

See also the page of examples of using the PlanetMapper Python package

PlanetMapper: A Python package for visualising, navigating and mapping Solar System observations.

The core logic of this code is based on conversion between different coordinate systems of interest. The xy and radec coordinate systems define positions from the point of view of the observer while the lonlat coordinate system defines locations on the surface of the target body:

xy: image pixel coordinates. These coordinates count the number of pixels in an observed image with the bottom left pixel defined as (0, 0), and the x and y coordinates defined as normal. Integer coordinates represent the middle of the corresponding pixel, so (0, 3) covers x values from -0.5 to 0.5 and y values from 2.5 to 3.5.

radec: observer frame RA/Dec sky coordinates. These are the right ascension and declination which define the position in the sky of a point from the point of view of the observer. These coordinates are expressed in degrees. See Wikipedia for more details.

lonlat: planetographic coordinates on target body. These are the planetographic longitude and latitude coordinates of a point on the surface of the target body. These coordinates are expressed in degrees. See Wikipedia and the SPICE documentation for more details.

km: defines the distance in the image plane from the centre of the target body in km with the target’s north pole pointing up. This coordinate system is similar to the radec and xy coordinate systems, but has the image zoomed so that the planet’s radius is fixed and rotated so that the north pole points up. It can therefore be useful for comparing observations of the same target taken at different times.

angular: relative angular coordinates in arcseconds. By default, the angular coordinates are centred on the target body, with the same rotation as the radec coordinates, meaning the angular coordinates define the distance in arcseconds from the centre of the target body. However, the origin and rotation of the angular coordinates can also be customised to measure the angular distance in arcseconds relative to an arbitrary point in the sky. See Body.radec2angular() for more details on customising the angular coordinates. Similarly to the km coordinate system, this can be useful for comparing observations of the same target taken at different times. It also can be used to minimise the distortion present when plotting radec coordinates for targets located near the celestial pole.



Angles (RA, Dec, longitude, latitude…)


Angles (relative angular coordinates, plate scale…)

arcseconds [1]



Time intervals




Dates (timezone)



By default, all angles should be degrees unless using a function/value explicitly named with _arcsec or _radians, or using the relative angular coordinate system. Note that angles in SPICE are radians, so extra care should be taken converting to/from SPICE values.

These additional coordinate systems are mainly used for internal calculations and to interface with SPICE:

  • targvec - target frame rectangular vector.

  • obsvec - observer frame (e.g. J2000) rectangular vector.

  • obsvec_norm - normalised observer frame rectangular vector.

  • rayvec - target frame rectangular vector from observer to point.

This code makes extensive use of the the spiceypy package which provides a Python wrapper around NASA’s cspice toolkit. See the spiceypy documentation and the SPICE documentation for more information.

If you use PlanetMapper in your research, please cite the following paper:

King et al., (2023). PlanetMapper: A Python package for visualising, navigating and mapping Solar System observations. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(90), 5728,


This code is in active development, so may contain bugs! Any issues, bugs and suggestions can be reported on GitHub.

planetmapper.set_kernel_path(path: str | os.PathLike | None) None[source]

Set the path of the directory containing SPICE kernels. See the kernel directory documentation for more detail.


path – Directory which PlanetMapper will search for SPICE kernels. If None, then the default value of '~/spice_kernels/' will be used.

planetmapper.get_kernel_path(return_source: bool = False) str | tuple[str, str][source]

Get the path of the directory of SPICE kernels used in PlanetMapper.

  1. If a kernel path has been manually set using set_kernel_path(), then this path is used.

  2. Otherwise the value of the environment variable PLANETMAPPER_KERNEL_PATH is used.

  3. If PLANETMAPPER_KERNEL_PATH is not set, then the default value, '~/spice_kernels/' is used.


return_source – If True, return a tuple of the kernel path and a string which indicates the source of the kernel path. If False (the default), return only the kernel path. The possible source strings are: 'set_kernel_path()', 'PLANETMAPPER_KERNEL_PATH', and 'default'.


The path of the directory of SPICE kernels used in PlanetMapper. If return_source is True, then a tuple of the kernel path and a string indicating the source of the kernel path is returned.

class planetmapper.SpiceBase(show_progress: bool = False, optimize_speed: bool = True, auto_load_kernels: bool = True, kernel_path: str | None = None, manual_kernels: None | list[str] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Class containing methods to interface with spice and manipulate coordinates.

This is the base class for all the main classes used in planetmapper.

  • show_progress – Show progress bars for long running processes. This is mainly useful for complex functions in derived classes, such as backplane generation in BodyXY. These progress bars can be quite messy, but can be useful to keep track of very long operations.

  • optimize_speed – Toggle speed optimizations. For typical observations, the optimizations can make code significantly faster with no effect on accuracy, so should generally be left enabled.

  • auto_load_kernels – Toggle automatic kernel loading with load_spice_kernels().

  • kernel_path – Passed to load_spice_kernels() if load_kernels is True. It is recommended to use set_kernel_path() instead of passing this argument.

  • manual_kernels – Passed to load_spice_kernels() if load_kernels is True. It is recommended to use planetmapper.base.prevent_kernel_loading() then manually load kernels yourself instead of passing this argument.

copy() Self[source]

Return a copy of this object.

replace(**changes) Self[source]

Return a copy of this object with the specified changes.

For example, to change the date and observer of a planetmapper.Body object, you can use:

body = planetmapper.Body('jupiter', '2020-01-01', observer='earth')
new = body.replace(utc='2020-01-01T12:34:56', observer='hst')

# Body('JUPITER', '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000', observer='EARTH')

# Body('JUPITER', '2020-01-01T12:34:56.000000', observer='HST')

See also Body.create_other_body().


