Source code for planetmapper.observation

import datetime
import os
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, ParamSpec, TypeVar

import astropy.wcs
import numpy as np
import photutils.aperture
import PIL.Image
import scipy.ndimage
from import fits
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

from . import common, utils
from .base import _cache_clearable_result, _cache_stable_result
from .body_xy import BodyXY, MapKwargs, Unpack
from .progress import SaveMapProgressHookCLI, SaveNavProgressHookCLI, progress_decorator

T = TypeVar('T')
S = TypeVar('S')
P = ParamSpec('P')

[docs]class Observation(BodyXY): """ Class representing an actual observation of an astronomical body at a specific time. This is a subclass of :class:`BodyXY`, with additional methods to interact with the observed data, such as by saving a FITS file containing calculated backplane data. All methods described in :class:`BodyXY`, :class:`Body` and :class:`SpiceBase` are therefore available in instances of this class. This class can be created by either providing a `path` to a data file to be loaded, or by directly providing the `data` itself (and optionally a FITS `header`). The `nx` and `ny` values for :class:`BodyXY` will automatically be calculated from the input data. If the input data is a FITS file (or a `header` is specified), then this class will attempt to generate appropriate parameters (e.g. `target`, `utc`) by using the values in the header. This allows an instance of this class to be created with a single argument specifying the `path` to the FITS file e.g. `Observation('path/to/file.fits')`. Manually specified parameters will take precedence, so `Observation('path/to/file.fits', target='JUPITER')` will have Jupiter as a target, regardless of any values saying otherwise in the FITS header. If a FITS header is not provided (e.g. if the input path corresponds to an image file), then at least the `target` and `utc` parameters need to be specified. When an `Observation` object is created, the disc parameters `(x0, y0, r0, rotation)` initialised to the most useful values possible: 1. If the input file has previously been fit by PlanetMapper, the previous parameter values saved in the FITS header are loaded using :func:`disc_from_header`. 2. Otherwise, if there is WCS information in the FITS header, this is loaded with :func:`disc_from_wcs`. 3. Finally, if there is no useful information in the FITS header (or no header is provided), the disc parameters are initialised using :func:`centre_disc`. Args: path: Path to data file to load. If this is `None` then `data` must be specified instead. Any user (`~`) and shell variables (e.g. `$var`) in the path are automatically expanded if possible. data: Array containing observation data to use instead of loading the data from `path`. This should only be provided if `path` is None. header: FITS header which corresponds to the provided `data`. This is optional and should only be provided if `path` is None. target: Name of target body, passed to :class:`Body`. If this is unspecified, then the target will be derived from the values in the FITS header. utc: Time of observation, passed to :class:`Body`. If this is unspecified, then the time will be derived from the values in the FITS header. **kwargs: Additional parameters are passed to :class:`BodyXY`. These can be used to specify additional parameters such as`observer`. The image size is automatically determined from the data, so passing `nx`, `ny` or `sz` as arguments when creating an `Observation` object will raise a `TypeError`. """ FITS_FILE_EXTENSIONS = ('.fits', '.fits.gz') """ File extensions which will be read as FITS files. All other file extensions will be assumed to be images. """ FITS_KEYWORD = 'PLANMAP' """FITS keyword used in metadata added to header of output FITS files.""" def __init__( self, path: str | os.PathLike | None = None, *, data: np.ndarray | None = None, header: fits.Header | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: for k in ('nx', 'ny', 'sz'): if k in kwargs: raise TypeError(f'Cannot set {k} for Observation objects') self._path_arg = path self._data_arg = data self._header_arg = header # Add docstrings self.path: str | None """Path of input data file, or `None` if no file was provided.""" np.ndarray """Observed data.""" self.header: fits.Header """ FITS header containing data about the observation. If this is not provided, then a basic header will be produced containing data derived from the `target` and `utc` parameters. """ if path is not None: path = str(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path))) self.path = path self.header = None # type: ignore # TODO add warning about header being modified in place? Or copy header? if self.path is None: if data is None: raise ValueError('Either `path` or `data` must be provided') = data if header is not None: self.header = header else: # TODO should we have a way to provide both path and header for e.g. JPEGS? if data is not None: raise ValueError('`path` and `data` are mutually exclusive') if header is not None: raise ValueError('`path` and `header` are mutually exclusive') self._load_data_from_path() # TODO validate/standardise shape of data here (cube etc.) = np.asarray( if len( == 2: # Turn data into cube for consistency =[np.newaxis, ...] if self.header is not None: # type: ignore # use values from header to fill in arguments (e.g. target) which aren't # specified by the user self._add_kw_from_header(kwargs, self.header) super().__init__([-1],[-2], **kwargs) if self.header is None: # type: ignore self.header = fits.Header( { 'OBJECT':, 'DATE-OBS': self.utc, } ) try: self.disc_from_header() except ValueError: try: self.disc_from_wcs(suppress_warnings=True) except ValueError: self.centre_disc() def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'Observation({self.path!r})'
