Source code for planetmapper.body_xy

import datetime
import io
import math
import warnings
from import Iterator
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, NamedTuple, Protocol, TypedDict, cast

    from typing import Unpack
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Unpack
    from typing import Self
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Self

import matplotlib.patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.transforms
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import scipy.interpolate
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.collections import QuadMesh
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from spiceypy.utils.exceptions import NotFoundError

from .base import _cache_clearable_result, _cache_stable_result
from .body import AngularCoordinateKwargs, Body, WireframeComponent, WireframeKwargs
from .progress import progress_decorator

[docs]class MapKwargs(TypedDict, total=False): """ Class to help type hint keyword arguments of mapping functions. See :func:`BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates` for more details. """ projection: str degree_interval: float lon: float lat: float size: int lon_coords: np.ndarray lat_coords: np.ndarray projection_x_coords: np.ndarray projection_y_coords: np.ndarray | None xlim: tuple[float, float] | None ylim: tuple[float, float] | None
_MapKwargs = MapKwargs # keep for backward compatibility class _BackplaneMapGetter(Protocol): def __call__(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: ...
[docs]class Backplane(NamedTuple): """ NamedTuple containing information about a backplane. Backplanes provide a way to generate and save additional information about an observation, such as the longitudes/latitudes corresponding to each pixel in the observed image. This class provides a standardised way to store a backplane generation function, along with some metadata (`name` and `description`) which describes what the backplane represents. See also :attr:`BodyXY.backplanes`. Args: name: Short name identifying the backplane. This is used as the `EXTNAME` for the backplane when saving FITS files in :func:``. description: More detailed description of the backplane (e.g. including units). get_img: Function which takes no arguments returns a numpy array containing a backplane image when called. This should generally be a method such as :func:`BodyXY.get_lon_img`. get_map: Function returns a numpy array containing a map of backplane values when called. This should take map projection keyword arguments, as described in :func:`BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates`. This function should generally be a method such as :func:`BodyXY.get_lon_map`. """ name: str description: str get_img: Callable[[], np.ndarray] get_map: _BackplaneMapGetter
[docs]class BodyXY(Body): """ Class representing an astronomical body imaged at a specific time. This is a subclass of :class:`Body` with additional methods to interact with the image pixel coordinate frame `xy`. This class assumes the tangent plane approximation is valid for the conversion between pixel coordinates `xy` and RA/Dec sky coordinates `radec`. The `xy` ↔ `radec` conversion is performed by setting the pixel coordinates of the centre of the planet's disc `(x0, y0)`, the (equatorial) pixel radius of the disc `r0` and the `rotation` of the disc. These disc parameters can be adjusted using methods such as :func:`set_x0` and retrieved using methods such as :func:`get_x0`. It is important to note that conversions involving `xy` image pixel coordinates (e.g. backplane image generation) will produce different results before and after these disc parameter values are adjusted. For larger images, the generation of backplane images can be computationally intensive and take a large amount of time to execute. Therefore, intermediate results are cached to make sure that the slowest parts of code are only called when needed. This cache is managed automatically, so the user never needs to worry about dealing with it. The cache behaviour can be seen in apparently similar lines of code having very different execution times: :: # Create a new object body = planetmapper.BodyXY('Jupiter', '2000-01-01', sz=500) body.set_disc_params(x0=250, y0=250, r0=200) # At this point, the cache is completely empty # The intermediate results used in generating the incidence angle backplane # are cached, speeding up any future calculations which use these # intermediate results: body.get_backplane_img('INCIDENCE') # Takes ~10s to execute body.get_backplane_img('INCIDENCE') # Executes instantly body.get_backplane_img('EMISSION') # Executes instantly # When any of the disc parameters are changed, the xy <-> radec conversion # changes so the cache is automatically cleared (as the cached intermediate # results are no longer valid): body.set_r0(190) # This automatically clears the cache body.get_backplane_img('EMISSION') # Takes ~10s to execute body.get_backplane_img('INCIDENCE') # Executes instantly You can optionally display a progress bar for long running processes like backplane generation by `show_progress=True` when creating a `BodyXY` instance (or any other instance which derives from :class:`SpiceBase`). The size of the image can be specified by using the `nx` and `ny` parameters to specify the number of pixels in the x and y dimensions of the image respectively. If `nx` and `ny` are equal (i.e. the image is square), then the parameter `sz` can be used instead to set both `nx` and `ny`, where `BodyXY(..., sz=50)` is equivalent to `BodyXY(..., nx=50, ny=50)`. If `nx` and `ny` are not set, then some functionality (such as generating backplane images) will not be available and will raise a `ValueError` if called. :class:`BodyXY` instances are mutable and therefore not hashable, meaning that they cannot be used as dictionary keys. :func:`to_body` can be used to create a :class:`Body` instance which is hashable. Args: target: Name of target body, passed to :class:`Body`. utc: Time of observation, passed to :class:`Body`. observer: Name of observing body, passed to :class:`Body`. nx: Number of pixels in the x dimension of the image. ny: Number of pixels in the y dimension of the image. sz: Convenience parameter to set both `nx` and `ny` to the same value. `BodyXY(..., sz=50)` is equivalent to `BodyXY(..., nx=50, ny=50)`. If `sz` is defined along with `nx` or `ny` then a `ValueError` is raised. **kwargs: Additional arguments are passed to :class:`Body`. """ def __init__( self, target: str, utc: str | datetime.datetime | float | None = None, nx: int = 0, ny: int = 0, *, sz: int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: # Validate inputs if sz is not None: if nx != 0 or ny != 0: raise ValueError('`sz` cannot be used if `nx` and/or `ny` are nonzero') nx = sz ny = sz super().__init__(target, utc, **kwargs) # Document instance variables self.backplanes: dict[str, Backplane] """ Dictionary containing registered backplanes which can be used to calculate properties (e.g. longitude/latitude, illumination angles etc.) for each pixel in the image. By default, this dictionary contains a series of :ref:`default backplanes <default backplanes>`. These can be summarised using :func:`print_backplanes`. Custom backplanes can be added using :func:`register_backplane`. Generated backplane images can be easily retrieved using :func:`get_backplane_img` and plotted using :func:`plot_backplane_img`. Similarly, backplane maps cen be retrieved using :func:`get_backplane_map` and plotted using :func:`plot_backplane_map`. This dictionary of backplanes can also be used directly if more customisation is needed: :: # Retrieve the image containing right ascension values ra_image = body.backplanes['RA'].get_img() # Retrieve the map containing emission angles on the target's surface emission_map = body.backplanes['EMISSION'].get_img() # Print the description of the doppler factor backplane print(body.backplanes['DOPPLER'].description) # Remove the distance backplane from an instance del body.backplanes['DISTANCE'] # Print summary of all registered backplanes print(f'{len(body.backplanes)} backplanes currently registered:') for bp in body.backplanes.values(): print(f' {}: {bp.description}') See :class:`Backplane` for more detail about interacting with the backplanes directly. Note that a generated backplane image will depend on the disc parameters `(x0, y0, r0, rotation)` at the time the backplane is generated (e.g. calling `body.backplanes['LAT-GRAPHIC'].get_img()` or using :func:`get_backplane_img`). Generating the same backplane when there are different disc parameter values will produce a different image. This dictionary is used to define the backplanes saved to the output FITS file in :func:``. """ # Run setup self._nx: int = nx self._ny: int = ny self._x0: float = 0 self._y0: float = 0 self._r0: float = 10 self._rotation_radians: float = 0 self.set_disc_method('default') self._default_disc_method = 'manual' if self._nx > 0 and self._ny > 0: # centre disc if dimensions provided self.centre_disc() self._mpl_transform_xy2angular_fixed: matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D | None = ( None ) self._mpl_transform_angular_fixed2xy: matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D | None = ( None ) self.backplanes = {} self._register_default_backplanes()
[docs] @classmethod def from_body( cls, body: Body, nx: int = 0, ny: int = 0, *, sz: int | None = None ) -> Self: """ Create a :class:`BodyXY` instance with the same parameters as a :class:`Body` instance. Args: body: :class:`Body` instance to convert. nx: Number of pixels in the x dimension of the image. ny: Number of pixels in the y dimension of the image. sz: Convenience parameter to set both `nx` and `ny` to the same value. Returns: :class:`BodyXY` instance with the same parameters as the input :class:`Body` instance and the specified image dimensions. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access new = cls(**body._get_kwargs(), nx=nx, ny=ny, sz=sz) body._copy_options_to_other(new) return new
[docs] def to_body(self) -> Body: """ Create a :class:`Body` instance from this :class:`BodyXY` instance. Returns: :class:`Body` instance with the same parameters as this :class:`BodyXY` instance. """ new = Body(**Body._get_kwargs(self)) Body._copy_options_to_other(self, new) return new
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'BodyXY({!r}, {self.utc!r}, {self._nx!r}, {self._ny!r}, observer={!r})' __hash__ = None # type: ignore def _get_equality_tuple(self) -> tuple: return ( self._nx, self._ny, self._x0, self._y0, self._r0, self._rotation_radians, super()._get_equality_tuple(), ) def _get_kwargs(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return super()._get_kwargs() | dict( nx=self._nx, ny=self._ny, ) def _copy_options_to_other(self, other: Self) -> None: super()._copy_options_to_other(other) other.set_disc_params(*self.get_disc_params()) other.set_disc_method(self.get_disc_method()) # set_img_size is covered by nx, ny in _get_kwargs, so would be redundant here # Coordinate transformations @_cache_clearable_result def _get_xy2angular_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: # angular coords are centred on the target, so just need to: # - convert arcsec to pixels with constant scale factor (s) # - rotate by the rotation angle # - translate by the target's disc centre s = self.get_plate_scale_arcsec() # arcsec/pixel theta_radians = -self._get_rotation_radians() transform_matrix_2x2 = s * self._rotation_matrix_radians(theta_radians) offset_vector = np.array([self.get_x0(), self.get_y0()]) ) transform_matrix_3x3 = np.identity(3) transform_matrix_3x3[:2, :2] = transform_matrix_2x2 transform_matrix_3x3[:2, 2] = offset_vector return transform_matrix_3x3 @_cache_clearable_result def _get_angular2xy_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.linalg.inv(self._get_xy2angular_matrix()) def _xy2obsvec_norm(self, x: float, y: float) -> np.ndarray: a = self._get_xy2angular_matrix().dot(np.array([x, y, 1.0])) return self._angular2obsvec_norm(a[0], a[1]) def _obsvec2xy(self, obsvec: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float]: angular_x, angular_y = self._obsvec2angular(obsvec) v = self._get_angular2xy_matrix().dot(np.array([angular_x, angular_y, 1.0])) return v[0], v[1] # Composite transformations
[docs] def xy2radec(self, x: float, y: float) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Convert image pixel coordinates to RA/Dec sky coordinates. Args: x: Image pixel coordinate in the x direction. y: Image pixel coordinate in the y direction. Returns: `(ra, dec)` tuple containing the RA/Dec coordinates of the point. """ return self._obsvec2radec(self._xy2obsvec_norm(x, y))
[docs] def radec2xy(self, ra: float, dec: float) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Convert RA/Dec sky coordinates to image pixel coordinates. Args: ra: Right ascension of point in the sky of the observer dec: Declination of point in the sky of the observer. Returns: `(x, y)` tuple containing the image pixel coordinates of the point. """ return self._obsvec2xy(self._radec2obsvec_norm(ra, dec))