**changes – Keyword arguments specifying any changes to make to the object. These should be the same as the arguments used to create the object. Any arguments not specified will be the same as in the original object.

standardise_body_name(name: str | int, *, raise_if_not_found: bool = False) str[source]

Return a standardised version of the name of a SPICE body.

This converts the provided name into the SPICE ID code with spice.bods2c, then back into a string with spice.bodc2s. This standardises to the version of the name preferred by SPICE. For example, 'jupiter', 'JuPiTeR', ' Jupiter ', '599' and 599 are all standardised to 'JUPITER'

  • name – The name of a body (e.g. a planet). This can also be the numeric ID code of a body.

  • raise_if_not_found – If True, raise a NotFoundError if SPICE does not recognise the provided name. If False, then the provided name is returned as a string if SPICE does not recognise it.


Standardised version of the body’s name preferred by SPICE.


NotFoundError – If SPICE does not recognise the provided name and raise_if_not_found is True.

et2dtm(et: float) datetime[source]

Convert ephemeris time to a Python datetime object.


et – Ephemeris time in seconds past J2000.


Timezone aware (UTC) datetime corresponding to et.

static mjd2dtm(mjd: float) datetime[source]

Convert Modified Julian Date into a python datetime object.


mjd – Float representing MJD.


Python datetime object corresponding to mjd. This datetime is timezone aware and set to the UTC timezone.

speed_of_light() float[source]

Return the speed of light in km/s. This is a convenience function to call spice.clight().


Speed of light in km/s.

calculate_doppler_factor(radial_velocity: Numeric) Numeric[source]

Calculates the doppler factor caused by a target’s radial velocity relative to the observer. This doppler factor, \(D\) can be used to calculate the doppler shift caused by this velocity as \(\lambda_r = \lambda_e D\) where \(\lambda_r\) is the wavelength received by the observer and \(\lambda_e\) is the wavelength emitted at the target.

This doppler factor is calculated as \(D = \sqrt{\frac{1 + v/c}{1 - v/c}}\) where \(v\) is the input radial_velocity and \(c\) is the speed of light.

See also


radial_velocity – Radial velocity in km/s with positive values corresponding to motion away from the observer. This can be a single float value or a numpy array containing multiple velocity values.


Doppler factor calculated from input radial velocity. If the input radial_velocity is a single value, then a float is returned. If the input radial_velocity is a numpy array, then a numpy array of doppler factors is returned.

static load_spice_kernels(kernel_path: str | None = None, manual_kernels: None | list[str] = None, only_if_needed: bool = True) None[source]

Attempt to intelligently SPICE kernels using planetmapper.base.load_kernels().

If manual_kernels is None (the default), then all kernels in the directory given by kernel_path which match the following patterns are loaded:

  • **/*.bsp

  • **/*.tpc

  • **/*.tls

Note that these patterns match an arbitrary number of nested directories (within kernel_path). If more control is required, you can instead specify a list of specific kernels to load with manual_kernels.


See the SPICE kernel documentation for more detail about downloading SPICE kernels and the automatic kernel loading behaviour.

  • kernel_path – Path to directory where kernels are stored. If this is None (the default) then the result of get_kernel_path() is used. It is usually recommended to use one of the methods described in the kernel directory documentation rather than using this kernel_path argument.

  • manual_kernels – Optional manual list of paths to kernels to load instead of using kernel_path.

  • only_if_needed – If this is True, kernels will only be loaded once per session.

static close_loop(arr: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Return copy of array with first element appended to the end.

This is useful for cases like plotting the limb of a planet where the array of values forms a loop with the first and last values in arr adjacent to each other.


arr – Array of values of length \(n\).


Array of values of length \(n + 1\) where the final value is the same as the first value.

static unit_vector(v: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Return normalised copy of a vector.

For an input vector \(\vec{v}\), return the unit vector \(\hat{v} = \frac{\vec{v}}{|\vec{v}|}\).


v – Input vector to normalise.


Normalised vector which is parallel to v and has a magnitude of 1.

static vector_magnitude(v: ndarray) float[source]

Return the magnitude of a vector.

For an input vector \(\vec{v}\), return magnitude \(|\vec{v}| = \sqrt{\sum{v_i^2}}\).


v – Input vector.


Magnitude (length) of vector.

static angular_dist(ra1: float, dec1: float, ra2: float, dec2: float) float[source]

Calculate the angular distance between two RA/Dec coordinate pairs.

  • ra1 – RA of first point.

  • dec1 – Dec of first point.

  • ra2 – RA of second point

  • dec2 – Dec of second point.


Angular distance in degrees between the two points.

class planetmapper.Body(target: str | int, utc: str | datetime.datetime | float | None = None, observer: str | int = 'EARTH', *, aberration_correction: str = 'CN', observer_frame: str = 'J2000', target_frame: str | None = None, illumination_source: str = 'SUN', subpoint_method: str = 'INTERCEPT/ELLIPSOID', surface_method: str = 'ELLIPSOID', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BodyBase

Class representing an astronomical body observed at a specific time.

Generally only target, utc and observer need to be changed. The additional parameters allow customising the exact settings used in the internal SPICE functions. Similarly, some methods (e.g. terminator_radec()) have parameters that are passed to SPICE functions which can almost always be left as their default values. See the SPICE documentation for more details about possible parameter values.

The target and observer names are passed to SpiceBase.standardise_body_name(), so a variety of formats are acceptable. For example 'jupiter', 'JUPITER', ' Jupiter ', '599' and 599 will all resolve to 'JUPITER'.