[docs] def to_body_xy(self) -> BodyXY: """ Create a :class:`BodyXY` object with the same parameters and data as this observation. Returns: :class:`BodyXY` object with the same disc parameters as this :class:`Observation` instance. """ new = BodyXY(**BodyXY._get_kwargs(self)) BodyXY._copy_options_to_other(self, new) return new
def _get_equality_tuple(self) -> tuple: # Use nan_to_num to convert NaNs to zeros, so that NaNs in the data don't # cause the equality check to fail. Then use isnan to compare the NaN masks # to ensure e.g. [1, NaN] != [1, 0]. Compare .data to get booleans rather # than numpy's array of booleans. return ( self.path, np.nan_to_num(, np.isnan(, self.header, super()._get_equality_tuple(), ) def _get_kwargs(self) -> dict[str, Any]: kw = super()._get_kwargs() | dict( path=self._path_arg, data=self._data_arg, header=self._header_arg, ) kw.pop('nx') kw.pop('ny') return kw def _load_data_from_path(self): assert self.path is not None if any(self.path.endswith(ext) for ext in self.FITS_FILE_EXTENSIONS): self._load_fits_data() else: self._load_image_data() def _load_fits_data(self): assert self.path is not None with, memmap=False) as hdul: for idx, hdu in enumerate(hdul): if is not None: data = if idx: # pylint: disable-next=no-member header = hdul[0].header.copy() # type: ignore header.update(hdu.header.copy()) else: header = hdu.header.copy() break else: raise ValueError('No data found in provided FITS file') if len(data.shape) == 2: # If greyscale image, add another dimension so that it is an image cube with # a single frame. This will ensure that data will always be a cube. data = np.array([data]) = data self.header = header def _load_image_data(self): assert self.path is not None image = np.flipud(np.array( if len(image.shape) == 2: # If greyscale image, add another dimension so that it is an image cube with # a single frame. This will ensure that data will always be a cube. image = np.array([image]) else: # If RGB image, change the axis order so wavelength is the first axis (i.e. # consistent with FITS) image = np.moveaxis(image, 2, 0) = image @classmethod def _add_kw_from_header(cls, kw: dict, header: fits.Header): # fill in kwargs with values from header (if they aren't specified by the user) _try_get_header_value( kw, header, 'target', [cls._make_fits_kw('TARGET'), 'OBJECT', 'TARGET', 'TARGNAME'], ) _try_get_header_value( kw, header, 'observer', [cls._make_fits_kw('OBSERVER'), 'TELESCOP'], value_fn=lambda v: 'EARTH' if str(v).startswith('ESO-') else v, ) _try_get_header_value( kw, header, 'utc', [cls._make_fits_kw('UTC-OBS'), 'MJD-AVG', 'EXPMID', 'DATE-AVG'], ) if 'utc' not in kw: try: # If the header has a MJD value for the start and end of the # observation, average them and use astropy to convert this # mid-observation MJD into a fits format time string beg = float(header['MJD-BEG']) #  type: ignore end = float(header['MJD-END']) #  type: ignore mjd = (beg + end) / 2 kw['utc'] = mjd except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): pass if 'utc' not in kw: try: kw['utc'] = header['DATE-OBS'] + ' ' + header['TIME-OBS'] # type: ignore except KeyError: pass _try_get_header_value( kw, header, 'utc', ['DATE-OBS', 'DATE-BEG', 'DATE-END', 'MJD-BEG', 'MJD-END'], ) _try_get_header_value( kw, header, 'observer_frame', [cls._make_fits_kw('OBSERVER-FRAME')] ) _try_get_header_value( kw, header, 'illumination_source', [cls._make_fits_kw('ILLUMINATION')] ) _try_get_header_value( kw, header, 'aberration_correction', [cls._make_fits_kw('ABCORR')] ) _try_get_header_value( kw, header, 'subpoint_method', [cls._make_fits_kw('SUBPOINT-METHOD')] ) _try_get_header_value( kw, header, 'surface_method', [cls._make_fits_kw('SURFACE-METHOD')] ) # API overrides def set_img_size(self, nx: int | None = None, ny: int | None = None) -> None: """:meta private:""" raise TypeError('Cannot set image size for Observation objects') # Auto disc id
[docs] def disc_from_header(self) -> None: """ Sets the target's planetary disc data in the FITS header generated by previous runs of `planetmapper`. This uses values such as `HIERARCH PLANMAP DISC X0` to set the disc location to be the same as the previous run. Raises: ValueError: if the header does not contain appropriate metadata values. This is likely because the file was not created by `planetmapper`. """ if ( self._make_fits_kw('MAP PROJECTION') in self.header or self._make_fits_kw('DEGREE-INTERVAL') in self.header ): raise ValueError('FITS header refers to mapped data') try: self.set_disc_params( x0=self.header[self._make_fits_kw('DISC X0')], # type: ignore y0=self.header[self._make_fits_kw('DISC Y0')], # type: ignore r0=self.header[self._make_fits_kw('DISC R0')], # type: ignore rotation=self.header[self._make_fits_kw('DISC ROT')], # type: ignore ) except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError('No disc parameters found in FITS header') from exc