[docs] def xy2lonlat(self, x: float, y: float, not_found_nan=True) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Convert image pixel coordinates to longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body. Args: x: Image pixel coordinate in the x direction. y: Image pixel coordinate in the y direction. not_found_nan: Controls the behaviour when the input `x` and `y` coordinates are missing the target body. Returns: `(lon, lat)` tuple containing the longitude and latitude of the point. If the provided pixel coordinates are missing the target body, and `not_found_nan` is `True`, then the `lon` and `lat` values will both be NaN. Raises: NotFoundError: if the input `x` and `y` coordinates are missing the target body and `not_found_nan` is `False`. """ return self._obsvec_norm2lonlat(self._xy2obsvec_norm(x, y), not_found_nan)
[docs] def lonlat2xy(self, lon: float, lat: float) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Convert longitude/latitude on the target body to image pixel coordinates. Args: lon: Longitude of point on target body. lat: Latitude of point on target body. Returns: `(x, y)` tuple containing the image pixel coordinates of the point. """ return self._obsvec2xy(self._lonlat2obsvec(lon, lat))
[docs] def xy2km(self, x: float, y: float) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Convert image pixel coordinates to distances in the target plane. Args: x: Image pixel coordinate in the x direction. y: Image pixel coordinate in the y direction. Returns: `(km_x, km_y)` tuple containing distances in km in the target plane in the East-West and North-South directions respectively. """ return self._obsvec2km(self._xy2obsvec_norm(x, y))
[docs] def km2xy(self, km_x: float, km_y: float) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Convert distances in the target plane to image pixel coordinates. Args: km_x: Distance in target plane in km in the East-West direction. km_y: Distance in target plane in km in the North-South direction. Returns: `(x, y)` tuple containing the image pixel coordinates of the point. """ return self._obsvec2xy(self._km2obsvec_norm(km_x, km_y))
[docs] def xy2angular( self, x: float, y: float, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs] ) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Convert image pixel coordinates to relative angular coordinates. Args: x: Image pixel coordinate in the x direction. y: Image pixel coordinate in the y direction. **angular_kwargs: Additional arguments are used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates. See :func:`Body.radec2angular` for details. Returns: `(angular_x, angular_y)` tuple containing the relative angular coordinates of the point in arcseconds. """ return self._obsvec2angular(self._xy2obsvec_norm(x, y), **angular_kwargs)
[docs] def angular2xy( self, angular_x: float, angular_y: float, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs], ) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Convert relative angular coordinates to image pixel coordinates. Args: angular_x: Angular coordinate in the x direction in arcseconds. angular_y: Angular coordinate in the y direction in arcseconds. **angular_kwargs: Additional arguments are used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates. See :func:`Body.radec2angular` for details. Returns: `(x, y)` tuple containing the image pixel coordinates of the point. """ return self._obsvec2xy( self._angular2obsvec_norm(angular_x, angular_y, **angular_kwargs) )
def _radec_arrs2xy_arrs( self, ra_arr: np.ndarray, dec_arr: np.ndarray ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: x, y = zip(*[self.radec2xy(r, d) for r, d in zip(ra_arr, dec_arr)]) return np.array(x), np.array(y) def _xy2targvec(self, x: float, y: float) -> np.ndarray: return self._obsvec_norm2targvec(self._xy2obsvec_norm(x, y)) # Interface
[docs] def set_disc_params( self, x0: float | None = None, y0: float | None = None, r0: float | None = None, rotation: float | None = None, ) -> None: """ Convenience function to set multiple disc parameters at once. For example, `body.set_disc_params(x0=10, r0=5)` is equivalent to calling `body.set_x0(10)` and `body.set_r0(5)`. Any unspecified parameters will be left unchanged. Args: x0: If specified, passed to :func:`set_x0`. y0: If specified, passed to :func:`set_y0`. r0: If specified, passed to :func:`set_r0`. rotation: If specified, passed to :func:`set_rotation`. """ if x0 is not None: self.set_x0(x0) if y0 is not None: self.set_y0(y0) if r0 is not None: self.set_r0(r0) if rotation is not None: self.set_rotation(rotation)
[docs] def adjust_disc_params( self, dx: float = 0, dy: float = 0, dr: float = 0, drotation: float = 0 ) -> None: """ Convenience function to adjust disc parameters. This can be used to easily add an offset to disc parameter values without having to call multiple `set_...` and `get_...` functions. For example, :: body.adjust_disc_params(dy=-3.1, drotation=42) is equivalent to :: body.set_y0(body.get_y0() - 3.1) body.set_rotation(body.get_rotation() + 42) The default values of all the arguments are zero, so any unspecified values (e.g. `dx` and `dr` in the example above) are unchanged. Args: dx: Adjustment to `x0`. dy: Adjustment to `y0`. dr: Adjustment to `r0`. drotation: Adjustment to `rotation`. """ self.set_x0(self.get_x0() + dx) self.set_y0(self.get_y0() + dy) self.set_r0(self.get_r0() + dr) self.set_rotation(self.get_rotation() + drotation)
[docs] def get_disc_params(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: """ Convenience function to get all disc parameters at once. Returns: `(x0, y0, r0, rotation)` tuple. """ return self.get_x0(), self.get_y0(), self.get_r0(), self.get_rotation()
[docs] def centre_disc(self) -> None: """ Centre the target's planetary disc and make it fill ~90% of the observation. This adjusts `x0` and `y0` so that they lie in the centre of the image, and `r0` is adjusted so that the disc fills 90% of the shortest side of the image. For example, if `nx = 20` and `ny = 30`, then `x0` will be set to 10, `y0` will be set to 15 and `r0` will be set to 9. The rotation of the disc is unchanged. """ self.set_x0(self._nx / 2) self.set_y0(self._ny / 2) self.set_r0(0.9 * (min(self.get_x0(), self.get_y0()))) self.set_disc_method('centre_disc')
[docs] def set_x0(self, x0: float) -> None: """ Args: x0: New x pixel coordinate of the centre of the target body. Raises: ValueError: if `x0` is not finite. """ if not math.isfinite(x0): raise ValueError('x0 must be finite') self._x0 = float(x0) self._clear_cache()
[docs] def get_x0(self) -> float: """ Returns: x pixel coordinate of the centre of the target body. """ return self._x0
[docs] def set_y0(self, y0: float) -> None: """ Args: y0: New y pixel coordinate of the centre of the target body. Raises: ValueError: if `y0` is not finite. """ if not math.isfinite(y0): raise ValueError('y0 must be finite') self._y0 = float(y0) self._clear_cache()
[docs] def get_y0(self) -> float: """ Returns: y pixel coordinate of the centre of the target body. """ return self._y0
[docs] def set_r0(self, r0: float) -> None: """ Args: r0: New equatorial radius in pixels of the target body. Raises: ValueError: if `r0` is not greater than zero or `r0` is not finite. """ if not math.isfinite(r0): raise ValueError('r0 must be finite') if not r0 > 0: raise ValueError('r0 must be greater than zero') self._r0 = float(r0) self._clear_cache()
[docs] def get_r0(self) -> float: """ Returns: Equatorial radius in pixels of the target body. """ return self._r0
def _set_rotation_radians(self, rotation: float) -> None: self._rotation_radians = float(rotation % (2 * np.pi)) self._clear_cache() def _get_rotation_radians(self) -> float: return self._rotation_radians
[docs] def set_rotation(self, rotation: float) -> None: """ Set the rotation of the target body. This rotation defines the angle between the upwards (positive `dec`) direction in the RA/Dec sky coordinates and the upwards (positive `y`) direction in the image pixel coordinates. Args: rotation: New rotation of the target body. Raises: ValueError: if `rotation` is not finite. """ if not math.isfinite(rotation): raise ValueError('rotation must be finite') self._set_rotation_radians(np.deg2rad(rotation))
[docs] def get_rotation(self) -> float: """ Returns: Rotation of the target body. """ return np.rad2deg(self._get_rotation_radians())
[docs] def set_plate_scale_arcsec(self, arcsec_per_px: float) -> None: """ Sets the angular plate scale of the observation by changing `r0`. Args: arcsec_per_px: Arcseconds per pixel plate scale. """ self.set_r0(self.target_diameter_arcsec / (2 * arcsec_per_px))
[docs] def set_plate_scale_km(self, km_per_px: float) -> None: """ Sets the plate scale of the observation by changing `r0`. Args: km_per_px: Kilometres per pixel plate scale at the target body. """ self.set_r0(self.r_eq / km_per_px)
[docs] def get_plate_scale_arcsec(self) -> float: """ Returns: Plate scale of the observation in arcseconds/pixel. """ return self.target_diameter_arcsec / (2 * self.get_r0())
[docs] def get_plate_scale_km(self) -> float: """ Returns: Plate scale of the observation in km/pixel at the target body. """ return self.r_eq / self.get_r0()
[docs] def set_img_size(self, nx: int | None = None, ny: int | None = None) -> None: """ Set the `nx` and `ny` values which specify the number of pixels in the x and y dimension of the image respectively. Unspecified values will remain unchanged. Args: nx: If specified, set the number of pixels in the x dimension. ny: If specified, set the number of pixels in the y dimension. Raises: TypeError: if `set_img_size` is called on an :class:`Observation` instance. """ if nx is not None: self._nx = nx if ny is not None: self._ny = ny self._clear_cache()
[docs] def get_img_size(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Get the size of the image in pixels. Returns: `(nx, ny)` tuple containing the number of pixels in the x and y dimension of the image respectively """ return (self._nx, self._ny)
[docs] def set_disc_method(self, method: str) -> None: """ Record the method used to find the coordinates of the target body's disc. This recorded method can then be used when metadata is saved, such as in :func:``. `set_disc_method` is called automatically by functions which find the disc, such as :func:`set_x0` and :func:`Observation.centre_disc`, so does not normally need to be manually called by the user. Args: method: Short string describing the method used to find the disc. """ # Save disc method to the cahce. It will then be wiped automatically whenever # the disc is moved. The key used in the cache contains a space, so will never # collide with an auto-generated key from a function name (when @cache_result is # used). self._cache['disc method'] = method
[docs] def get_disc_method(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the method used to find the coordinates of the target body's disc. Returns: Short string describing the method. """ return self._cache.get('disc method', self._default_disc_method)
[docs] def add_arcsec_offset(self, dra_arcsec: float = 0, ddec_arcsec: float = 0) -> None: """ Adjust the disc location `(x0, y0)` by applying offsets in arcseconds to the RA/Dec celestial coordinates. Args: dra_arcsec: Offset in arcseconds in the positive right ascension direction. ddec_arcsec: Offset in arcseconds in the positive declination direction. """ dra = dra_arcsec / 3600 ddec = ddec_arcsec / 3600 ra0, dec0 = self.xy2radec(0, 0) dx, dy = self.radec2xy(ra0 + dra, dec0 + ddec) self.adjust_disc_params(dx=dx, dy=dy)
# Limit getters def _get_xy_corner_coordinates(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: return [ (-0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, self._ny - 0.5), (self._nx - 0.5, -0.5), (self._nx - 0.5, self._ny - 0.5), ] def _get_img_limits( self, func: Callable[[float, float], tuple[float, float]] ) -> tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]]: xy_lim = [func(x, y) for x, y in self._get_xy_corner_coordinates()] xlim = (min(x for x, _ in xy_lim), max(x for x, _ in xy_lim)) ylim = (min(y for _, y in xy_lim), max(y for _, y in xy_lim)) return xlim, ylim
[docs] def get_img_limits_radec(self) -> tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]]: """ Get the limits of the image coordinates in the RA/Dec coordinate system. This can be used to set the axis limits of a plot, for example: :: xlim, ylim = obs.get_img_limits_radec() plt.xlim(*xlim) plt.ylim(*ylim) See also :func:`get_img_limits_km` and :func:`get_img_limits_xy`. Returns: `(ra_left, ra_right), (dec_min, dec_max)` tuple containing the minimum and maximum RA and Dec coordinates of the pixels in the image respectively. """ xlim, ylim = self._get_img_limits(self.xy2radec) xlim = (xlim[1], xlim[0]) # flip xlim because RA increases to the left return xlim, ylim
[docs] def get_img_limits_km(self) -> tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]]: """ Get the limits of the image coordinates in the target centred plane. See :func:`get_img_limits_radec` for more details. Returns: `(km_x_min, km_x_max), (km_y_min, km_y_max)` tuple containing the minimum and maximum target plane distance coordinates of the pixels in the image. """ return self._get_img_limits(self.xy2km)
[docs] def get_img_limits_xy(self) -> tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]]: """ Get the limits of the image coordinates. See :func:`get_img_limits_radec` for more details. Returns: `(x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max)` tuple containing the minimum and maximum pixel coordinates of the pixels in the image. """ return self._get_img_limits(lambda x, y: (x, y))