Body instances are hashable, so can be used as dictionary keys.

This class inherits from SpiceBase so the methods described above are also available.

  • target – Name of target body.

  • utc – Time of observation. This can be provided in a variety of formats and is assumed to be UTC unless otherwise specified. The accepted formats are: any string datetime representation compatible with SPICE (e.g. '2000-12-31T23:59:59' - see the documentation of acceptable string formats), a Python datetime object, or a float representing the Modified Julian Date (MJD) of the observation. Alternatively, if utc is None (the default), then the current time is used.

  • observer – Name of observing body. Defaults to 'EARTH'.

  • aberration_correction – Aberration correction used to correct light travel time in SPICE. Defaults to 'CN'.

  • observer_frame – Observer reference frame. Defaults to 'J2000',

  • target_frame – Target reference frame. If None (the default), then the target frame is set to 'IAU_{target}' - e.g. for Jupiter, the default target reference frame is 'IAU_JUPITER'.

  • illumination_source – Illumination source. Defaults to 'SUN'.

  • subpoint_method – Method used to calculate the sub-observer point in SPICE. Defaults to 'INTERCEPT/ELLIPSOID'.

  • surface_method – Method used to calculate surface intercepts in SPICE. Defaults to 'ELLIPSOID'.

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments are passed to SpiceBase.

target: str

Name of the target body, as standardised by SpiceBase.standardise_body_name().

utc: str

String representation of the time of the observation in the format '2000-01-01T00:00:00.000000'. This time is in the UTC timezone.

observer: str

Name of the observer body, as standardised by SpiceBase.standardise_body_name().

aberration_correction: str

Aberration correction used to correct light travel time in SPICE.

observer_frame: str

Observer reference frame.

et: float

Ephemeris time of the observation corresponding to utc.

dtm: datetime.datetime

Python timezone aware datetime of the observation corresponding to utc.

target_body_id: int

SPICE numeric ID of the target body.

target_light_time: float

Light time from the target to the observer at the time of the observation.

target_distance: float

Distance from the target to the observer at the time of the observation.

target_ra: float

Right ascension (RA) of the target centre.

target_dec: float

Declination (Dec) of the target centre.

illumination_source: str

Illumination source.

subpoint_method: str

Method used to calculate the sub-observer point in SPICE.

surface_method: str

Method used to calculate surface intercepts in SPICE.

target_frame: str

Target reference frame.

radii: np.ndarray

Array of radii of the target body along the x, y and z axes in km.

r_eq: float

Equatorial radius of the target body in km.

r_polar: float

Polar radius of the target body in km.

flattening: float

Flattening of target body, calculated as (r_eq - r_polar) / r_eq.

prograde: bool

Boolean indicating if the target’s spin sense is prograde or retrograde.

positive_longitude_direction: Literal['E', 'W']

Positive direction of planetographic longitudes. 'W' implies positive west planetographic longitudes and 'E' implies positive east longitudes.

This is determined from the target’s spin sense (i.e. from prograde), with positive west longitudes for prograde rotation and positive east for retrograde. The earth, moon and sun are exceptions to this and are defined to have positive east longitudes

For more details, see

subpoint_distance: float

Distance from the observer to the sub-observer point on the target.

subpoint_lon: float

Longitude of the sub-observer point on the target.

subpoint_lat: float

Latitude of the sub-observer point on the target.

subsol_lon: float

Longitude of the sub-solar point on the target.

subsol_lat: float

Latitude of the sub-solar point on the target.

target_diameter_arcsec: float

Equatorial angular diameter of the target in arcseconds.

This is calculated using arcsin(body.r_eq / body.target_distance), so can underestimate the diameter if the observer is located very close to the target. If you require exact values for an observer close to the target, you can use the limb coordinates returned by limb_radec() to calculate the diameter.

named_ring_data: dict[str, list[float]]

Dictionary of ring radii for the target from data_loader.get_ring_radii().

The dictionary keys are the names of the rings, and values are list of ring radii in km. If the length of this list is 2, then the values give the inner and outer radii of the ring respectively. Otherwise, the length should be 1, meaning the ring has a single radius. These ring radii values are sourced from planetary factsheets. If no ring data is available for the target, this dictionary is empty.

Values from this dictionary can be easily accessed using the convenience function ring_radii_from_name().

ring_radii: set[float]

Set of ring radii in km to plot around the target body’s equator. Each radius is plotted as a single line, so for a wide ring you may want to add both the inner and outer edger of the ring. The radii are defined as the distance from the centre of the target body to the ring. For Saturn, the A, B and C rings from named_ring_data are included by default. For all other bodies, ring_radii is empty by default.

Ring radii data from the named_ring_data can easily be added to ring_radii using add_named_rings(). Example usage:

body.ring_radii.add(122340) # Add new ring radius to plot
body.ring_radii.add(136780) # Add new ring radius to plot
body.ring_radii.update([66900, 74510]) # Add multiple radii to plot at once

body.ring_radii.remove(122340) # Remove a ring radius
body.ring_radii.clear() # Remove all ring radii

# Add specific ring radii using data from planetary factsheets
body.add_named_rings('main', 'halo')

# Add all rings defined in the planetary factsheets

See also ring_radec().

other_bodies_of_interest: list[Body | BasicBody]

List of other bodies of interest to mark when plotting. Add to this list using add_other_bodies_of_interest().

coordinates_of_interest_lonlat: list[tuple[float, float]]