def _get_wcs_from_header(self, suppress_warnings: bool = False) -> astropy.wcs.WCS: with warnings.catch_warnings(): if suppress_warnings: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=AstropyWarning) return astropy.wcs.WCS(self.header).celestial @_cache_stable_result def _get_disc_params_from_wcs( self, suppress_warnings: bool = False, validate: bool = True, use_header_offsets: bool = True, ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: wcs = self._get_wcs_from_header(suppress_warnings=suppress_warnings) if wcs.naxis == 0: raise ValueError('No WCS information found in FITS header') if validate: if not all(u == 'deg' for u in wcs.world_axis_units): raise ValueError( 'WCS coordinates are not in degrees' ) # pragma: no cover if not wcs.world_axis_physical_types == ['pos.eq.ra', 'pos.eq.dec']: raise ValueError( 'WCS axes are not RA/Dec coordinates' ) # pragma: no cover if wcs.has_distortion: raise ValueError('WCS conversion contains distortion terms') if use_header_offsets: dra_arcsec = float(self.header.get('HIERARCH NAV RA_OFFSET', 0.0)) # type: ignore ddec_arcsec = float(self.header.get('HIERARCH NAV DEC_OFFSET', 0.0)) # type: ignore dra = dra_arcsec / 3600 ddec = ddec_arcsec / 3600 else: dra = 0.0 ddec = 0.0 x0, y0 = wcs.world_to_pixel_values(self.target_ra + dra, self.target_dec + ddec) b1, b2 = wcs.pixel_to_world_values(x0, y0 + 1) c1, c2 = wcs.pixel_to_world_values(x0, y0) rotation = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(b1 - c1, b2 - c2)) s = self.angular_dist(b1, b2, c1, c2) arcsec_per_px = s * 60 * 60 # s = degrees/px r0 = self.target_diameter_arcsec / (2 * arcsec_per_px) return x0, y0, r0, rotation
[docs] def disc_from_wcs( self, suppress_warnings: bool = False, validate: bool = True, use_header_offsets: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Set disc parameters using WCS information in the observation's FITS header. See also :func:`rotation_from_wcs` and :func:`plate_scale_from_wcs`. .. note:: There may be very slight differences between the coordinates converted directly from the WCS information and the coordinates converted by PlanetMapper. Args: suppress_warnings: Hide warnings produced by astropy when calculating WCS conversions. validate: Run checks to ensure the WCS conversion has appropriate RA/Dec coordinate dimensions. use_header_offsets: If present, use the `HIERARCH NAV RA_OFFSET` and `HIERARCH NAV DEC_OFFSET` values from the FITS headerr to adjust the target's disc location by the specified arcsecond offsets. If these keywords are not present or `use_header_offsets` is `False`, no adjustment is made. Raises: ValueError: if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails. """ x0, y0, r0, rotation = self._get_disc_params_from_wcs( suppress_warnings, validate, use_header_offsets ) self.set_x0(x0) self.set_y0(y0) self.set_r0(r0) self.set_rotation(rotation) self.set_disc_method('wcs')
[docs] def position_from_wcs(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Set disc position `(x0, y0)` using WCS information in the observation's FITS header. See also :func:`disc_from_wcs`. Args: *args, **kwargs: See :func:`disc_from_wcs` for additional arguments. Raises: ValueError: if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails. """ x0, y0, r0, rotation = self._get_disc_params_from_wcs(*args, **kwargs) self.set_x0(x0) self.set_y0(y0) self.set_disc_method('wcs_position')
[docs] def rotation_from_wcs(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Set disc rotation using WCS information in the observation's FITS header. See also :func:`disc_from_wcs`. Args: *args, **kwargs: See :func:`disc_from_wcs` for additional arguments. Raises: ValueError: if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails. """ x0, y0, r0, rotation = self._get_disc_params_from_wcs(*args, **kwargs) self.set_rotation(rotation) self.set_disc_method('wcs_rotation')
[docs] def plate_scale_from_wcs(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Set plate scale (i.e. `r0`) using WCS information in the observation's FITS header. See also :func:`disc_from_wcs`. Args: *args, **kwargs: See :func:`disc_from_wcs` for additional arguments. Raises: ValueError: if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails. """ x0, y0, r0, rotation = self._get_disc_params_from_wcs(*args, **kwargs) self.set_r0(r0) self.set_disc_method('wcs_plate_scale')
[docs] def get_wcs_offset(self, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: """ .. warning :: This is a beta feature and the API may change in future. Get the difference between the current disc parameters and the disc parameters calculated from the WCS information in the observation's FITS header. For example, this function can be used to retrieve the cumulative offset after adjusting the disc position: :: # Initialise disc with parameters from WCS observation.disc_from_wcs() # Adjust the disc position observation.adjust_disc_params(1, 2, 3, 4) observation.adjust_disc_params(dx=0.1) # Retrieve the cumulative offset print(observation.get_wcs_offset()) # (1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) Similarly, this function can be used to retrieve the offset after running the GUI to fit the disc: :: observation.run_gui() print(observation.get_wcs_offset()) See also :func:`get_wcs_arcsec_offset`. Args: *args, **kwargs: See :func:`disc_from_wcs` for additional arguments. Returns: `(dx, dy, dr, drotation)` tuple containing the differences in disc parameters between the current disc parameters (i.e. those returned by :func:`BodyXY.get_disc_params`) and the disc parameters calculated from the WCS information in the observation's FITS header. `dx` and `dy` give the difference in the disc centre position in pixels, `dr` gives the difference in the disc radius in pixels, and `drotation` gives the difference in the rotation angle in degrees. Raises: ValueError: if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails. """ x0_wcs, y0_wcs, r0_wcs, rotation_wcs = self._get_disc_params_from_wcs( *args, **kwargs ) dx = self.get_x0() - x0_wcs dy = self.get_y0() - y0_wcs dr = self.get_r0() - r0_wcs drotation = (self.get_rotation() - rotation_wcs) % 360 return dx, dy, dr, drotation
[docs] def get_wcs_arcsec_offset( self, *args, check_is_position_offset_only: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> tuple[float, float]: """ .. warning :: This is a beta feature and the API may change in future. Get the offset in RA/Dec celestial coordinates between the current disc location and the disc location calculated from the WCS information in the observation's FITS header. For example, this function can be used to retrieve the cumulative offset after adjusting the disc position: :: # Initialise disc with parameters from WCS observation.disc_from_wcs() # Adjust the disc position observation.add_arcsec_offset(10, 10) observation.add_arcsec_offset(dra_arcsec=1.23) # Retrieve the cumulative offset print(observation.get_wcs_arcsec_offset()) # (11.23, 10.0) Similarly, this function can be used to retrieve the offset after running the GUI to fit the disc: :: observation.run_gui() print(observation.get_wcs_arcsec_offset()) The RA/Dec offsets returned by this function are generally only meaningful if the disc location `(x0, y0)` is the only difference between the current disc parameters and those derived from the WCS. Therefore, by default this function checks that the `dr` and `drotation` values returned by :func:`get_wcs_offset` are sufficiently small to be considered a position offset only, and raises a `ValueError` if this is not the case. This check can be disabled by setting `check_is_position_offset_only` to `False`. See also :func:`get_wcs_offset`. Args: *args, **kwargs: See :func:`disc_from_wcs` for additional arguments. check_is_position_offset_only: If `True` (the default), check that the `dr` and `drotation` values returned by :func:`get_wcs_offset` are sufficiently small to be considered a position offset only. If this is `False`, then the `dr` and `drotation` values are not checked. Returns: `(dra_arcsec, ddec_arcsec)` tuple containing the offsets in arcseconds in the RA and Dec celestial coordinates between the current disc location (i.e. those returned by :func:`BodyXY.get_disc_params`) and the disc location calculated from the WCS information in the observation's FITS header. Raises: ValueError: if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails. A ValueError is also raised if `check_is_position_offset_only` is `True` and the `dr` or `drotation` values returned by :func:`get_wcs_offset` are not sufficiently small. """ dx, dy, dr, drotation = self.get_wcs_offset(*args, **kwargs) if check_is_position_offset_only: if abs(dr) > 1e-3: raise ValueError( f'r0 is different between WCS and observation (dr={dr})' ) if abs((drotation + 180) % 360 - 180) > 1e-3: # ^ modulo operation makes 359 -> -1 so -ve drotation works properly raise ValueError( f'rotation is different between WCS and observation (drotation={drotation})' ) ra0, dec0 = self.xy2radec(0, 0) ra1, dec1 = self.xy2radec(dx, dy) dra_arcsec = (ra1 - ra0) * 3600 ddec_arcsec = (dec1 - dec0) * 3600 return dra_arcsec, ddec_arcsec
def _get_img_for_fitting(self) -> np.ndarray: img = np.nansum(, axis=0) mask_img = np.isnan(img) img[mask_img] = np.nanmin(img) # Mask nan values for com calculation etc. return img
[docs] def fit_disc_position(self) -> None: """ Automatically find and set `x0` and `y0` so that the planet's disc is fit to the brightest part of the data. """ threshold_img = self._get_img_for_fitting() threshold = 0.5 * sum( [ # type: ignore np.percentile(threshold_img, 5), np.percentile(threshold_img, 95), ] ) threshold_img[np.where(threshold_img <= threshold)] = 0 threshold_img[np.where(threshold_img > threshold)] = 1 x0, y0 = np.array(scipy.ndimage.center_of_mass(threshold_img))[::-1] self.set_x0(x0) self.set_y0(y0) self.set_disc_method('fit_position')
[docs] def fit_disc_radius(self) -> None: """ Automatically find and set `r0` using aperture photometry. This routine calculates the brightness in concentric annular apertures around `(x0, y0)` and sets `r0` as the radius where the brightness decreases the fastest. Note that this uses circular apertures, so will be less reliable for targets with greater flattening and may not work well for targets which are not entirely in the image frame. Raises: ValueError: if `x0` or `y0` are not within the image frame. """ if not self._xy_in_image_frame(self.get_x0(), self.get_y0()): raise ValueError( 'x0 and y0 must be within the image frame to fit the radius' ) img = self._get_img_for_fitting() centroid = np.array([self.get_x0(), self.get_y0()]) r_ceil = max(int(min(*centroid, *(img.shape - centroid))), 2) if r_ceil > 100: r_list = np.linspace(1, r_ceil + 1, 100) else: r_list = np.array(range(1, r_ceil + 1)) apertures = [photutils.aperture.CircularAperture(centroid, r) for r in r_list] val_list = [] for aperture in apertures: table = photutils.aperture.aperture_photometry(img, aperture) aperture_sum = table['aperture_sum'].item() # type: ignore val_list.append(aperture_sum / aperture.area) val_list = np.array(val_list) r_list = r_list[1:] - 0.5 * ( r_list[1] - r_list[0] ) # Get radii corresponding to dv dv_list = np.diff(val_list) r0 = r_list[dv_list.argmin()] self.set_r0(r0) self.set_disc_method('fit_r0')