# Illumination functions etc.
[docs] def limb_xy(self, **kwargs) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Pixel coordinate version of :func:`Body.limb_radec`. Args: **kwargs: Passed to :func:`Body.limb_radec`. Returns: `(x, y)` tuple of coordinate arrays. """ return self._radec_arrs2xy_arrs(*self.limb_radec(**kwargs))
[docs] def limb_xy_by_illumination( self, **kwargs ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Pixel coordinate version of :func:`Body.limb_radec_by_illumination`. Args: **kwargs: Passed to :func:`Body.limb_radec_by_illumination`. Returns: `(x_day, y_day, x_night, y_night)` tuple of coordinate arrays of the dayside then nightside parts of the limb. """ ra_day, dec_day, ra_night, dec_night = self.limb_radec_by_illumination(**kwargs) return ( *self._radec_arrs2xy_arrs(ra_day, dec_day), *self._radec_arrs2xy_arrs(ra_night, dec_night), )
[docs] def terminator_xy(self, **kwargs) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Pixel coordinate version of :func:`Body.terminator_radec`. Args: **kwargs: Passed to :func:`Body.terminator_radec`. Returns: `(x, y)` tuple of coordinate arrays. """ return self._radec_arrs2xy_arrs(*self.terminator_radec(**kwargs))
[docs] def visible_lonlat_grid_xy( self, *args, **kwargs ) -> list[tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """ Pixel coordinate version of :func:`Body.visible_lonlat_grid_radec`. Args: *args: Passed to :func:`Body.visible_lonlat_grid_radec`. **kwargs: Passed to :func:`Body.visible_lonlat_grid_radec`. Returns: List of `(x, y)` coordinate array tuples. """ return [ self._radec_arrs2xy_arrs(*rd) for rd in self.visible_lonlat_grid_radec(*args, **kwargs) ]
[docs] def ring_xy(self, radius: float, **kwargs) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Pixel coordinate version of :func:`Body.ring_radec`. Args: radius: Radius in km of the ring from the centre of the target body. **kwargs: Passed to :func:`Body.ring_radec`. Returns: `(x, y)` tuple of coordinate arrays. """ return self._radec_arrs2xy_arrs(*self.ring_radec(radius, **kwargs))
# Matplotlib transforms def _get_matplotlib_xy2angular_fixed_transform( self, ) -> matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D: if self._mpl_transform_xy2angular_fixed is None: self._mpl_transform_xy2angular_fixed = matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D( self._get_xy2angular_matrix() ) return self._mpl_transform_xy2angular_fixed def _get_matplotlib_angular_fixed2xy_transform( self, ) -> matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D: if self._mpl_transform_angular_fixed2xy is None: self._mpl_transform_angular_fixed2xy = matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D( self._get_angular2xy_matrix() ) return self._mpl_transform_angular_fixed2xy def _maybe_get_axis_transform( self, ax: Axes | None ) -> matplotlib.transforms.Transform: return ( ax.transData if ax is not None else matplotlib.transforms.IdentityTransform() )
[docs] def matplotlib_xy2radec_transform( self, ax: Axes | None = None ) -> matplotlib.transforms.Transform: """ Get matplotlib transform which converts between coordinate systems. Transformations to/from the `xy` coordinate system are mutable objects which can be dynamically updated using :func:`update_transform` when the `radec` to `xy` coordinate conversion changes. This can be useful for plotting data (e.g. an observed image) using image xy coordinates onto an axis using RA/Dec coordinates. :: # Plot an observed image on an RA/Dec axis with a wireframe of the target ax = obs.plot_wireframe_radec() ax.autoscale_view() ax.autoscale(False) # Prevent imshow breaking autoscale ax.imshow( img, origin='lower', transform=obs.matplotlib_xy2radec_transform(ax), ) See :func:`Body.matplotlib_radec2km_transform` for more details and notes on limitations of these linear transformations. """ self.update_transform() return ( self._get_matplotlib_xy2angular_fixed_transform() + self._get_matplotlib_transform(self.angular2radec, (0.0, 0.0), ax) )
[docs] def matplotlib_radec2xy_transform( self, ax: Axes | None = None ) -> matplotlib.transforms.Transform: self.update_transform() return ( self._get_matplotlib_transform( self.radec2angular, (self.target_ra, self.target_dec), None ) + self._get_matplotlib_angular_fixed2xy_transform() + self._maybe_get_axis_transform(ax) )
[docs] def matplotlib_xy2km_transform( self, ax: Axes | None = None ) -> matplotlib.transforms.Transform: self.update_transform() return ( self._get_matplotlib_xy2angular_fixed_transform() + self._get_matplotlib_transform(self.angular2km, (0.0, 0.0), ax) )
[docs] def matplotlib_km2xy_transform( self, ax: Axes | None = None ) -> matplotlib.transforms.Transform: self.update_transform() return ( self._get_matplotlib_transform(self.km2angular, (0.0, 0.0), None) + self._get_matplotlib_angular_fixed2xy_transform() + self._maybe_get_axis_transform(ax) )
[docs] def matplotlib_xy2angular_transform( self, ax: Axes | None = None, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs] ) -> matplotlib.transforms.Transform: self.update_transform() # f transforms from angular (fixed) -> angular (with kwargs) f = lambda ax, ay: self._obsvec2angular( self._angular2obsvec_norm(ax, ay), **angular_kwargs ) return ( self._get_matplotlib_xy2angular_fixed_transform() + self._get_matplotlib_transform(f, (0.0, 0.0), ax) )
[docs] def matplotlib_angular2xy_transform( self, ax: Axes | None = None, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs] ) -> matplotlib.transforms.Transform: self.update_transform() # f transforms from angular (with kwargs) -> angular (fixed) f = lambda ax, ay: self._obsvec2angular( self._angular2obsvec_norm(ax, ay), **angular_kwargs ) return ( self._get_matplotlib_transform(f, (0.0, 0.0), None) + self._get_matplotlib_angular_fixed2xy_transform() + self._maybe_get_axis_transform(ax) )
[docs] def update_transform(self) -> None: """ Update the matplotlib transformations involving `xy` coordinates (e.g. :func:`matplotlib_radec2xy_transform`) to use the latest disc parameter values `(x0, y0, r0, rotation)`. """ self._get_matplotlib_xy2angular_fixed_transform().set_matrix( self._get_xy2angular_matrix() ) self._get_matplotlib_angular_fixed2xy_transform().set_matrix( self._get_angular2xy_matrix() )
# Mapping
[docs] def map_img( self, img: np.ndarray, *, interpolation: ( Literal['nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'] | int | tuple[int, int] ) = 'linear', spline_smoothing: float = 0, propagate_nan: bool = True, warn_nan: bool = False, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs], ) -> np.ndarray: """ Project an observed image to a map. See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for details about customising the projection used. If `interpolation` is `'linear'`, `'quadratic'` or `'cubic'`, the map projection is performed using `scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` using the specified degree of interpolation. If `interpolation` is `'nearest'`, no interpolation is performed, and the mapped image takes the value of the nearest pixel in the image to that location. This can be useful to easily visualise the pixel scale for low spatial resolution observations. To map a cube, this function can be called repeatedly on each image in the cube: :: mapped_cube = np.array([body.map_img(img) for img in cube]) See also :func:`Observation.get_mapped_data`. Args: img: Observed image where pixel coordinates correspond to the `xy` pixel coordinates (e.g. those used in :func:`get_x0`). degree_interval: Interval in degrees between the longitude/latitude points in the mapped output. Passed to :func:`get_x_map` and :func:`get_y_map` when generating the coordinates used for the projection. interpolation: Interpolation used when mapping. This can be any of `'nearest'`, `'linear'`, `'quadratic'` or `'cubic'`; the default is `'linear'`. `'linear'`, `'quadratic'` and `'cubic'` are aliases for spline interpolations of degree 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Alternatively, the degree of spline interpolation can be specified manually by passing an integer or tuple of integers. If an integer is passed, the same interpolation is used in both the x and y directions (i.e. `RectBivariateSpline` with `kx = ky = interpolation`). If a tuple of integers is passed, the first integer is used for the x direction and the second integer is used for the y direction (i.e. `RectBivariateSpline` with `kx, ky = interpolation`). spline_smoothing: Smoothing factor passed to `RectBivariateSpline(..., s=spline_smoothing)` when spline interpolation is used. This parameter is ignored when `interpolation='nearest'`. propagate_nan: If using spline interpolation, propagate NaN values from the image to the mapped data. If `propagate_nan` is `True` (the default), the interpolation is performed as normal (i.e. with NaN values in the image set to 0), then any mapped locations where the nearest corresponding image pixel is NaN are set to NaN. Note that there may still be very small errors on the boundaries of NaN regions caused by the interpolation. warn_nan: Print warning if any values in `img` are NaN when any of the spline interpolations are used. **map_kwargs: Additional arguments are passed to :func:`generate_map_coordinates` to specify and customise the map projection. Returns: Array containing map of the values in `img` at each location on the surface of the target body. Locations which are not visible or outside the projection domain have a value of NaN. """ x_map = self.get_x_map(**map_kwargs) y_map = self.get_y_map(**map_kwargs) projected = self._make_empty_map(**map_kwargs) spline_k = { 'linear': 1, 'quadratic': 2, 'cubic': 3, } if interpolation in spline_k: # pylint: disable=consider-using-get interpolation = spline_k[interpolation] if interpolation == 'nearest': nan_sentinel = -999 x_map = np.asarray( np.nan_to_num(np.round(x_map), nan=nan_sentinel), dtype=int ) y_map = np.asarray( np.nan_to_num(np.round(y_map), nan=nan_sentinel), dtype=int ) for a, b in self._iterate_image(projected.shape): x = x_map[a, b] if x == nan_sentinel: continue y = y_map[a, b] # y should never be nan when x is not nan projected[a, b] = img[y, x] elif isinstance(interpolation, int | tuple): if isinstance(interpolation, int): kx = ky = interpolation else: kx, ky = interpolation nans = np.isnan(img) if np.any(np.isnan(img)): if warn_nan: print('Warning, image contains NaN values which will be set to 0') img = np.nan_to_num(img) interpolator = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( np.arange(img.shape[0]), np.arange(img.shape[1]), img, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=spline_smoothing, # type: ignore (docs say s is a float) ) # Collect any coordinates to interpolate in these lists, then perform the # interpolation at the end with a single call to interpolator.ev. This is # directly equivalent to doing the interpolation inside the for loop with # `projected[a, b] = interpolator(y, x).item()`, but can be much faster for # large images. a_vals: list[int] = [] b_vals: list[int] = [] x_vals: list[float] = [] y_vals: list[float] = [] for a, b in self._iterate_image(projected.shape): x = x_map[a, b] if math.isnan(x): continue y = y_map[a, b] # y should never be nan when x is not nan if propagate_nan and self._should_propagate_nan_to_map(x, y, nans): continue a_vals.append(a) b_vals.append(b) x_vals.append(x) y_vals.append(y) projected[a_vals, b_vals] = interpolator.ev(y_vals, x_vals) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown interpolation method {interpolation!r}') return projected
def _should_propagate_nan_to_map( self, x: float, y: float, nans: np.ndarray ) -> bool: # Test if any of the four surrounding integer pixels in the image are NaN x0 = max(math.floor(x), 0) x1 = min(math.ceil(x), self._nx - 1) y0 = max(math.floor(y), 0) y1 = min(math.ceil(y), self._ny - 1) return nans[y0, x0] or nans[y0, x1] or nans[y1, x0] or nans[y1, x1] def _xy_in_image_frame(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool: return (-0.5 < x < self._nx - 0.5) and (-0.5 < y < self._ny - 0.5) # Plotting