List of (lon, lat) coordinates of interest on the surface of the target body to mark when plotting (points which are not visible will not be plotted). To add a new point of interest, simply append a coordinate pair to this list:

body.coordinates_of_interest_lonlat.append((0, -22))
coordinates_of_interest_radec: list[tuple[float, float]]

List of (ra, dec) sky coordinates of interest to mark when plotting (e.g. background stars). To add new point of interest, simply append a coordinate pair to this list:

body.coordinates_of_interest_radec.append((200, -45))
create_other_body(other_target: str | int, fallback_to_basic_body: Literal[False]) Body[source]
create_other_body(other_target: str | int, fallback_to_basic_body: bool = True) planetmapper.body.Body | planetmapper.basic_body.BasicBody

Create a Body instance using identical parameters but just with a different target. For example, the europa body created here will have identical parameters (see below) to the jupiter body, just with a different target.

jupiter = Body('Jupiter', '2000-01-01', observer='Moon')
europa = jupiter.create_other_body('Europa')

The parameters kept the same are utc, observer, observer_frame, illumination_source, aberration_correction, subpoint_method, and surface_method.

If a full Body instance cannot be created due to insufficient data in the SPICE kernel, a BasicBody instance will be created instead. This is useful for objects such as minor satellites which do not have known radius data.

See also SpiceBase.replace() for a similar method which can be used to create new Body instances with custom parameters replaced.

  • other_target – Name of the other target, passed to Body

  • fallback_to_basic_body – If a full Body instance cannot be created due to insufficient data in the SPICE kernel, attempt to create a BasicBody instance instead.


Body or BasicBody instance which corresponds to other_target.

add_other_bodies_of_interest(*other_targets: str | int, only_visible: bool = False) None[source]

Add targets to the list of other_bodies_of_interest of interest to mark when plotting. The other targets are created using create_other_body(). For example, to add the Galilean moons as other targets to a Jupiter body, use

body = planetmapper.Body('Jupiter')
body.add_other_bodies_of_interest('Io', 'Europa', 'Ganymede', 'Callisto')

Integer SPICE ID codes can also be provided, which can be used to simplify adding multiple satellites to plots.

body = planetmapper.Body('Uranus')
body.add_other_bodies_of_interest(*range(701, 711))
# Uranus' satellites have ID codes 701, 702, 703 etc, so this adds 10 moons
# with a single function call

See also add_satellites_to_bodies_of_interest().

  • *other_targets – Names of the other targets, passed to Body

  • only_visible – If True, other targets which are hidden behind the target will not be added to other_bodies_of_interest.

add_satellites_to_bodies_of_interest(skip_insufficient_data: bool = False, only_visible: bool = False) None[source]

Automatically add all satellites in the target planetary system to other_bodies_of_interest.

This uses the NAIF ID codes to identify the satellites. For example, Uranus has an ID of 799, and its satellites have codes 701, 702, 703…, so any valid object with a code in the range 701 to 798 is added for Uranus.

See also add_other_bodies_of_interest().

  • skip_insufficient_data – If True, satellites with insufficient data in the SPICE kernel will be skipped. If False, an exception will be raised if a satellite (a) has a valid ID code (i.e. spice.bodc2s works for the satellite) and (b) it has insufficient data.

  • only_visible – If True, satellites which are hidden behind the target body will not be added.

ring_radii_from_name(name: str) list[float][source]

Get list of ring radii in km for a named ring.

This is a convenience function to load data from named_ring_data.


name – Name of ring. This is case insensitive and, “ring” suffix is optional and non-ASCII versions are allowed. For example, 'liberte' will load the 'Liberté' ring radii for Uranus and 'amalthea' will load the 'Amalthea Ring' radii for Jupiter.


ValueError – if no ring with the provided name is found.


List of ring radii in km. If the length of this list is 2, then the values give the inner and outer radii of the ring respectively. Otherwise, the length should be 1, meaning the ring has a single radius.

add_named_rings(*names: str) None[source]

Add named rings to ring_radii so that they appear when creating wireframe plots. If no arguments are provided (i.e. calling body.add_named_rings()), then all rings in named_ring_data are added to ring_radii.

This is a convenience function to add data from named_ring_data to ring_radii.


*names – Ring names which are passed to ring_radii_from_name(). If no names are provided then all rings in named_ring_data are added.

lonlat2radec(lon: float, lat: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body to RA/Dec sky coordinates for the observer.

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.


(ra, dec) tuple containing the RA/Dec coordinates of the point.

radec2lonlat(ra: float, dec: float, not_found_nan: bool = True) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert RA/Dec sky coordinates for the observer to longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body.

The provided RA/Dec will not necessarily correspond to any longitude/latitude coordinates, as they could be ‘missing’ the target and instead be observing the background sky. In this case, the returned longitude/latitude values will be NaN if not_found_nan is True (the default) or this function will raise an error if not_found_nan is False.

  • ra – Right ascension of point in the sky of the observer.

  • dec – Declination of point in the sky of the observer.

  • not_found_nan – Controls behaviour when the input ra and dec coordinates are missing the target body.


(lon, lat) tuple containing the longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body. If the provided RA/Dec coordinates are missing the target body and not_found_nan is True, then the lon and lat values will both be NaN.


NotFoundError – If the provided RA/Dec coordinates are missing the target body and not_found_nan is False, then NotFoundError will be raised.

lonlat2targvec(lon: float, lat: float) ndarray[source]

Convert longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body to rectangular vector centred in the target frame (e.g. for use as an input to a SPICE function).

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.


Numpy array corresponding to the 3D rectangular vector describing the longitude/latitude point in the target frame of reference.

targvec2lonlat(targvec: ndarray) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert rectangular vector centred in the target frame to longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body (e.g. to convert the output from a SPICE function).


targvec – 3D rectangular vector in the target frame of reference.


