu_grid( [ ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Marker: '), ttk.Combobox( self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.marker, values=MARKERS, width=10, ), ), ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Size: '), ttk.Spinbox( self.grid_frame, textvariable=self.size, from_=1, to=100, increment=1, width=10, ), ), ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Colour: '), ColourButton(self.grid_frame, width=10, textvariable=self.color), ), ] ) def apply_settings(self) -> bool: settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] try: marker = self.marker.get() matplotlib.markers.MarkerStyle(marker) except ValueError: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error parsing marker', message=f'Unrecognised matplotlib marker {self.marker.get()!r}', ) return False try: size = self.get_float(self.size, 'size') except ValueError: return False settings['marker'] = marker settings['s'] = size settings['color'] = self.color.get() return True class PlotCoordinatesSetting(PlotScatterSetting): def __init__( self, gui: GUI, parent: tk.Widget, key: PlotKey, coordinate_list: list[tuple[float, float]], menu_label: str, label: str | None = None, hint: str | None = None, callbacks: list[Callable[[], None]] | None = None, **kwargs, ): self.coordinate_list = coordinate_list self.menu_label = menu_label super().__init__(gui, parent, key, label, hint, callbacks, **kwargs) def make_menu(self) -> None: super().make_menu() value = '\n'.join(f'{a}, {b}' for a, b in self.coordinate_list) ttk.Label(self.menu_frame, text='\n' + self.menu_label).pack(fill='x') self.txt = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.menu_frame) self.txt.pack(fill='both') self.txt.insert('1.0', value) def apply_settings(self) -> bool: values: list[tuple[float, float]] = [] try: string = self.txt.get('1.0', 'end') for line in string.splitlines(): line = line.strip().lstrip('(').rstrip(')') if line: coordinates = line.split(',') if len(coordinates) != 2: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error parsing coordinates', message=f'Line {line!r} must have exactly two values separated by a comma', ) return False values.append( tuple( self.get_float(c, 'coordinate', positive=False) for c in coordinates ) #  type: ignore ) except ValueError: return False self.coordinate_list.clear() self.coordinate_list[:] = values return super().apply_settings() def get_window_size(self) -> str: return '350x600' class PlotTextSetting(ArtistSetting): def make_menu(self) -> None: settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] self.color = tk.StringVar(value=str(settings.get('color', 'red'))) self.add_to_menu_grid( [ ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Colour: '), ColourButton(self.grid_frame, width=10, textvariable=self.color), ), ] ) def apply_settings(self) -> bool: settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] settings['color'] = self.color.get() return True class PlotOutlinedTextSetting(ArtistSetting): def make_menu(self) -> None: settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] self.color = tk.StringVar(value=str(settings.setdefault('color', 'red'))) self.outline_color = tk.StringVar( value=str(settings.setdefault('outline_color', 'red')) ) self.add_to_menu_grid( [ ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Colour: '), ColourButton(self.grid_frame, width=10, textvariable=self.color), ), ( ttk.Label(self.grid_frame, text='Outline: '), ColourButton( self.grid_frame, width=10, textvariable=self.outline_color ), ), ] ) def apply_settings(self) -> bool: settings = self.gui.plot_settings[self.key] settings['color'] = self.color.get() settings['outline_color'] = self.outline_color.get() return True class GenericOtherBodySetting(ArtistSetting): def add_other_body_menu_setting(self): label = '\n'.join( [ 'List other bodies of interest to', 'mark (e.g. moons). Body names should', 'be recognisable by SPICE (e.g "Europa"', 'or "502") with each body listed on a', 'new line:', ] ) ttk.Label(self.menu_frame, text='\n' + label).pack(fill='x') self.txt = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.menu_frame) self.txt.pack(fill='both') self.button_frame = ttk.Frame(self.menu_frame) self.button_frame.pack(fill='x', pady=3) self.add_satellites_button = ttk.Button( self.button_frame, text='Add all visible satellites in target system', command=self.add_satellites, ) self.add_satellites_button.pack() self.populate_text_box() def populate_text_box( self, bodies: list[Body | BasicBody] | None = None, append: bool = False ) -> None: if bodies is None: bodies = self.gui.get_observation().other_bodies_of_interest bodies = sorted((b for b in bodies), key=lambda b: b.target_body_id) if append: lines = [l for l in self.txt.get('1.0', 'end').splitlines() if l.strip()] else: lines = [] for b in bodies: line = if line not in lines: lines.append(line) value = '\n'.join(lines) self.txt.delete('1.0', 'end') self.txt.insert('1.0', value) def add_satellites(self) -> None: bodies = self.gui.get_observation()._get_all_satellite_bodies( skip_insufficient_data=True, only_visible=True ) self.populate_text_box(bodies, append=True) def apply_other_body_setting(self) -> bool: bodies: list[Body | BasicBody] = [] string = self.txt.get('1.0', 'end') lines = [l for line in string.splitlines() if (l := line.strip())] for line in set(lines): try: bodies.append(self.gui.get_observation().create_other_body(line)) except NotFoundError: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( title='Error parsing target name', message=f'Target {line!r} is not recognised by SPICE', ) return False self.gui.get_observation().other_bodies_of_interest.clear() self.gui.get_observation().other_bodies_of_interest[:] = bodies return True def get_window_size(self) -> str: return '350x600' class PlotOtherBodyScatterSetting(PlotScatterSetting, GenericOtherBodySetting): def make_menu(self) -> None: super().make_menu() self.add_other_body_menu_setting() def apply_settings(self) -> bool: return self.apply_other_body_setting() and super().apply_settings() class PlotOtherBodyTextSetting(PlotTextSetting, GenericOtherBodySetting): def make_menu(self) -> None: super().make_menu() self.add_other_body_menu_setting() def apply_settings(self) -> bool: return self.apply_other_body_setting() and super().apply_settings() # Generic artist settting elements class ColourButton(ttk.Button): def __init__( self, parent: tk.Widget, *args, textvariable: tk.StringVar, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.parent = parent self.textvariable = textvariable self.textvariable.set(matplotlib.colors.to_hex(textvariable.get())) super().__init__( parent, *args, command=self.command, text=self.textvariable.get(), **kwargs ) def command(self): _, color = tkinter.colorchooser.askcolor( initialcolor=self.textvariable.get(), parent=self.parent, title='Pick colour', ) if color is not None: self.textvariable.set(color) self.configure(text=color) class NumericEntry: def __init__( self, gui: GUI, parent: tk.Widget, key: SetterKey, label: str | None = None, row: int | None = None, add_callbacks: list[SetterKey] | None = None, **kw, ): self.parent = parent self.key: SetterKey = key self.gui = gui self._enable_callback = True if label is None: label = key self.label = ttk.Label(parent, text=label + ': ') = tk.StringVar()'write', self.text_input) self.entry = ttk.Entry(parent, width=10, self.gui.ui_callbacks[self.key].add(self.update_text) if add_callbacks: for k in add_callbacks: self.gui.ui_callbacks[k].add(self.update_text) self.update_text() if row is None: row = parent.grid_size()[1] self.label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e', **kw) self.entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w', **kw) self.disable_keybindings() def disable_keybindings(self): for bindings in self.gui.shortcuts.values(): for binding in bindings: if binding not in self.gui.shortcuts_to_keep_in_entry: self.entry.bind(binding, self.gui.ignore_keypress) def update_text(self) -> None: if not self._enable_callback: return self._enable_callback = False value = self.gui.getters[self.key]() self.entry.configure(foreground='black') self._enable_callback = True def format_value(self, value: float) -> str: return format(value, '.8g') def text_input(self, *_) -> None: if not self._enable_callback: return self._enable_callback = False value = try: self.gui.set_value(self.key, float(value)) self.entry.configure(foreground='black') except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError): self.entry.configure(foreground='red') self._enable_callback = True # Plotting stuff class OutlinedText(Text): def __init__( self, x: float, y: float, text: str, *args, outline_color: str = 'none', **kwargs, ): super().__init__(x, y, text, *args, **kwargs) self.set_outline_color(outline_color) def set_outline_color(self, c): self.set_path_effects( [ path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground=c), path_effects.Normal(), ] # type: ignore ) class CustomNavigationToolbar(NavigationToolbar2Tk): def __init__(self, canvas, window, *, pack_toolbar: bool = True, gui: GUI) -> None: # Default tooltips don't work with tk (on my laptop with dark mode at least) # so disable them here by setting to None, then use our custom tooltips instead. # This list also removes the Subplots button which we don't want. self.toolitems = ( ('Home', None, 'home', 'home'), ('Back', None, 'back', 'back'), ('Forward', None, 'forward', 'forward'), (None, None, None, None), ('Pan', None, 'move', 'pan'), ('Zoom', None, 'zoom_to_rect', 'zoom'), (None, None, None, None), ('Save', None, 'filesave', 'save_figure'), ) super().__init__(canvas, window, pack_toolbar=pack_toolbar) try: self._message_label.configure(foreground='#888888') # pylint: disable-next=bare-except except: pass try: for name, button in self._buttons.items(): # Get default tooltips from super() and use them for text, tooltip_text, image_file, callback in super().toolitems: if text == name: hint = tooltip_text.replace('\n', ', ') gui.add_tooltip(button, hint) break # pylint: disable-next=bare-except except: pass