[docs] def plot_wireframe_xy( self, ax: Axes | None = None, *, scale_factor: float | None = None, add_axis_labels: bool | None = None, aspect_adjustable: Literal['box', 'datalim'] | None = 'box', show: bool = False, **wireframe_kwargs: Unpack[WireframeKwargs], ) -> Axes: """ Plot basic wireframe representation of the observation using image pixel coordinates. See :func:`Body.plot_wireframe_radec` for details of accepted arguments. Returns: The axis containing the plotted wireframe. """ if add_axis_labels is None: add_axis_labels = scale_factor is None # Use combo of corodinate_func and matplotlib transform so that the plot can be # updated with new disc parameters without having to replot the entire thing ax = self._plot_wireframe( coordinate_func=self.radec2angular, scale_factor=scale_factor, transform=self._get_matplotlib_angular_fixed2xy_transform(), aspect_adjustable=aspect_adjustable, ax=ax, **wireframe_kwargs, ) if self._test_if_img_size_valid() and scale_factor is None: ax.set_xlim(-0.5, self._nx - 0.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, self._ny - 0.5) if add_axis_labels: ax.set_xlabel('x (pixels)') ax.set_ylabel('y (pixels)') if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_map_wireframe( self, ax: Axes | None = None, *, label_poles: bool = True, add_title: bool = True, add_axis_labels: bool = True, grid_interval: float = 30, grid_lat_limit: float = 90, indicate_equator: bool = True, indicate_prime_meridian: bool = True, aspect_adjustable: Literal['box', 'datalim'] | None = 'box', formatting: dict[WireframeComponent, dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **map_and_formatting_kwargs, ) -> Axes: """ Plot wireframe (e.g. gridlines) of the map projection of the observation. See :func:`Body.plot_wireframe_radec` for details of accepted arguments. For example, to plot an orthographic map's wireframe with a red boundary and dashed gridlines, you can use: :: body.plot_map_wireframe( projection='orthographic', lat=45, formatting={ 'grid': {'linestyle': '--'}, 'map_boundary': {'color': 'red'}, } ) """ if ax is None: ax = cast(Axes, plt.gca()) map_kwargs, common_formatting = _extract_map_kwargs_from_dict( map_and_formatting_kwargs ) if 'common_formatting' in common_formatting: common_formatting |= common_formatting.pop('common_formatting') kwargs = self._get_wireframe_kw( common_formatting=common_formatting, formatting=formatting ) _, _, _, _, transformer, map_kw_used = self.generate_map_coordinates( **map_kwargs ) projection = map_kw_used['projection'] if aspect_adjustable is not None: ax.set_aspect(1, adjustable=aspect_adjustable) lon_ticks = np.arange(0, 360.0001, grid_interval) lat_ticks = np.arange(-90, 90.0001, grid_interval) if projection in {'azimuthal', 'azimuthal equal area'}: # Run separately for either side of equator to reduce issues for azimuthal # where the grid lines overplot each other. We still can get issues for e.g. # lat=45, but this fixes the most common cases of lat=0,90,-90 and it's a # relatively minor cosmetic bug so is probably more-or-less fine as-is. npts = 360 lats_to_plot = [ np.linspace(-grid_lat_limit, 0, npts), np.linspace(0, grid_lat_limit, npts), ] else: npts = 720 lats_to_plot = [np.linspace(-grid_lat_limit, grid_lat_limit, npts)] for lon in lon_ticks: if lon == 360 or (lon == 0 and projection == 'rectangular'): continue for lats in lats_to_plot: x, y = transformer.transform(lon * np.ones(npts), lats) ax.plot( x, y, **kwargs['grid'] | ( kwargs['prime_meridian'] if lon == 0 and indicate_prime_meridian else {} ), ) npts = 720 for lat in lat_ticks: if lat in {-90, 90}: continue if abs(lat) > grid_lat_limit: continue x, y = transformer.transform(np.linspace(0, 360, npts), lat * np.ones(npts)) ax.plot( x, y, **kwargs['grid'] | (kwargs['equator'] if lat == 0 and indicate_equator else {}), ) boundary: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None = None # Formulae for boundaries based on Cartopy CRS boundaries if projection == 'orthographic': # Elipse boundary - x0 = 1 b = self.r_polar / self.r_eq theta = np.radians(map_kw_used['lat']) y0 = np.sqrt((np.sin(theta)) ** 2 + b**2 * (np.cos(theta)) ** 2) t = np.linspace(0, -2 * np.pi, 100) boundary = (x0 * np.cos(t), y0 * np.sin(t)) elif projection in {'azimuthal', 'azimuthal equal area'}: # Circular boundary x0 = y0 = 1 t = np.linspace(0, -2 * np.pi, 100) boundary = (x0 * np.cos(t), y0 * np.sin(t)) if boundary: ax.plot(*boundary, **kwargs['map_boundary']) if label_poles and projection != 'rectangular': for lat, s in ((90, 'N'), (-90, 'S')): x, y = transformer.transform(0, lat) if math.isfinite(x) and math.isfinite(y): ax.text(x, y, s, **kwargs['pole']) if add_axis_labels: if projection == 'rectangular': if self.positive_longitude_direction == 'W': ax.set_xlim(360, 0) else: ax.set_xlim(0, 360) ax.set_ylim(-90, 90) ax.set_xlabel( f'Planetographic longitude ({self.positive_longitude_direction})' ) ax.set_ylabel('Planetographic latitude') ax.set_xticks(lon_ticks) ax.set_xticklabels( [f'{x:.0f}°' if x % 90 == 0 else '' for x in lon_ticks] ) ax.set_yticks(lat_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels( [f'{y:.0f}°' if y % 90 == 0 else '' for y in lat_ticks] ) elif projection in {'orthographic', 'azimuthal', 'azimuthal equal area'}: ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) if add_title: ax.set_title(self.get_description(multiline=True)) return ax
[docs] def plot_map( self, map_img: np.ndarray, ax: Axes | None = None, *, wireframe_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, add_wireframe: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> QuadMesh: """ Utility function to easily plot a mapped image using `plt.imshow` with appropriate extents, axis labels, gridlines etc. Args: map_img: Image to plot. ax: Matplotlib axis to use for plotting. If `ax` is None (the default), then a new figure and axis is created. wireframe_kwargs: Dictionary of arguments passed to :func:`plot_map_wireframe`. add_wireframe: Enable/disable plotting of wireframe. **kwargs: Additional arguments are passed to :func:`generate_map_coordinates` to specify the map projection used, and to Matplotlib's `pcolormesh` to customise the plot. For example, can be used to set the colormap of the plot using e.g. `body.plot_map(..., projection='orthographic', cmap='Greys')`. Returns: Handle returned by Matplotlib's `pcolormesh`. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() map_kwargs, kwargs = _extract_map_kwargs_from_dict(kwargs) _, _, xx, yy, _, _ = self.generate_map_coordinates(**map_kwargs) h = ax.pcolormesh(xx, yy, map_img, **kwargs) if add_wireframe: self.plot_map_wireframe(ax=ax, **(wireframe_kwargs or {}), **map_kwargs) return h
def imshow_map(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Alias for `plot_map` for backwards compatibility. :meta private: """ # backwards compatibility return self.plot_map(*args, **kwargs) # Wireframe generation def _get_wireframe_overlay( self, *, output_size: int | None, dpi: int, nx: int, ny: int, rgba: bool, plot_fn: Callable[[Axes], Any], ) -> np.ndarray: output_size = output_size or max(nx, ny) s = output_size / dpi if nx > ny: figsize = (s, s * ny / nx) else: figsize = (s * nx / ny, s) # Use Figure rather than plt.figure to avoid segmentation fault when running # from tkinter GUI (issue #258) fig = Figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, facecolor='w') ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], facecolor='w') plot_fn(ax) ax.axis('off') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) with io.BytesIO() as io_buf: fig.savefig(io_buf, format='raw', dpi=dpi, transparent=rgba) img_arr = np.frombuffer(io_buf.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8) plt.close(fig) img = img_arr.reshape((fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1]) + (4,)) if not rgba: img = np.asarray(np.mean(img[:, :, :3], axis=-1), dtype=np.uint8) img = np.flipud(img) # Make consistent with FITS orientation return img
[docs] def get_wireframe_overlay_img( self, output_size: int | None = 1500, dpi: int = 200, rgba: bool = False, **plot_kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """ .. warning :: This is a beta feature and the API may change in future. Generate a wireframe image of the target. This effectively generates an image version of :func:`plot_wireframe_xy` which can then be used as an overlay on top of the observation when creating figures in other applications. See also :func:`get_wireframe_overlay_map`. .. note :: The returned image data follows the FITS orientation convention (with the origin at the bottom left) so may need to be flipped vertically in some applications. If needed, the image can be flipped in Python using: :: np.flipud(body.get_wireframe_overlay_img()) .. hint :: If you are creating plots with Matplotlib, it is generally better to use :func:`plot_wireframe_xy` directly rather than generating an image as it will produce a higher quality plot. Args: output_size: Size of the output image in pixels. This will be the length of the longest side of the image. The other side will be scaled accordingly to maintain the aspect ratio of the observed data. If `size` is `None`, then the size is set to match the size of the observed data. dpi: Dots per inch of the output image. This can be used to control the size of plotted elements in the output image - larger `dpi` values will produce larger plotted elements. rgba: By default, the returned image only has a single greyscale channel. If `rgba` is `True`, then the returned image has 4 channels (red, green, blue, alpha) which can be used to more easily overlay the wireframe on top of the observed data in other applications. **plot_kwargs: Additional arguments passed to :func:`plot_wireframe_xy`. Returns: Image of the wireframe which has the same aspect ratio as the observed data. """ # TODO remove beta note when stable return self._get_wireframe_overlay( output_size=output_size, dpi=dpi, nx=self._nx, ny=self._ny, rgba=rgba, plot_fn=lambda ax: self.plot_wireframe_xy( ax=ax, add_axis_labels=False, add_title=False, **(dict(color='k') | plot_kwargs or {}), # type: ignore ), )
[docs] def get_wireframe_overlay_map( self, output_size: int | None = 1500, dpi: int = 200, rgba: bool = False, **map_and_formatting_kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """ .. warning :: This is a beta feature and the API may change in future. Generate a wireframe map of the target. This effectively generates an image version of :func:`plot_map_wireframe` which can then be used as an overlay on top of the mapped observation when creating figures in other applications. See also :func:`get_wireframe_overlay_img`. .. note :: The returned image data follows the FITS orientation convention (with the origin at the bottom left) so may need to be flipped vertically in some applications. If needed, the image can be flipped in Python using: :: np.flipud(body.get_wireframe_overlay_map()) .. hint :: If you are creating plots with Matplotlib, it is generally better to use :func:`plot_map_wireframe` directly rather than generating an image as it will produce a higher quality plot. Args: output_size: Size of the output image in pixels. This will be the length of the longest side of the map. The other side will be scaled accordingly to maintain the aspect ratio of the observed data. If `size` is `None`, then the size is set to match the pixel size of the map. dpi: Dots per inch of the output image. This can be used to control the size of plotted elements in the output image - larger `dpi` values will produce larger plotted elements. rgba: By default, the returned image only has a single greyscale channel. If `rgba` is `True`, then the returned image has 4 channels (red, green, blue, alpha) which can be used to more easily overlay the wireframe on top of the observed data in other applications. plot_kwargs: Dictionary of arguments passed to :func:`plot_map_wireframe`. **map_and_formatting_kwargs: Passed to :func:`plot_map_wireframe`. This can include arguments such as `projection`. Returns: Image of the map wireframe which has the same aspect ratio as the map. """ # TODO remove beta note when stable map_kwargs, plot_kwargs = _extract_map_kwargs_from_dict( map_and_formatting_kwargs ) lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer, map_kw_used = self.generate_map_coordinates( **map_kwargs ) nx = xx.shape[1] ny = yy.shape[0] def plot_fn(ax: Axes): self.plot_map_wireframe( ax=ax, add_axis_labels=False, add_title=False, **(dict(color='k') | plot_kwargs), # type: ignore **map_kwargs, ) # Add dx/dy to the limits to ensure the wireframe covers all of each pixel # as the xx and yy coordinates only give the centre of each pixel dx = abs(xx[0][1] - xx[0][0]) / 2 ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(xx) - dx, np.nanmax(xx) + dx) dy = abs(yy[1][0] - yy[0][0]) / 2 ax.set_ylim(np.nanmin(yy) - dy, np.nanmax(yy) + dy) return self._get_wireframe_overlay( output_size=output_size, dpi=dpi, nx=nx, ny=ny, rgba=rgba, plot_fn=plot_fn )
# Backplane management
[docs] @staticmethod def standardise_backplane_name(name: str) -> str: """ Create a standardised version of a backplane name when finding and registering backplanes. This standardisation is used in functions like :func:`get_backplane_img` and :func:`plot_backplane` so that, for example `body.plot_backplane('DEC')`, `body.plot_backplane('Dec')` and `body.plot_backplane('dec')` all produce the same plot. Args: name: Input backplane name. Returns: Standardised name with leading/trailing spaces removed and converted to upper case. """ return name.strip().upper()