# Mapping
[docs] def get_mapped_data( self, interpolation: ( Literal['nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'] | int | tuple[int, int] ) = 'linear', *, spline_smoothing: float = 0, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs], ) -> np.ndarray: """ Projects the observed :attr:`data` onto a map. See :func:`BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates` for details about customising the projection used. For larger datasets, it can take some time to map every wavelength. Therefore, the mapped data is automatically cached (in a similar way to backplanes - see :class:`BodyXY`) so that subsequent calls to this function do not have to recompute the mapped data. As with cached backplanes, the cached mapped data is automatically cleared if any disc parameters are changed (i.e. you shouldn't need to worry about the cache, it all happens 'magically' behind the scenes). Args: interpolation: Interpolation used when mapping. This can either any of `'nearest'`, `'linear'`, `'quadratic'` or `'cubic'`. Passed to :func:`BodyXY.map_img`. spline_smoothing: Passed to :func:`BodyXY.map_img`. **map_kwargs: Additional arguments are passed to :func:`BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates` to specify and customise the map projection. Returns: Array containing cube of maped of the values in `img` at each location on the surface of the target body. Locations which are not visible or outside the projection domain have a value of NaN. """ # Return a copy so that the cached value isn't tainted by any modifications return self._get_mapped_data( interpolation=interpolation, spline_smoothing=spline_smoothing, **map_kwargs ).copy()
@_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_mapped_data( self, *, interpolation: ( Literal['nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'] | int | tuple[int, int] ), spline_smoothing: float, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs], ): projected = [] if interpolation == 'linear' and np.any(np.isnan( data = np.nan_to_num( print( 'Warning, data contains NaN values which will be set to 0 before interpolating' ) else: data = for idx, img in enumerate(data): self._update_progress_hook(idx / len(data)) projected.append( self.map_img( img, spline_smoothing=spline_smoothing, interpolation=interpolation, **map_kwargs, ) ) return np.array(projected) # Output
[docs] def append_to_header( self, keyword: str, value: str | float | bool | complex, comment: str | None = None, hierarch_keyword: bool = True, header: fits.Header | None = None, truncate_strings: bool = True, remove_existing: bool = True, ): """ Add a card to a FITS header. If a `header` is not specified, then :attr:`header` is modified. By default, the keyword is modified to provide a consistent keyword prefix for all header cards added by this routine. Args: keyword: Card keyword. value: Card value. comment: Card comment. If unspecified not comment will be added. hierarch_keyword: Toggle adding the keyword prefix from :attr:`FITS_KEYWORD` to the keyword. header: FITS Header which the card will be added to in-place. If `header` is `None`, then :attr:`header` will be modified. truncate_strings: Allow string values to be truncated if they will create a card longer than 80 characters. remove_existing: Remove any existing cards with the same key before adding the new card. """ if header is None: header = self.header if hierarch_keyword: keyword = self._make_fits_kw(keyword) if truncate_strings and isinstance(value, str): if len(keyword) + len(value) + 4 > 80: # +4 accounts for space, equals and two quotes around the value n = 80 - len(keyword) - 4 - 3 value = value[:n] + '...' if remove_existing: header.remove(keyword, ignore_missing=True, remove_all=True) with utils.filter_fits_comment_warning(): header.append(fits.Card(keyword=keyword, value=value, comment=comment))
@classmethod def _make_fits_kw(cls, keyword: str) -> str: return f'HIERARCH {cls.FITS_KEYWORD} {keyword}'