(lon, lat) tuple containing the longitude and latitude corresponding to the input vector.

radec2angular(ra: float, dec: float, *, origin_ra: float | None = None, origin_dec: float | None = None, coordinate_rotation: float = 0.0) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert RA/Dec sky coordinates for the observer to relative angular coordinates.

The origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates can be customised using the origin_ra, origin_dec and coordinate_rotation arguments. If these are not provided, the origin will be the centre of the target body and the rotation will be the same as in RA/Dec coordinates.

  • ra – Right ascension of point in the sky of the observer.

  • dec – Declination of point in the sky of the observer.

  • origin_ra – Right ascension (RA) of the origin of the relative angular coordinates. If None, the RA of the centre of the target body is used.

  • origin_dec – Declination (Dec) of the origin of the relative angular coordinates. If None, the Dec of the centre of the target body is used.

  • coordinate_rotation – Angle in degrees to rotate the relative angular coordinates around the origin, relative to the positive declination direction. The default coordinate_rotation is 0.0, so the target will have the same orientation as in RA/Dec coordinates.


(angular_x, angular_y) tuple containing the relative angular coordinates of the point in arcseconds.

angular2radec(angular_x: float, angular_y: float, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert relative angular coordinates to RA/Dec sky coordinates for the observer.

  • angular_x – Angular coordinate in the x direction in arcseconds.

  • angular_y – Angular coordinate in the y direction in arcseconds.

  • **angular_kwargs – Additional arguments are used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates. See radec2angular() for details.


(ra, dec) tuple containing the RA/Dec coordinates of the point.

angular2lonlat(angular_x: float, angular_y: float, *, not_found_nan: bool = True, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert relative angular coordinates to longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body.

  • angular_x – Angular coordinate in the x direction in arcseconds.

  • angular_y – Angular coordinate in the y direction in arcseconds.

  • not_found_nan – Controls behaviour when the input angular_x and angular_y coordinates are missing the target body.

  • **angular_kwargs – Additional arguments are used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates. See radec2angular() for details.


(lon, lat) tuple containing the longitude and latitude of the point. If the provided angular coordinates are missing the target body and not_found_nan is True, then the lon and lat values will both be NaN.


NotFoundError – If the provided angular coordinates are missing the target body and not_found_nan is False, then NotFoundError will be raised.

lonlat2angular(lon: float, lat: float, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body to relative angular coordinates.

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.

  • **angular_kwargs – Additional arguments are used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates. See radec2angular() for details.


(angular_x, angular_y) tuple containing the relative angular coordinates of the point in arcseconds.

km2radec(km_x: float, km_y: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert distance in target plane to RA/Dec sky coordinates for the observer.

  • km_x – Distance in target plane in km in the East-West direction.

  • km_y – Distance in target plane in km in the North-South direction.


(ra, dec) tuple containing the RA/Dec coordinates of the point.

radec2km(ra: float, dec: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert RA/Dec sky coordinates for the observer to distances in the target plane.

  • ra – Right ascension of point in the sky of the observer.

  • dec – Declination of point in the sky of the observer.


(km_x, km_y) tuple containing distances in km in the target plane in the East-West and North-South directions respectively.

km2lonlat(km_x: float, km_y: float, not_found_nan: bool = True) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert distance in target plane to longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body.

  • km_x – Distance in target plane in km in the East-West direction.

  • km_y – Distance in target plane in km in the North-South direction.

  • not_found_nan – Controls behaviour when the input km_x and km_y coordinates are missing the target body.


(lon, lat) tuple containing the longitude and latitude of the point. If the provided km coordinates are missing the target body, then the lon and lat values will both be NaN if not_found_nan is True, otherwise a NotFoundError will be raised.

  • NotFoundError – If the provided km coordinates are missing the target body

  • and not_found_nan is False, then NotFoundError will be raised.

lonlat2km(lon: float, lat: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body to distances in the target plane.

  • lon – Longitude of point on the target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on the target body.


(km_x, km_y) tuple containing distances in km in the target plane in the East-West and North-South directions respectively.

km2angular(km_x: float, km_y: float, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert distance in target plane to relative angular coordinates.

  • km_x – Distance in target plane in km in the East-West direction.

  • km_y – Distance in target plane in km in the North-South direction.

  • **angular_kwargs – Additional arguments are used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates. See radec2angular() for details.


(angular_x, angular_y) tuple containing the relative angular coordinates of the point in arcseconds.

angular2km(angular_x: float, angular_y: float, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert relative angular coordinates to distances in the target plane.

  • angular_x – Angular coordinate in the x direction in arcseconds.

  • angular_y – Angular coordinate in the y direction in arcseconds.

  • **angular_kwargs – Additional arguments are used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates. See radec2angular() for details.


(km_x, km_y) tuple containing distances in km in the target plane in the East-West and North-South directions respectively.

limb_radec(**kwargs) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Calculate the RA/Dec coordinates of the target body’s limb.


npts – Number of points in the generated limb.


(ra, dec) tuple of coordinate arrays.

limb_radec_by_illumination(**kwargs) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Calculate RA/Dec coordinates of the dayside and nightside parts of the target body’s limb.

Output arrays are like the outputs of limb_radec(), but the dayside coordinate arrays have non-illuminated locations replaced with NaN and the nightside arrays have illuminated locations replaced with NaN.


npts – Number of points in the generated limbs.