[docs] def register_backplane( self, name: str, description: str, get_img: Callable[[], np.ndarray], get_map: _BackplaneMapGetter, ) -> None: """ Create a new :class:`Backplane` and register it to :attr:`backplanes`. See :class:`Backplane` for more detail about parameters. Args: name: Name of backplane. This is standardised using :func:`standardise_backplane_name` before being registered. description: Longer description of backplane, including units. get_img: Function to generate backplane image. get_map: Function to generate backplane map. Raises: ValueError: if provided backplane name is already registered. """ name = self.standardise_backplane_name(name) if name in self.backplanes: raise ValueError(f'Backplane named {name!r} is already registered') self.backplanes[name] = Backplane( name=name, description=description, get_img=get_img, get_map=get_map )
[docs] def backplane_summary_string(self) -> str: """ Returns: String summarising currently registered :attr:`backplanes`. """ return '\n'.join( f'{}: {bp.description}' for bp in self.backplanes.values() )
[docs] def print_backplanes(self) -> None: """ Prints output of :func:`backplane_summary_string`. """ print(self.backplane_summary_string())
[docs] def get_backplane(self, name: str) -> Backplane: """ Convenience function to retrieve a backplane registered to :attr:`backplanes`. This method is equivalent to :: body.backplanes[self.standardise_backplane_name(name)] Args: name: Name of the desired backplane. This is standardised with :func:`standardise_backplane_name` and used to choose a registered backplane from :attr:`backplanes`. Returns: Backplane registered with `name`. Raises: BackplaneNotFoundError: if `name` is not registered as a backplane. """ name = self.standardise_backplane_name(name) try: return self.backplanes[name] except KeyError as exc: raise BackplaneNotFoundError( '{n!r} not found. Currently registered backplanes are: {r}.'.format( n=name, r=', '.join([repr(n) for n in self.backplanes.keys()]), ) ) from exc
[docs] def get_backplane_img(self, name: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Generate backplane image. Note that a generated backplane image will depend on the disc parameters `(x0, y0, r0, rotation)` at the time this function is called. Generating the same backplane when there are different disc parameter values will produce a different image. This method creates a copy of the generated image, so the returned image can be safely modified without affecting the cached value (unlike the return values from functions such as :func:`get_lon_img`). This method is equivalent to :: body.get_backplane(name).get_img().copy() Args: name: Name of the desired backplane. This is standardised with :func:`standardise_backplane_name` and used to choose a registered backplane from :attr:`backplanes`. Returns: Array containing the backplane's values for each pixel in the image. """ return self.backplanes[self.standardise_backplane_name(name)].get_img().copy()
[docs] def get_backplane_map( self, name: str, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs] ) -> np.ndarray: """ Generate map of backplane values. This method creates a copy of the generated image, so the returned map can be safely modified without affecting the cached value (unlike the return values from functions such as :func:`get_lon_map`). This method is equivalent to :: body.get_backplane(name).get_map(degree_interval).copy() Args: name: Name of the desired backplane. This is standardised with :func:`standardise_backplane_name` and used to choose a registered backplane from :attr:`backplanes`. **map_kwargs: Additional arguments are passed to :func:`generate_map_coordinates` to specify and customise the map projection. Returns: Array containing map of the backplane's values over the surface of the target body. """ return ( self.backplanes[self.standardise_backplane_name(name)] .get_map(**map_kwargs) .copy() )
[docs] def plot_backplane_img( self, name: str, ax: Axes | None = None, show: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Axes: """ Plot a backplane image with the wireframe outline of the target. Note that a generated backplane image will depend on the disc parameters `(x0, y0, r0, rotation)` at the time this function is called. Generating the same backplane when there are different disc parameter values will produce a different image. Args: name: Name of the desired backplane. ax: Passed to :func:`plot_wireframe_xy`. show: Passed to :func:`plot_wireframe_xy`. **kwargs: Passed to Matplotlib's `imshow` when plotting the backplane image. For example, can be used to set the colormap of the plot using `body.plot_backplane_img(..., cmap='Greys')`. Returns: The axis containing the plotted data. """ backplane = self.get_backplane(name) ax = self.plot_wireframe_xy(ax, show=False) im = ax.imshow(backplane.get_img(), origin='lower', **kwargs) plt.colorbar(im, label=backplane.description) if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_backplane_map( self, name: str, ax: Axes | None = None, show: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Axes: """ Plot a map of backplane values on the target body. For example, top plot a backplane map with the 'Blues' colourmap and a red partially transparent wireframe, on an orthographic projection, use: :: body.plot_backplane_map( 'EMISSION', projection='orthographic', cmap='Blues', wireframe_kwargs=dict(color='r', alpha=0.5), ) Args: name: Name of the desired backplane. ax: Matplotlib axis to use for plotting. If `ax` is None (the default), then a new figure and axis is created. show: Toggle showing the plotted figure with `` **kwargs: Additional arguments are passed to :func:`plot_map`. These can be used to specify and customise the map projection, and to customise the plot formatting. Returns: The axis containing the plotted data. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() backplane = self.get_backplane(name) map_kwargs, other_kwargs = _extract_map_kwargs_from_dict(kwargs) if 'plot_kwargs' in other_kwargs: # backwards compatibility other_kwargs |= other_kwargs.pop('plot_kwargs') im = self.plot_map( backplane.get_map(**map_kwargs), ax=ax, **map_kwargs, **other_kwargs ) plt.colorbar(im, label=backplane.description) if show: return ax
# Mapping projection internals
[docs] @_cache_stable_result def generate_map_coordinates( self, projection: str = 'rectangular', degree_interval: float = 1, lon: float = 0, lat: float = 0, size: int = 100, lon_coords: np.ndarray | tuple | None = None, lat_coords: np.ndarray | tuple | None = None, projection_x_coords: np.ndarray | tuple | None = None, projection_y_coords: np.ndarray | tuple | None = None, xlim: tuple[float, float] | None = None, ylim: tuple[float, float] | None = None, ) -> tuple[ np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, pyproj.Transformer, dict[str, Any], ]: """ Generate underlying coordinates and transformation for a given map projection. The built-in map projections (i.e. possible values for the `projection` argument) are: - `'rectangular'`: cylindrical equirectangular projection onto a regular longitude and latitude grid. The resolution of the map can be controlled with the `degree_interval` argument which sets the spacing in degrees between grid points. This is the default map projection. - `'orthographic'`: orthographic projection where the central longitude and latitude can be customized with the `lon` and `lat` arguments. The size of the map can be controlled with the `size` argument. - `'azimuthal'`: azimuthal equidistant projection where the central longitude and latitude can be customized with the `lon` and `lat` arguments. The size of the map can be controlled with the `size` argument. - `'azimuthal equal area'`: Lambert azimuthal equal area projection where the central longitude and latitude can be customized with the `lon` and `lat` arguments. The size of the map can be controlled with the `size` argument. - `'manual'`: manually specify the longitude and latitude coordinates to use for each point on the map with the `lon_coords` and `lat_coords` arguments. Projections can also be specified by passing a proj projection string to the `projection` argument. If you are manually specifying a projection, you must also specify `projection_x_coords` and `projection_y_coords` to provide the x and y coordinates to project the data to. See for a list of projections that can be used. The provided projection string will be passed to `pyproj.CRS`. :func:`create_proj_string` can be used to help build a projection string. .. hint :: You generally don't need to call this method directly. Instead, pass your desired arguments directly to functions like :func:`get_backplane_map` or :func:`map_img`. Usage examples: :: # Generate default rectangular map for emission backplane body.get_backplane_map('EMISSION') # Generate default rectangular map at lower resolution and only covering # the northern hemisphere body.get_backplane_map('EMISSION', degree_interval=10, ylim=(0, np.inf)) # Generate orthographic map of northern hemisphere body.get_backplane_map('EMISSION', projection='orthographic', lat=90) # Plot orthographic map of southern hemisphere with higher resolution body.plot_backplane_map( 'EMISSION', projection='orthographic', lat=-90, size=500 ) # Get azimuthal equidistant map projection of image, centred on specific # coordinate body.map_img(img, projection='azimuthal', lon=45, lat=30) Args: projection: String describing map projection to use (see list of supported projections above). degree_interval: Degree interval for `'rectangular` projection. lon: Central longitude of `'orthographic'`, `'azimuthal'` and `'azimuthal equal area'` projections. lat: Central latitude of `'orthographic'`, `'azimuthal'` and `'azimuthal equal area'` projections. size: Pixel size (width and height) of generated `'orthographic'`, `'azimuthal'` and `'azimuthal equal area'` projections. lon_coords: Longitude coordinates to use for `'manual'` projection. This must be a tuple (e.g. use `lon_coords=tuple(np.linspace(0, 360, 100))`) - this allows mapping arguments and outputs to be cached). lat_coords: Latitude coordinates to use for `'manual'` projection. This must be a tuple. projection_x_coords: Projected x coordinates to use with a pyproj projection string. This must be a tuple. projection_y_coords: Projected x coordinates to use with a pyproj projection string. This must be a tuple. xlim: Tuple of `(x_min, x_max)` limits in the projected x coordinates of the map. If `None`, the default, then the no limits are applied (i.e. the entire globe will be mapped). If `xlim` is provided, it should be a tuple of two floats specifying the minimum and maximum x coordinates to project the map to. For example, to only plot the western hemisphere, you can use use `xlim=(0, 180)` in a rectangular projection. Note that these limits are expressed in the projected coordinates of the map. Setting the limits can be useful to speed up the performance of mapping when only a subset of the map is needed (such as for observations with limited spatial extent). If you only want to set one limit, then you can pass infinity e.g. `xlim=(315, np.inf)` to only set the minimum limit. The limits are implemented using `x_to_keep = (x >= min(xlim)) & (x <= max(xlim))`, so the ordering of the limits does not matter. Note that the limit calculations assume that the data is on a rectangular grid (i.e. all rows have the same x coordinates and all columns have the same y coordinates), so may produce unexpected results if a custom projection is used. ylim: Tuple of `(y_min, y_max)` limits in the projected y coordinates of the map. If `None`, the default, then the no limits are applied. See `xlim` for more details. Returns: `(lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer, info)` tuple where `lons` and `lats` are the longitude and latitude coordinates of the map, `xx` and `yy` are the projected coordinates of the map, `transformer` is a `pyproj.Transformer` object that can be used to transform between the two coordinate systems, and `info` is a dictionary containing the arguments used to build the map (e.g. for the default case this would be `{'projection': 'rectangular', 'degree_interval': 1, 'xlim': None, 'ylim': None}`). """ info: dict[str, Any] # Explicitly declare type of info to make pyright happy if projection == 'rectangular': lons = np.arange(degree_interval / 2, 360, degree_interval) if self.positive_longitude_direction == 'W': lons = lons[::-1] lats = np.arange(-90 + degree_interval / 2, 90, degree_interval) lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) xx, yy = lons, lats transformer = self._get_pyproj_transformer() info = dict(projection=projection, degree_interval=degree_interval) elif projection == 'manual': lons = lon_coords lats = lat_coords if lons is None or lats is None: raise ValueError( 'lon_coords and lat_coords must be provided for manual projection' ) lons = np.asarray(lons) lats = np.asarray(lats) if lons.ndim != lats.ndim: raise ValueError( 'lon_coords and lat_coords must have the same number of dimensions' ) if lons.ndim == 1: lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) if lons.