[docs] def add_header_metadata(self, header: fits.Header | None = None): """ Add automatically generated metadata a FITS header. This is automatically called by :func:`save` so `add_header_metadata` does not normally need to be called manually. Args: header: FITS Header which the metadata will be added to in-place. If `header` is `None`, then :attr:`header` will be modified. """ self.append_to_header( 'VERSION', common.__version__, 'PlanetMapper version.', header=header ) self.append_to_header('URL', common.__url__, 'Webpage.', header=header) self.append_to_header( 'DATE','%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), 'File generation datetime.', header=header, ) if self.path is not None: self.append_to_header( 'INFILE', os.path.split(self.path)[1], 'Input file name.', header=header ) self.append_to_header( 'DISC X0', self.get_x0(), '[pixels] x coordinate of disc centre.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'DISC Y0', self.get_y0(), '[pixels] y coordinate of disc centre.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'DISC R0', self.get_r0(), '[pixels] equatorial radius of disc.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'DISC ROT', self.get_rotation(), '[degrees] rotation of image.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'DISC METHOD', self.get_disc_method(), 'Method used to find disc.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'UTC-OBS', self.utc, 'UTC date of observation', header=header ) self.append_to_header( 'ET-OBS',, 'J2000 ephemeris seconds of observation.', header=header ) self.append_to_header( 'TARGET',, 'Target body name used in SPICE.', header=header ) self.append_to_header( 'TARGET-ID', self.target_body_id, 'Target body ID from SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'SUBPOINT LAT', self.subpoint_lat, '[degrees] Sub-observer pgr latitude.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'SUBPOINT LON', self.subpoint_lon, '[degrees] Sub-observer pgr longitude.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'SUBSOL LAT', self.subsol_lat, '[degrees] Sub-solar pgr latitude.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'SUBSOL LON', self.subsol_lon, '[degrees] Sub-solar pgr longitude.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'LON-DIRECTION', self.positive_longitude_direction, 'Positive pgr longitude direction.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'NP-ANGLE', self.north_pole_angle(), '[degrees] North pole angle.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'TARGET RA', self.target_ra, '[degrees] RA of target centre.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'TARGET DEC', self.target_dec, '[degrees] Dec of target centre.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'TARGET DIAMETER', self.target_diameter_arcsec, '[arcsec] Equatorial angular diameter of target.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'R EQ', self.r_eq, '[km] Target equatorial radius from SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'R POLAR', self.r_polar, '[km] Target polar radius from SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'FLATTENING', self.flattening, 'Flattening of target body.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'LIGHT-TIME', self.target_light_time, '[seconds] Light time to target from SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'DISTANCE', self.target_distance, '[km] Distance to target from SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'OBSERVER',, 'Observer name used in SPICE.', header=header ) self.append_to_header( 'TARGET-FRAME', self.target_frame, 'Target frame used in SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'OBSERVER-FRAME', self.observer_frame, 'Observer frame used in SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'ILLUMINATION', self.illumination_source, 'Illumination source used in SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'ABCORR', self.aberration_correction, 'Aberration correction used in SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'SUBPOINT-METHOD', self.subpoint_method, 'Subpoint method used in SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'SURFACE-METHOD', self.surface_method, 'Surface intercept method used in SPICE.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'OPTIMIZATION-USED', self._optimize_speed, 'Speed optimizations used.', header=header, )
[docs] def make_filename( self, extension: str = '.fits', prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '' ) -> str: """ Automatically generates a useful filename from the target name and date of the observation, e.g. `'JUPITER_2000-01-01T123456.fits'`. Args: extension: Optionally specify the file extension to add to the filename. prefix: Optionally specify filename prefix. suffix: Optionally specify filename suffix. Returns: Filename built from the target name and observation date. """ return '{prefix}{target}_{date}{suffix}{extension}'.format( prefix=prefix,, date=self.dtm.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S'), extension=extension, suffix=suffix, )
[docs] @progress_decorator def save_observation( self, path: str | os.PathLike, *, include_wireframe: bool = True, wireframe_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, show_progress: bool = False, print_info: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Save a FITS file containing the observed data and generated backplanes. The primary HDU in the FITS file will be the :attr:`data` and :attr:`header` of the observed data, with appropriate metadata automatically added to the header by :func:`add_header_metadata`. The backplanes are generated from all the registered backplanes in :attr:`BodyXY.backplanes` and are saved as additional HDUs in the FITS file. For larger image sizes, the backplane generation can be slow, so this function may take some time to complete. Args: path: Filepath of output file. include_wireframe: Toggle generating and saving wireframe overlay image as an additional backplane of the output FITS file. The wireframe is generated by :func:`BodyXY.get_wireframe_overlay_img`. wireframe_kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments passed to :func:`BodyXY.get_wireframe_overlay_img` to customise the wireframe overlay. show_progress: Display a progress bar rather than printing progress info. This does not have an effect if `show_progress=True` was set when creating this `Observation`. print_info: Toggle printing of progress information (defaults to `True`). """ path = os.fspath(path) if show_progress and self._get_progress_hook() is None: print_info = False self._set_progress_hook(SaveNavProgressHookCLI()) else: show_progress = False if print_info: print('Saving observation to', path) progress_max = 10 + len(self.backplanes) with utils.filter_fits_comment_warning(): data = header = self.header.copy() self._update_progress_hook(1 / progress_max) self.add_header_metadata(header) hdul = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data, header=header)]) for bp_idx, (name, backplane) in enumerate(self.backplanes.items()): self._update_progress_hook((bp_idx + 1) / progress_max) if print_info: print(' Creating backplane:', name) img = backplane.get_img() header = fits.Header([('ABOUT', backplane.description)]) header.add_comment('Backplane generated by PlanetMapper software.') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=img, header=header, name=name) hdul.append(hdu) if include_wireframe: if print_info: print(' Creating wireframe...') wireframe = self.get_wireframe_overlay_img(**wireframe_kwargs or {}) header = fits.Header([('ABOUT', 'Wireframe image overlay')]) header.add_comment( 'Wireframe overlay generated by PlanetMapper software.' ) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=wireframe, header=header, name='WIREFRAME') hdul.append(hdu) if print_info: print(' Saving file...') utils.check_path(path) hdul.writeto(path, overwrite=True, output_verify='warn') if print_info: print('File saved') if show_progress: self._update_progress_hook(1) self._remove_progress_hook()
[docs] @progress_decorator def save_mapped_observation( self, path: str | os.PathLike, *, interpolation: ( Literal['nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'] | int | tuple[int, int] ) = 'linear', spline_smoothing: float = 0, include_backplanes: bool = True, include_wireframe: bool = True, wireframe_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, show_progress: bool = False, print_info: bool = True, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs], ) -> None: """ Save a FITS file containing the mapped observation in a cylindrical projection. The mapped data is generated using :func:`get_mapped_data`, and mapped backplane data is saved by default. For larger image sizes, the map projection and backplane generation can be slow, so this function may take some time to complete. Args: path: Filepath of output file. interpolation: Interpolation used when mapping. This can either any of `'nearest'`, `'linear'`, `'quadratic'` or `'cubic'`. Passed to :func:`BodyXY.map_img`. spline_smoothing: Passed to :func:`BodyXY.map_img`. include_backplanes: Toggle generating and saving backplanes to output FITS file. include_wireframe: Toggle generating and saving wireframe overlay map as an additional backplane of the output FITS file. The wireframe is generated by :func:`BodyXY.get_wireframe_overlay_map`. wireframe_kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments passed to :func:`BodyXY.get_wireframe_overlay_map` to customise the wireframe overlay. show_progress: Display a progress bar rather than printing progress info. This does not have an effect if `show_progress=True` was set when creating this `Observation`. print_info: Toggle printing of progress information (defaults to `True`). **map_kwargs: Additional arguments are passed to :func:`BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates` to specify and customise the map projection. """ path = os.fspath(path) if show_progress and self._get_progress_hook() is None: print_info = False self._set_progress_hook(SaveMapProgressHookCLI(len( else: show_progress = False if print_info: print('Saving map to', path) progress_max = 15 + (len(self.backplanes) if include_backplanes else 0) with utils.filter_fits_comment_warning(): if print_info: print(' Projecting mapped data...') data = self.get_mapped_data( interpolation=interpolation, spline_smoothing=spline_smoothing, **map_kwargs, ) header = self.header.copy() self._update_progress_hook(1 / progress_max) self.add_header_metadata(header) self._add_map_header_metadata( header, interpolation=interpolation, spline_smoothing=spline_smoothing, **map_kwargs, ) self._add_map_wcs_to_header(header, **map_kwargs) hdul = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data, header=header)]) if include_backplanes: for bp_idx, (name, backplane) in enumerate(self.backplanes.items()): self._update_progress_hook((bp_idx + 1) / progress_max) if print_info: print(' Creating backplane:', name) img = backplane.get_map(**map_kwargs) header = fits.Header([('ABOUT', backplane.description)]) header.add_comment('Backplane generated by PlanetMapper software.') self._add_map_wcs_to_header(header, **map_kwargs) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=img, header=header, name=name) hdul.append(hdu) if include_wireframe: if print_info: print(' Creating wireframe...') wireframe = self.get_wireframe_overlay_map( **wireframe_kwargs or {}, #  type: ignore **map_kwargs, ) header = fits.Header([('ABOUT', 'Wireframe map overlay')]) header.add_comment( 'Wireframe overlay generated by PlanetMapper software.' ) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=wireframe, header=header, name='WIREFRAME') hdul.append(hdu) if print_info: print(' Saving file...') utils.check_path(path) hdul.writeto(path, overwrite=True, output_verify='warn') if print_info: print('File saved') if show_progress: self._update_progress_hook(1) self._remove_progress_hook()