(ra_day, dec_day, ra_night, dec_night) tuple of coordinate arrays of the dayside then nightside parts of the limb.

limb_coordinates_from_radec(ra: float, dec: float) tuple[float, float, float][source]

Calculate the coordinates relative to the target body’s limb for a point in the sky.

The coordinates are calculated for the point on the ray (as defined by RA/Dec) which is closest to the target body’s limb.

  • ra – Right ascension of point in the sky of the observer.

  • dec – Declination of point in the sky of the observer.


(lon, lat, dist) tuple of coordinates relative to the target body’s limb. lon and lat give the planetographic longitude and latitude of the point on the limb closest to the point defined by ra and dec. dist gives the distance from the point defined by ra and dec to the target’s limb. Positive values of dist mean that the point is above the limb and negative values mean that the point is below the limb (i.e. on the target body’s disc).

test_if_lonlat_visible(lon: float, lat: float) bool[source]

Test if longitude/latitude coordinate on the target body are visible.

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.


True if the point is visible from the observer, otherwise False.

other_body_los_intercept(other: str | int | planetmapper.body.Body | planetmapper.basic_body.BasicBody) Union[None, Literal['transit', 'hidden', 'part transit', 'part hidden', 'same']][source]

Test for line-of-sight intercept between the target body and another body.

This can be used to test for if another body (e.g. a moon) is in front of or behind the target body (e.g. a planet).

See also test_if_other_body_visible().


This method does not perform any checks to ensure that any input Body or BasicBody instances have a consistent observer location and observation time as the target body.


other – Other body to test for intercept with. Can be a :class`Body` (or BasicBody) instance, or a string/integer NAIF ID code which is passed to create_other_body().


None if there is no intercept, otherwise a string indicating the type of intercept. For example, with jupiter.other_body_los_intercept('europa'), the possible return values mean:

  • None - there is no intercept, meaning that Europa and Jupiter do not overlap in the sky.

  • 'hidden' - all of Europa’s disk is hidden behind Jupiter.

  • 'part hidden' - part of Europa’s disk is hidden behind Jupiter and part is visible.

  • 'transit' - all of Europa’s disk is in front of Jupiter.

  • 'part transit' - part of Europa’s disk is in front of Jupiter.

The return value can also be 'same', which means that the other body is the same object as the target body (or has an identical location).

test_if_other_body_visible(other: str | int | planetmapper.body.Body | planetmapper.basic_body.BasicBody) bool[source]

Test if another body is visible, or is hidden behind the target body.

This is a convenience method equivalent to:

body.other_body_los_intercept(other) != 'hidden'

other – Other body to test for visibility, passed to other_body_los_intercept().


False if the other body is hidden behind the target body, otherwise True. If any part of the other body is visible, this method will return True.

illumination_angles_from_lonlat(lon: float, lat: float) tuple[float, float, float][source]

Calculate the illumination angles of a longitude/latitude coordinate on the target body.

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.


(phase, incidence, emission) tuple containing the illumination angles.

azimuth_angle_from_lonlat(lon: float, lat: float) float[source]

Calculate the azimuth angle of a longitude/latitude coordinate on the target body.

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.


Azimuth angle in degrees.

local_solar_time_from_lon(lon: float) float[source]

Calculate the numerical local solar time for a longitude on the target body. For example, 0.0 corresponds to midnight and 12.5 corresponds to 12:30pm.

See also local_solar_time_string_from_lon().


A ‘local hour’ of solar time is a defined as 1/24th of the solar day on the target body, so will not correspond to a ‘normal’ hour as measured by a clock. See the SPICE documentation for more details.


lon – Longitude of point on target body.


Numerical local solar time in ‘local hours’.

local_solar_time_string_from_lon(lon: float) str[source]

Local solar time string representation for a longitude on the target body. For example, '00:00:00' corresponds to midnight and '12:30:00' corresponds to 12:30pm.

See local_solar_time_from_lon() for more details.


lon – Longitude of point on target body.


String representation of local solar time.

terminator_radec(npts: int = 360, only_visible: bool = True, close_loop: bool = True, method: str = 'UMBRAL/TANGENT/ELLIPSOID', corloc: str = 'ELLIPSOID TERMINATOR') tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Calculate the RA/Dec coordinates of the terminator (line between day and night) on the target body. By default, only the visible part of the terminator is returned (this can be changed with only_visible).

  • npts – Number of points in generated terminator.

  • only_visible – Toggle only returning visible part of terminator.

  • close_loop – If True, passes coordinate arrays through close_loop() (e.g. to enable nicer plotting).

  • method – Passed to SPICE function.

  • corloc – Passed to SPICE function.


(ra, dec) tuple of RA/Dec coordinate arrays.

test_if_lonlat_illuminated(lon: float, lat: float) bool[source]

Test if longitude/latitude coordinate on the target body are illuminated.

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.


True if the point is illuminated, otherwise False.

ring_plane_coordinates(ra: float, dec: float, only_visible: bool = True) tuple[float, float, float][source]

Calculate coordinates in the target body’s equatorial (ring) plane. This is mainly useful for calculating the coordinates in a body’s ring system at a given point in the sky.

To calculate the coordinates corresponding to a location on the target body, you can use

body.ring_plane_coordinates(*body.radec2lonlat(lon, lat))

This form can be useful to identify parts of a planet’s surface which are obscured by its rings

radius, _, _ = body.ring_plane_coordinates(*body.lonlat2radec(lon, lat))
ring_data = planetmapper.data_loader.get_ring_radii()['SATURN']
for name, radii in ring_data.items():
    if min(radii) < radius < max(radii):
        print(f'Point obscured by {name} ring')
    print('Point not obscured by rings')
  • ra – Right ascension of point in the sky of the observer.