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('lon_coords and lat_coords must be 1D or 2D arrays') if lons.shape != lats.shape: raise ValueError('lon_coords and lat_coords must have the same shape') xx, yy = lons, lats transformer = self._get_pyproj_transformer() info = dict(projection=projection) elif projection == 'orthographic': b = self.r_polar / self.r_eq proj = self.create_proj_string( 'ortho', a=1, b=b, lon_0=lon, lat_0=lat, y_0=(b - 1) * np.sin(np.radians(lat * 2)), ) lim = max(1, b) * 1.01 lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer = self._get_pyproj_map_coords( proj, np.linspace(-lim, lim, size) ) info = dict(projection=projection, lon=lon, lat=lat, size=size) elif projection == 'azimuthal': proj = self.create_proj_string( 'aeqd', R=1 / np.pi, lon_0=lon, lat_0=lat, ) lim = 1.01 lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer = self._get_pyproj_map_coords( proj, np.linspace(-lim, lim, size) ) info = dict(projection=projection, lon=lon, lat=lat, size=size) elif projection == 'azimuthal equal area': proj = self.create_proj_string( 'laea', R=1 / 2, lon_0=lon, lat_0=lat, ) lim = 1.01 lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer = self._get_pyproj_map_coords( proj, np.linspace(-lim, lim, size) ) info = dict(projection=projection, lon=lon, lat=lat, size=size) else: if projection_x_coords is None: raise ValueError('x coords must be provided') lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer = self._get_pyproj_map_coords( projection, projection_x_coords, projection_y_coords ) info = dict( projection=projection, projection_x_coords=projection_x_coords, projection_y_coords=projection_y_coords, ) info['xlim'] = xlim info['ylim'] = ylim if xlim is not None: x_arr = xx[0] x_to_keep = (x_arr >= min(xlim)) & (x_arr <= max(xlim)) xx = xx[:, x_to_keep] yy = yy[:, x_to_keep] lons = lons[:, x_to_keep] lats = lats[:, x_to_keep] if ylim is not None: y_arr = yy[:, 0] y_to_keep = (y_arr >= min(ylim)) & (y_arr <= max(ylim)) xx = xx[y_to_keep, :] yy = yy[y_to_keep, :] lons = lons[y_to_keep, :] lats = lats[y_to_keep, :] # Standardise invalid lon/lat points (e.g. inf -> nan) lons[~np.isfinite(lons)] = np.nan lats[~np.isfinite(lats)] = np.nan return lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer, info
[docs] def create_proj_string( self, proj: str, **parameters, ) -> str: """ Create projection string for use with pyproj. This function will automatically build a projection string that can be used as the `projection` argument of :func:`generate_map_coordinates`. By default, this function automatically sets the `+axis` parameter of the projection to match the :attr:`Body.positive_longitude_direction` of the target body - if the target body has a positive longitude direction of E, then the projection will have `+axis=enu`, if the target body has a positive longitude direction of W, then the projection will have `+axis=wnu`. This behaviour can be disabled by passing `axis=None` to this function. See for more details about the `+axis` projection parameter. Examples: :: body.create_proj_string('ortho') # '+proj=ortho +axis=wnu +type=crs' body.create_proj_string('ortho', lon_0=180, lat_0=45) # '+proj=ortho +lon_0=180 +lat_0=45 +axis=wnu +type=crs' body.create_proj_string('ortho', lon_0=180, lat_0=45, axis=None) # '+proj=ortho +lon_0=180 +lat_0=45 +type=crs' Args: proj: Projection name. See for a full list of projections that can be used. **parameters: Additional parameters to pass to the projection. These are passed to pyproj as `+{key}={value}`. For example, to create a projection with a central longitude of 45 degrees, you can use `lon_0=45`. By default, the axis direction is set to match the :attr:`Body.positive_longitude_direction` of the target body (see above), pass `axis=None` to disable this behaviour. Returns: Proj string describing the projection. This can be passed to the `projection` argument of :func:`generate_map_coordinates`. """ # By default, use the same positive longitude direction for projection as coords # i.e. +ve E gives +axis=enu, +ve W gives +axis=wnu. Pass axis=None to skip # this and leave axis undefined in the proj string. if 'axis' not in parameters: parameters['axis'] = f'{self.positive_longitude_direction.lower()}nu' elif parameters['axis'] is None: parameters.pop('axis') parameters_string = ' '.join(f'+{k}={v}' for k, v in parameters.items()) space = ' ' if parameters_string else '' # avoid double space if params empty return f'+proj={proj} {parameters_string}{space}+type=crs'
def _get_pyproj_map_coords( self, projection: str, xx: np.ndarray | tuple, yy: np.ndarray | tuple | None = None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, pyproj.Transformer]: if yy is None: yy = xx xx = np.asarray(xx) yy = np.asarray(yy) if xx.ndim != yy.ndim: raise ValueError('x and y coords must have the same number of dimensions') if xx.ndim == 1: xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) if xx.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('x and y coords must be 1D or 2D arrays') if xx.shape != yy.shape: raise ValueError('x and y coords must have the same shape') transformer = self._get_pyproj_transformer(projection) # pylint: disable-next=unpacking-non-sequence lons, lats = transformer.transform(xx, yy, direction='INVERSE') return lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer def _get_default_pyproj_projection(self, **parameters) -> str: return self.create_proj_string( 'eqc', a=self.r_eq, b=self.r_polar, lon_0=0, to_meter=np.radians(1) * self.r_eq, **parameters, ) def _get_pyproj_transformer( self, projection: str | None = None ) -> pyproj.Transformer: proj_in = self._get_default_pyproj_projection(axis=None) if projection is None: projection = proj_in # return identity transform return pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(pyproj.CRS(proj_in), pyproj.CRS(projection)) # Backplane generatotrs def _test_if_img_size_valid(self) -> bool: return (self._nx > 0) and (self._ny > 0) def _iterate_image( self, shape: tuple[int, ...], progress: bool = False ) -> Iterator[tuple[int, int]]: ny = shape[0] nx = shape[1] for y in range(ny): if progress: self._update_progress_hook(y / ny) for x in range(nx): yield y, x def _make_empty_img(self, nz: int | None = None) -> np.ndarray: if not self._test_if_img_size_valid(): raise ValueError('nx and ny must be positive to create a backplane image') if nz is None: shape = (self._ny, self._nx) else: shape = (self._ny, self._nx, nz) return np.full(shape, np.nan) def _make_empty_map( self, nz: int | None = None, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs], ) -> np.ndarray: lonlat_shape = self._get_lonlat_map(**map_kwargs).shape n1 = lonlat_shape[1] n0 = lonlat_shape[0] if nz is None: shape = (n0, n1) else: shape = (n0, n1, nz) return np.full(shape, np.nan) def _get_max_pixel_radius(self) -> float: # r0 corresponds to r_eq, but for the radius here we want to make sure we have # the largest radius r = self.get_r0() * max(self.radii) / self.r_eq return r @_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_targvec_img(self) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_img(3) # Precalculate short circuit stuff here for speed r_cutoff = self._get_max_pixel_radius() * 1.05 + 1 r2 = r_cutoff**2 # square here to save having to run sqrt every loop x0 = self.get_x0() y0 = self.get_y0() for y, x in self._iterate_image(out.shape, progress=True): if ( self._optimize_speed and ((x - x0) * (x - x0) + (y - y0) * (y - y0)) > r2 ): # The spice calculations in _xy2targvec are slow, so to optimize speed # we can skip the spice calculation step completely for pixels which we # know aren't on the disc, by calculating if the distance from the # centre of the disc (x0,y0) is greater than the radius (+ a buffer). # The distance calculation uses manual multiplication rather than using # power (e.g. (x - x0)**2) to square the x and y distances as this is # faster. continue try: targvec = self._xy2targvec(x, y) out[y, x] = targvec except NotFoundError: continue # leave values as nan if pixel is not on the disc return out @_cache_stable_result @progress_decorator def _get_targvec_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_map(3, **map_kwargs) lonlats = self._get_lonlat_map(**map_kwargs) for a, b in self._iterate_image(out.shape, progress=True): lon, lat = lonlats[a, b] if math.isnan(lon): continue out[a, b] = self.lonlat2targvec(lon, lat) return out def _enumerate_targvec_img( self, progress: bool = False ) -> Iterator[tuple[int, int, np.ndarray]]: targvec_img = self._get_targvec_img() for y, x in self._iterate_image(targvec_img.shape, progress=progress): targvec = targvec_img[y, x] if math.isnan(targvec[0]): # only check if first element nan for efficiency continue yield y, x, targvec def _enumerate_targvec_map( self, progress: bool = False, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs] ) -> Iterator[tuple[int, int, np.ndarray]]: targvec_map = self._get_targvec_map(**map_kwargs) for a, b in self._iterate_image(targvec_map.shape, progress=progress): targvec = targvec_map[a, b] if math.isnan(targvec[0]): # only check if first element nan for efficiency continue yield a, b, targvec_map[a, b] @_cache_clearable_result def _get_obsvec_norm_img(self) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_img(3) ra_img = self.get_ra_img() dec_img = self.get_dec_img() for y, x in self._iterate_image(out.shape): out[y, x] = self._radec2obsvec_norm_radians( *self._degree_pair2radians(ra_img[y, x], dec_img[y, x]) ) return out @_cache_stable_result def _get_obsvec_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_map(3, **map_kwargs) for a, b, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_map(**map_kwargs): out[a, b] = self._targvec2obsvec(targvec) return out @_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_lonlat_img(self) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_img(2) for y, x, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_img(progress=True): out[y, x] = self._targvec2lonlat_radians(targvec) return np.rad2deg(out) @_cache_stable_result def _get_lonlat_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer, info = self.generate_map_coordinates( **map_kwargs ) lons = lons % 360 lonlat_map = np.stack([lons, lats], axis=-1) lonlat_map[~np.isfinite(lonlat_map)] = np.nan return lonlat_map
[docs] def get_lon_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the planetographic longitude value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_lonlat_img()[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_lon_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of planetographic longitude values. """ return self._get_lonlat_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_lat_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the planetographic latitude value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_lonlat_img()[:, :, 1]
[docs] def get_lat_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of planetographic latitude values. """ return self._get_lonlat_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 1]
@_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_lonlat_centric_img(self) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_img(2) for y, x, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_img(progress=True): out[y, x] = self._targvec2lonlat_centric(targvec) return out @_cache_stable_result @progress_decorator def _get_lonlat_centric_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_map(2, **map_kwargs) for a, b, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_map(progress=True, **map_kwargs): out[a, b] = self._targvec2lonlat_centric(targvec) return out
[docs] def get_lon_centric_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the planetocentric longitude value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_lonlat_centric_img()[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_lon_centric_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of planetocentric longitude values. """ return self._get_lonlat_centric_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_lat_centric_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the planetocentric latitude value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_lonlat_centric_img()[:, :, 1]
[docs] def get_lat_centric_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of planetocentric latitude values. """ return self._get_lonlat_centric_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 1]