def _add_map_header_metadata( self, header: fits.Header, *, interpolation: str | int | tuple[int, int], spline_smoothing: float, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs], ): lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer, info = self.generate_map_coordinates( **map_kwargs ) if isinstance(interpolation, tuple): interpolation = str(interpolation) self.append_to_header( 'MAP INTERPOLATION', interpolation, 'Interpolation method used in mapping.', header=header, ) if interpolation != 'nearest': self.append_to_header( 'MAP SPLINE-SMOOTHING', spline_smoothing, 'Interpolation spline smoothing factor used in mapping.', header=header, ) self.append_to_header( 'MAP PROJECTION', info['projection'], 'Projection used for mapping.', header=header, ) try: self.append_to_header( 'MAP DEGREE-INTERVAL', info['degree_interval'], '[deg] Degree interval in output map.', header=header, ) except KeyError: pass try: self.append_to_header( 'MAP LON', info['lon'], 'Central longitude of map projection.', header=header, ) except KeyError: pass try: self.append_to_header( 'MAP LAT', info['lat'], 'Central latitude of map projection.', header=header, ) except KeyError: pass try: self.append_to_header( 'MAP SIZE', info['size'], 'Size of output map.', header=header, ) except KeyError: pass def _add_map_wcs_to_header( self, header: fits.Header, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs], ) -> None: lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer, info = self.generate_map_coordinates( **map_kwargs ) if info['projection'] == 'rectangular': # Add new values header['CTYPE1'] = 'Planetographic longitude, positive {}'.format( self.positive_longitude_direction ) header['CUNIT1'] = 'deg' header['CRPIX1'] = 1 header['CRVAL1'] = lons[0][0] header['CDELT1'] = lons[0][1] - lons[0][0] header['CTYPE2'] = 'Planetographic latitude' header['CUNIT2'] = 'deg' header['CRPIX2'] = 1 header['CRVAL2'] = lats[0][0] header['CDELT2'] = lats[1][0] - lats[0][0] else: # Remove values which correspond to previous projection for n in ['1', '2']: for key in [ f'CTYPE{n}', f'CUNIT{n}', f'CRPIX{n}', f'CRVAL{n}', f'CDELT{n}', ]: header.remove(key, ignore_missing=True, remove_all=True) # Remove values which correspond to previous projection for a in ['1', '2']: for b in ['1', '2', '3']: for key in [f'PC{a}_{b}', f'PC{b}_{a}', f'CD{a}_{b}', f'CD{b}_{a}']: header.remove(key, ignore_missing=True, remove_all=True)
[docs] def run_gui(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """ Run an interactive GUI to display and adjust the fitted observation. This modifies the :class:`Observation` object in-place, so can be used within a script to e.g. interactively fit the planet's disc. Simply run the GUI, adjust the parameters until the disc is fit, then close the GUI and the :class:`Observation` object will have your new values: :: # Load in some data observation = planetmapper.Observation('exciting_data.fits') # Use the GUI to manually fit the disc and set the x0,y0,r0,rotation values observation.run_gui() # At this point, you can use the manually fitted observation observation.plot_wireframe_xy() .. hint :: Once you have manually fitted the disc, you can simply close the user interface window and the disc parameters will be updated to the new values. This means that you don't need to click the :guilabel:`Save...` button unless you specifically want to save a navigated file to disk. The return value can also be used to interactively select a locations::: observation = planetmapper.Observation('exciting_data.fits') clicks = observation.run_gui() ax = observation.plot_wireframe_radec() for x, y in clicks: ra, dec = observation.xy2radec() ax.scatter(ra, dec) See the :ref:`graphical user interface tutorial <gui examples>` for more details about the GUI. .. note :: The :guilabel:`Open...` button is hidden for user interfaces created by this method to ensure that only one :class:`Observation` object is modified by the user interface. If you want the full user interface functionality instead, then call `planetmapper` from the command line or create and run a user interface manually using :func:``. Returns: List of `(x, y)` pixel coordinate tuples corresponding to where the user clicked on the plot window to mark a location. """ # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from .gui import GUI # Prevent circular imports gui = GUI(allow_open=False) gui.set_observation(self) return gui.click_locations
def _try_get_header_value( kw: dict, header: fits.Header, kw_key: str, header_keys: list[str], value_fn: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None, ) -> bool: if value_fn is None: value_fn = lambda x: x if kw_key not in kw: for hk in header_keys: try: kw[kw_key] = value_fn(header[hk]) return True except KeyError: pass return False