  • dec – Declination of point in the sky of the observer.

  • only_visible – If True (the default), coordinates for parts of the equatorial plane hidden behind the target body are set to NaN.


(ring_radius, ring_longitude, ring_distance) tuple for the point on the target body’s equatorial (ring) plane. ring_radius gives the distance of the point in km from the centre of the target body. ring_longitude gives the planetographic longitude of the point in degrees. ring_distance gives the distance from the observer to the point in km.

ring_radec(radius: float, npts: int = 360, only_visible: bool = True) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Calculate RA/Dec coordinates of a ring around the target body.

The ring is assumed to be directly above the planet’s equator and has a constant radius for all longitudes. Use ring_radii to set the rings automatically plotted.

  • radius – Radius in km of the ring from the centre of the target body.

  • npts – Number of points in the generated ring.

  • only_visible – If True (default), the coordinates for the part of the ring hidden behind the target body are set to NaN. This routine will execute slightly faster with only_visible set to False.


(ra, dec) tuple of coordinate arrays.

visible_lonlat_grid_radec(interval: float = 30, **kwargs) list[tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]][source]

Convenience function to calculate a grid of equally spaced lines of constant longitude and latitude for use in plotting lon/lat grids.

This function effectively combines visible_lon_grid_radec() and visible_lat_grid_radec() to produce both longitude and latitude gridlines.

For example, to plot gridlines with a 45 degree interval, use:

lines = body.visible_lonlat_grid_radec(interval=45)
for ra, dec in lines:
    plt.plot(ra, dec)
  • interval – Spacing of gridlines. Generally, this should be an integer factor of 90 to produce nice looking plots (e.g. 10, 30, 45 etc).

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments are passed to visible_lon_grid_radec() and visible_lat_grid_radec().


List of (ra, dec) tuples, each of which corresponds to a gridline. ra and dec are arrays of RA/Dec coordinate values for that gridline.

visible_lon_grid_radec(lons: list[float] | numpy.ndarray, npts: int = 60, *, lat_limit: float = 90) list[tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]][source]

Calculates the RA/Dec coordinates for visible lines of constant longitude.

For each longitude in lons, a (ra, dec) tuple is calculated which contains arrays of RA and Dec coordinates. Coordinates which correspond to points which are not visible are replaced with NaN.

See also visible_lonlat_grid_radec(),

  • lons – List of longitudes to plot.

  • npts – Number of points in each full line of constant longitude.

  • lat_limit – Latitude limit for gridlines. For example, if lat_limit=60, the gridlines will be calculated for latitudes between 60°N and 60°S (inclusive).


List of (ra, dec) tuples, corresponding to the list of input lons. ra and dec are arrays of RA/Dec coordinate values for that gridline.

visible_lat_grid_radec(lats: list[float] | numpy.ndarray, npts: int = 120, *, lat_limit: float = 90) list[tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]][source]

Constant latitude version of visible_lon_grid_radec(). See also visible_lonlat_grid_radec().

  • lats – List of latitudes to plot.

  • npts – Number of points in each full line of constant latitude.

  • lat_limit – Latitude limit for gridlines. For example, if lat_limit=60, only gridlines with latitudes between 60°N and 60°S (inclusive) will be calculated.


List of (ra, dec) tuples, corresponding to the list of input lats. ra and dec are arrays of RA/Dec coordinate values for that gridline.

radial_velocity_from_lonlat(lon: float, lat: float) float[source]

Calculate radial (i.e. line-of-sight) velocity of a point on the target’s surface relative to the observer. This can be used to calculate the doppler shift.

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.


Radial velocity of the point in km/s.

distance_from_lonlat(lon: float, lat: float) float[source]

Calculate distance from observer to a point on the target’s surface.

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.


Distance of the point in km.

graphic2centric_lonlat(lon: float, lat: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert planetographic longitude/latitude to planetocentric.

  • lon – Planetographic longitude.

  • lat – Planetographic latitude.


(lon_centric, lat_centric) tuple of planetocentric coordinates.

centric2graphic_lonlat(lon_centric: float, lat_centric: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert planetocentric longitude/latitude to planetographic.

  • lon_centric – Planetocentric longitude.

  • lat_centric – Planetographic latitude.


(lon, lat) tuple of planetographic coordinates.

north_pole_angle() float[source]

Calculate the angle of the north pole of the target body relative to the positive declination direction.


This method calculates the angle between the centre of the target and its north pole, so may produce unexpected results for targets which are located directly at the celestial pole.


Angle of the north pole in degrees (-180 to 180).

get_description(multiline: bool = True) str[source]

Generate a useful description of the body.


multiline – Toggles between multi-line and single-line version of the description.


String describing the observation of the body.

get_poles_to_plot() list[tuple[float, float, str]][source]

Get list of poles on the target body for use in plotting.

If at least one pole is visible, return the visible poles. If no poles are visible, return both poles but in brackets. This ensures that at lease one pole is always returned (to orientate the observation).


List of (lon, lat, label) tuples describing the poles where lon and lat give the coordinates of the pole on the target and label is a string describing the pole. If the pole is visible, the label is either ‘N’ or ‘S’. If neither pole is visible, then both poles are returned with labels of ‘(N)’ and ‘(S)’.

matplotlib_radec2km_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None) Transform[source]

Get matplotlib transform which converts between coordinate systems.