@_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_radec_img(self) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_img(2) for y, x in self._iterate_image(out.shape, progress=True): out[y, x] = self.xy2radec(x, y) return out @_cache_stable_result @progress_decorator def _get_radec_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_map(2, **map_kwargs) visible = self._get_illumf_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 4] obsvec_map = self._get_obsvec_map(**map_kwargs) for a, b, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_map(progress=True, **map_kwargs): # use targvec iterator to ensure don't have NaNs if visible[a, b]: out[a, b] = self._obsvec2radec_radians(obsvec_map[a, b]) return np.rad2deg(out)
[docs] def get_ra_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the right ascension (RA) value of each pixel in the image. """ return self._get_radec_img()[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_ra_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of right ascension values as viewed by the observer. Locations which are not visible have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_radec_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_dec_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the declination (Dec) value of each pixel in the image. """ return self._get_radec_img()[:, :, 1]
[docs] def get_dec_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of declination values as viewed by the observer. Locations which are not visible have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_radec_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 1]
@_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_xy_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_map(2, **map_kwargs) radec_map = self._get_radec_map(**map_kwargs) for a, b in self._iterate_image(out.shape, progress=True): ra, dec = radec_map[a, b] if not math.isnan(ra): x, y = self.radec2xy(ra, dec) if self._xy_in_image_frame(x, y): out[a, b] = x, y return out
[docs] def get_x_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the x pixel coordinate value of each pixel in the image. """ out = self._make_empty_img() for y, x in self._iterate_image(out.shape): out[y, x] = x return out
[docs] def get_x_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the x pixel coordinates each location corresponds to in the observation. Locations which are not visible or are not in the image frame have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_xy_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_y_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the y pixel coordinate value of each pixel in the image. """ out = self._make_empty_img() for y, x in self._iterate_image(out.shape): out[y, x] = y return out
[docs] def get_y_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the y pixel coordinates each location corresponds to in the observation. Locations which are not visible or are not in the image frame have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_xy_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 1]
@_cache_clearable_result def _get_km_xy_img(self) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_img(2) radec_img = self._get_radec_img() for y, x in self._iterate_image(out.shape): out[y, x] = self.radec2km(*radec_img[y, x]) return out @_cache_stable_result def _get_km_xy_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_map(2, **map_kwargs) radec_map = self._get_radec_map(**map_kwargs) for a, b in self._iterate_image(out.shape, progress=True): ra, dec = radec_map[a, b] if not math.isnan(ra): out[a, b] = self.radec2km(ra, dec) return out
[docs] def get_km_x_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the distance in target plane in km in the East-West direction. """ return self._get_km_xy_img()[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_km_x_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the distance in target plane in km in the East-West direction. Locations which are not visible have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_km_xy_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_km_y_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the distance in target plane in km in the North-South direction. """ return self._get_km_xy_img()[:, :, 1]
[docs] def get_km_y_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the distance in target plane in km in the North-South direction. Locations which are not visible have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_km_xy_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 1]
@_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_illumination_gie_img(self) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_img(3) for y, x, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_img(progress=True): out[y, x] = self._illumination_angles_from_targvec_radians(targvec) return np.rad2deg(out) @_cache_stable_result @progress_decorator def _get_illumf_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_map(5, **map_kwargs) for a, b, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_map(progress=True, **map_kwargs): out[a, b] = self._illumf_from_targvec_radians(targvec) return np.rad2deg(out)
[docs] def get_phase_angle_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the phase angle value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_illumination_gie_img()[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_phase_angle_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the phase angle value at each point on the target's surface. """ return self._get_illumf_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_incidence_angle_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the incidence angle value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_illumination_gie_img()[:, :, 1]
[docs] def get_incidence_angle_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the incidence angle value at each point on the target's surface. """ return self._get_illumf_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 1]
[docs] def get_emission_angle_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the emission angle value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_illumination_gie_img()[:, :, 2]
[docs] def get_emission_angle_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the emission angle value at each point on the target's surface. """ return self._get_illumf_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 2]
[docs] @_cache_clearable_result def get_azimuth_angle_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the azimuth angle value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ phase_radians = np.deg2rad(self._get_illumination_gie_img()[:, :, 0]) incidence_radians = np.deg2rad(self._get_illumination_gie_img()[:, :, 1]) emission_radians = np.deg2rad(self._get_illumination_gie_img()[:, :, 2]) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'divide by zero encountered in') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'invalid value encountered in') azimuth_radians = self._azimuth_angle_from_gie_radians( phase_radians, incidence_radians, emission_radians ) return np.rad2deg(azimuth_radians)
[docs] @_cache_stable_result def get_azimuth_angle_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the azimuth angle value at each point on the target's surface. """ phase_radians = np.deg2rad(self._get_illumf_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 0]) incidence_radians = np.deg2rad(self._get_illumf_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 1]) emission_radians = np.deg2rad(self._get_illumf_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 2]) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'divide by zero encountered in') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'invalid value encountered in') azimuth_radians = self._azimuth_angle_from_gie_radians( phase_radians, incidence_radians, emission_radians ) return np.rad2deg(azimuth_radians)
[docs] @_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def get_local_solar_time_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the local solar time value of each pixel in the image, as calculated by :func:`Body.local_solar_time_from_lon`. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ lon_img = self.get_lon_img() out = self._make_empty_img() for y, x in self._iterate_image(out.shape, progress=True): lon = lon_img[y, x] if not math.isnan(lon): out[y, x] = self.local_solar_time_from_lon(lon) return out
[docs] @_cache_stable_result @progress_decorator def get_local_solar_time_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the local solar time at each point on the target's surface, as calculated by :func:`Body.local_solar_time_from_lon`. """ lon_map = self.get_lon_map(**map_kwargs) out = self._make_empty_map(**map_kwargs) for a, b in self._iterate_image(out.shape, progress=True): lon = lon_map[a, b] if math.isfinite(lon): out[a, b] = self.local_solar_time_from_lon(lon) return out
@_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_state_imgs(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: position_img = self._make_empty_img(3) velocity_img = self._make_empty_img(3) lt_img = self._make_empty_img() for y, x, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_img(progress=True): ( position_img[y, x], velocity_img[y, x], lt_img[y, x], ) = self._state_from_targvec(targvec) return position_img, velocity_img, lt_img @_cache_stable_result @progress_decorator def _get_state_maps( self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs] ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: position_map = self._make_empty_map(3, **map_kwargs) velocity_map = self._make_empty_map(3, **map_kwargs) lt_map = self._make_empty_map(**map_kwargs) for a, b, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_map(progress=True, **map_kwargs): ( position_map[a, b], velocity_map[a, b], lt_map[a, b], ) = self._state_from_targvec(targvec) return position_map, velocity_map, lt_map
[docs] def get_distance_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the observer-target distance in km of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ position_img, velocity_img, lt_img = self._get_state_imgs() return lt_img * self.speed_of_light()
[docs] def get_distance_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the observer-target distance in km of each point on the target's surface. """ position_map, velocity_map, lt_map = self._get_state_maps(**map_kwargs) return lt_map * self.speed_of_light()
[docs] @_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def get_radial_velocity_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the observer-target radial velocity in km/s of each pixel in the image. Velocities towards the observer are negative. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ out = self._make_empty_img() position_img, velocity_img, lt_img = self._get_state_imgs() for y, x, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_img(progress=True): out[y, x] = self._radial_velocity_from_state( position_img[y, x], velocity_img[y, x] ) return out
[docs] @_cache_stable_result @progress_decorator def get_radial_velocity_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the observer-target radial velocity in km/s of each point on the target's surface. """ out = self._make_empty_map(**map_kwargs) position_map, velocity_map, lt_map = self._get_state_maps(**map_kwargs) for a, b, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_map(progress=True, **map_kwargs): out[a, b] = self._radial_velocity_from_state( position_map[a, b], velocity_map[a, b] ) return out
[docs] def get_doppler_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the doppler factor for each pixel in the image, calculated using :func:`SpiceBase.calculate_doppler_factor` on velocities from :func:`get_radial_velocity_img`. Points off the disc have a value of NaN. """ return self.calculate_doppler_factor(self.get_radial_velocity_img())
[docs] def get_doppler_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the doppler factor of each point on the target's surface. This is calculated using :func:`SpiceBase.calculate_doppler_factor` on velocities from :func:`get_radial_velocity_map`. """ return self.calculate_doppler_factor(self.get_radial_velocity_map(**map_kwargs))
@_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_limb_coordinate_imgs(self) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_img(3) obsvec_img = self._get_obsvec_norm_img() for y, x in self._iterate_image(out.shape, progress=True): obsvec = obsvec_img[y, x] out[y, x] = self._limb_coordinates_from_obsvec(obsvec) return out @_cache_stable_result @progress_decorator def _get_limb_coordinate_maps(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: out = self._make_empty_map(3, **map_kwargs) visible = self._get_illumf_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 4] obsvec_map = self._get_obsvec_map(**map_kwargs) for a, b, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_map(progress=True, **map_kwargs): if visible[a, b]: out[a, b] = self._limb_coordinates_from_obsvec(obsvec_map[a, b]) return out
[docs] def get_limb_lon_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the planetographic longitude of the point on the target's limb that is closest to each pixel. See :func:`Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec` for more detail. """ return self._get_limb_coordinate_imgs()[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_limb_lon_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the planetographic longitude of the point on the target's limb that is closest to each point on the target's surface (for the observer). See :func:`Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec` for more detail. """ return self._get_limb_coordinate_maps(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 0]
[docs] def get_limb_lat_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the planetographic latitude of the point on the target's limb that is closest to each pixel. See :func:`Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec` for more detail. """ return self._get_limb_coordinate_imgs()[:, :, 1]
[docs] def get_limb_lat_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the planetographic latitude of the point on the target's limb that is closest to each point on the target's surface (for the observer). See :func:`Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec` for more detail. """ return self._get_limb_coordinate_maps(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 1]
[docs] def get_limb_distance_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the distance in km above the target's limb for each pixel. See :func:`Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec` for more detail. """ return self._get_limb_coordinate_imgs()[:, :, 2]
[docs] def get_limb_distance_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the distance in km above the target's limb for each point on the target's surface (for the observer). See :func:`Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec` for more detail. """ return self._get_limb_coordinate_maps(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 2]
@_cache_clearable_result @progress_decorator def _get_ring_plane_coordinate_imgs( self, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: radius_img = self._make_empty_img() long_img = self._make_empty_img() dist_img = self._make_empty_img() obsvec_img = self._get_obsvec_norm_img() for y, x in self._iterate_image(radius_img.shape, progress=True): radius, long, dist = self._ring_coordinates_from_obsvec( obsvec_img[y, x], only_visible=False ) radius_img[y, x] = radius long_img[y, x] = long dist_img[y, x] = dist hidden_img = dist_img > self.get_distance_img() radius_img[hidden_img] = np.nan long_img[hidden_img] = np.nan dist_img[hidden_img] = np.nan return radius_img, long_img, dist_img @_cache_stable_result @progress_decorator def _get_ring_plane_coordinate_maps( self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs] ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: radius_map = self._make_empty_map(**map_kwargs) long_map = self._make_empty_map(**map_kwargs) dist_map = self._make_empty_map(**map_kwargs) visible = self._get_illumf_map(**map_kwargs)[:, :, 4] obsvec_map = self._get_obsvec_map(**map_kwargs) for a, b, targvec in self._enumerate_targvec_map(progress=True, **map_kwargs): if visible[a, b]: radius, long, dist = self._ring_coordinates_from_obsvec( obsvec_map[a, b], only_visible=False ) radius_map[a, b] = radius long_map[a, b] = long dist_map[a, b] = dist hidden_map = dist_map > self.get_distance_map(**map_kwargs) radius_map[hidden_map] = np.nan long_map[hidden_map] = np.nan dist_map[hidden_map] = np.nan return radius_map, long_map, dist_map
[docs] def get_ring_plane_radius_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the ring plane radius in km for each pixel in the image, calculated using :func:`Body.ring_plane_coordinates`. Points of the ring plane obscured by the target body have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_ring_plane_coordinate_imgs()[0]
[docs] def get_ring_plane_radius_map(self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the ring plane radius in km obscuring each point on the target's surface, calculated using :func:`Body.ring_plane_coordinates`. Points where the target body is unobscured by the ring plane have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_ring_plane_coordinate_maps(**map_kwargs)[0]
[docs] def get_ring_plane_longitude_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the ring plane planetographic longitude in degrees for each pixel in the image, calculated using :func:`Body.ring_plane_coordinates`. Points of the ring plane obscured by the target body have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_ring_plane_coordinate_imgs()[1]
[docs] def get_ring_plane_longitude_map( self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs] ) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the ring plane planetographic longitude in degrees obscuring each point on the target's surface, calculated using :func:`Body.ring_plane_coordinates`. Points where the target body is unobscured by the ring plane have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_ring_plane_coordinate_maps(**map_kwargs)[1]
[docs] def get_ring_plane_distance_img(self) -> np.ndarray: """ See also :func:`get_backplane_img`. Returns: Array containing the ring plane distance from the observer in km for each pixel in the image, calculated using :func:`Body.ring_plane_coordinates`. Points of the ring plane obscured by the target body have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_ring_plane_coordinate_imgs()[2]
[docs] def get_ring_plane_distance_map( self, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs] ) -> np.ndarray: """ See :func:`generate_map_coordinates` for accepted arguments. See also :func:`get_backplane_map`. Returns: Array containing map of the ring plane distance from the observer in km obscuring each point on the target's surface, calculated using :func:`Body.ring_plane_coordinates`. Points where the target body is unobscured by the ring plane have a value of NaN. """ return self._get_ring_plane_coordinate_maps(**map_kwargs)[2]
# Default backplane registration def _register_default_backplanes(self) -> None: self.register_backplane( 'LON-GRAPHIC', 'Planetographic longitude, positive {ew} [deg]'.format( ew=self.positive_longitude_direction ), self.get_lon_img, self.get_lon_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'LAT-GRAPHIC', 'Planetographic latitude [deg]', self.get_lat_img, self.get_lat_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'LON-CENTRIC', 'Planetocentric longitude [deg]', self.get_lon_centric_img, self.get_lon_centric_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'LAT-CENTRIC', 'Planetocentric latitude [deg]', self.get_lat_centric_img, self.get_lat_centric_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'RA', 'Right ascension [deg]', self.get_ra_img, self.get_ra_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'DEC', 'Declination [deg]', self.get_dec_img, self.get_dec_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'PIXEL-X', 'Observation x pixel coordinate [pixels]', self.get_x_img, self.get_x_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'PIXEL-Y', 'Observation y pixel coordinate [pixels]', self.get_y_img, self.get_y_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'KM-X', 'East-West distance in target plane [km]', self.get_km_x_img, self.get_km_x_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'KM-Y', 'North-South distance in target plane [km]', self.get_km_y_img, self.get_km_y_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'PHASE', 'Phase angle [deg]', self.get_phase_angle_img, self.get_phase_angle_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'INCIDENCE', 'Incidence angle [deg]', self.get_incidence_angle_img, self.get_incidence_angle_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'EMISSION', 'Emission angle [deg]', self.get_emission_angle_img, self.get_emission_angle_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'AZIMUTH', 'Azimuth angle [deg]', self.get_azimuth_angle_img, self.get_azimuth_angle_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'LOCAL-SOLAR-TIME', 'Local solar time [local hours]', self.get_local_solar_time_img, self.get_local_solar_time_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'DISTANCE', 'Distance to observer [km]', self.get_distance_img, self.get_distance_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'RADIAL-VELOCITY', 'Radial velocity away from observer [km/s]', self.get_radial_velocity_img, self.get_radial_velocity_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'DOPPLER', 'Doppler factor, sqrt((1 + v/c)/(1 - v/c)) where v is radial velocity', self.get_doppler_img, self.get_doppler_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'LIMB-DISTANCE', 'Distance above limb [km]', self.get_limb_distance_img, self.get_limb_distance_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'LIMB-LON-GRAPHIC', 'Planetographic longitude of closest point on the limb [deg]', self.get_limb_lon_img, self.get_limb_lon_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'LIMB-LAT-GRAPHIC', 'Planetographic latitude of closest point on the limb [deg]', self.get_limb_lat_img, self.get_limb_lat_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'RING-RADIUS', 'Equatorial (ring) plane radius [km]', self.get_ring_plane_radius_img, self.get_ring_plane_radius_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'RING-LON-GRAPHIC', 'Equatorial (ring) plane planetographic longitude [deg]', self.get_ring_plane_longitude_img, self.get_ring_plane_longitude_map, ) self.register_backplane( 'RING-DISTANCE', 'Equatorial (ring) plane distance to observer [km]', self.get_ring_plane_distance_img, self.get_ring_plane_distance_map, )
class BackplaneNotFoundError(Exception): pass def _make_backplane_documentation_str() -> str: class _BodyXY_ForDocumentation(BodyXY): # pylint: disable-next=super-init-not-called def __init__(self): self.backplanes = {} self.positive_longitude_direction = 'W' self._register_default_backplanes() body = _BodyXY_ForDocumentation() msg = [] msg.append('..') msg.append(' THIS CONTENT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED') msg.append('') msg.append('.. _default backplanes:') msg.append('') msg.append('Default backplanes') msg.append('*' * len(msg[-1])) msg.append('') msg.append( 'This page lists the backplanes which are automatically registered to ' 'every instance of :class:`planetmapper.BodyXY`.' ) msg.append('') for bp in body.backplanes.values(): msg.append('------------') msg.append('') msg.append('`{}` {}'.format(, bp.description)) msg.append('') msg.append( '- Image function: :func:`planetmapper.{}`'.format(bp.get_img.__qualname__) ) msg.append( '- Map function: :func:`planetmapper.{}`'.format( bp.get_map.__qualname__ # type: ignore ) ) msg.append('') msg.append('------------') msg.append('') msg.append('Wireframe images') msg.append('=' * len(msg[-1])) msg.append('') msg.append( 'In addition to the above backplanes, a `WIREFRAME` backplane is also included ' 'by default in saved FITS files. This backplane contains a "wireframe" image ' 'of the body, which shows latitude/longitude gridlines, labels poles, displays ' 'the body\'s limb etc. These wireframe images can be used to help orient the ' 'observations, and can be used as an overlay if you are creating figures from ' 'the FITS files.' ) msg.append('') msg.append( 'The wireframe images are a graphical guide rather than containing any ' 'scientific data, so they are not registered like the other backplanes. ' 'Note that the wireframe images have a fixed size, so they will not be the ' 'same size as the data/mapped data (although the aspect ratio will be the ' 'same).' ) msg.append('') msg.append( '- Image function: :func:`planetmapper.{}`'.format( body.get_wireframe_overlay_img.__qualname__ ) ) msg.append( '- Map function: :func:`planetmapper.{}`'.format( body.get_wireframe_overlay_map.__qualname__ ) ) msg.append('') return '\n'.join(msg) def _extract_map_kwargs_from_dict(kwargs_dict) -> tuple[MapKwargs, dict[str, Any]]: """ Split a dictionary of keyword arguments into a dictionary of map kwargs and a dictionary of other kwargs. Args: kwargs_dict: Dictionary of keyword arguments. Returns: Tuple containing a dictionary of map kwargs and a dictionary of other kwargs. """ # pylint: disable-next=no-member map_keys = set(MapKwargs.__optional_keys__) | set(MapKwargs.__required_keys__) map_kwargs = MapKwargs() other_kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs_dict.items(): if k in map_keys: map_kwargs[k] = v else: other_kwargs[k] = v return map_kwargs, other_kwargs