For example, matplotlib_radec2km_transform() can be used to plot data in RA/Dec coordinates directly on a plot in the km coordinate system:

# Create plot in km coordinates
ax = body.plot_wireframe_km()

# Plot data using RA/Dec coordinates with the transform
# This is (almost exactly) equivalent to using
# ax.scatter(*body.radec2km(body.target_ra, body.target_dec), color='r')

A full set of transformations are available in Body (below) and BodyXY to convert between various coordinate systems. These are mainly convenience functions to simplify plotting data in different coordinate systems, and may not be exact in some extreme geometries, due to the non-linear nature of spherical coordinates.


The transformations are performed as affine transformations, which are linear transformations. This means that the transformations may be inexact at large distances from the target body, or near the celestial poles for radec coordinates.

For the vast majority of purposes, these matplotlib transformations are accurate, but if you are working with extreme geometries or require exact transformations you should convert the coordinates manually before plotting (e.g. using radec2km() rather than matplotlib_radec2km_transform()).

The km, angular (with the default values for the origin) and xy coordinate systems are all affine transformations of each other, so the matplotlib transformations between these coordinate systems should be exact.


ax – Optionally specify a matplotlib axis to return transform_radec2km + ax.transData. This value can then be used in the transform keyword argument of a Matplotlib function without any further modification.


Matplotlib transformation from radec to km coordinates.

matplotlib_km2radec_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None) Transform[source]
matplotlib_radec2angular_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) Transform[source]
matplotlib_angular2radec_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) Transform[source]
plot_wireframe_radec(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, *, scale_factor: float | None = None, dms_ticks: bool | None = None, add_axis_labels: bool | None = None, aspect_adjustable: Optional[Literal['box', 'datalim']] = 'datalim', use_shifted_meridian: bool = False, show: bool = False, **wireframe_kwargs: Unpack[WireframeKwargs]) Axes[source]

Plot basic wireframe representation of the observation using RA/Dec sky coordinates.

See also plot_wireframe_km(), plot_wireframe_angular() and BodyXY.plot_wireframe_xy() to plot the wireframe in other coordinate systems. plot_wireframe_custom() can also be used to plot a wireframe with a custom coordinate system.


See the examples page for more examples of creating wireframe plots.

To plot a wireframe with the default appearance, simply use:


To customise the appearance of the plot, you can use the formatting and **kwargs arguments which can be used to pass arguments to the Matplotlib plotting functions. The formatting argument can be used to customise individual components, and the **kwargs argument can be used to customise all components at once.

For example, to change the colour of the entire wireframe to red, you can use:


To change just the plotted terminator and dayside limb to red, use:

        'terminator': {'color': 'r'}, 'limb_illuminated': {'color': 'r'},

The order of precedence for the formatting is the formatting argument, then **kwargs, then the default formatting. For example, the following plot will be red with a thin blue grid and green poles:

    color='r', formatting={
        'grid': {'color': 'b', 'linewidth': 0.5, 'linestyle': '-'}, 'pole':
        {'color': 'g'},

Individual components can be hidden by setting visible to False. For example, to hide the terminator, use:

body.plot_wireframe_radec(formatting={'terminator': {'visible': False}})

The default formatting is defined in DEFAULT_WIREFRAME_FORMATTING. This can be modified after importing PlanetMapper to change the default appearance of all wireframes:

import planetmapper
planetmapper.DEFAULT_WIREFRAME_FORMATTING['grid']['color'] = 'b'
planetmapper.DEFAULT_WIREFRAME_FORMATTING['grid']['linestyle'] = '--'

body.plot_wireframe_radec() # This would have a blue dashed grid
body.plot_wireframe_radec(color='r') # This would be red with a dashed grid

The units of the plotted data can be customised with the scale_factor argument, which multiplies coordinates by the given scale_factor before plotting. For example:

body.plot_wireframe_radec() # units of degrees
body.plot_wireframe_radec(scale_factor=3.14159/180) # units of radians

body.plot_wireframe_km() # units of km
body.plot_wireframe_km(scale_factor=1000) # units of m
body.plot_wireframe_km(scale_factor=1/body.r_eq) # units of planet radii

body.plot_wireframe_angular() # units of arcseconds
body.plot_wireframe_angular(scale_factor=1/60) # units of arcminutes
body.plot_wireframe_angular(scale_factor=1/3600) # units of degrees


Even though the numerical values will be correct, the plot may appear warped or distorted if the target is near the celestial pole (i.e. the target’s declination is near 90° or -90°). This is due to the spherical nature of the RA/Dec coordinate system, which is impossible to represent perfectly on a 2D cartesian plot.

plot_wireframe_angular() can be used as an alternative to plot_wireframe_radec() to plot the wireframe without distortion from the choice of coordinate system. By default, the angular coordinate system is centred on the target body, which minimises any distortion, but the origin and rotation of the angular coordinates can also be customised as needed (e.g. to align it with an instrument’s field of view).


If the target body is near RA=0°, then the wireframe may be split over two halves of the plot. This can be fixed by using body.plot_wireframe_radec(use_shifted_meridian=True), which will plot the wireframe with RA coordinates between -180° and 180°, rather than the default of 0° to 360°.

  • ax – Matplotlib axis to use for plotting. If ax is None (the default), uses plt.gca() to get the currently active axis.

  • scale_factor – Custom scale factor to apply to the plotted wireframe. This can be used to change units of the plot. If scale_factor is used, the plotted coordinates will be multiplied by scale_factor before plotting. See the examples above for more details.

  • label_poles – Toggle labelling the poles of the target body.

  • add_title – Add title generated by get_description() to the axis.

  • add_axis_labels – Add axis labels to the plot. If add_axis_labels is None (the default), then labels will only be added if scale_factor is not used.

  • grid_interval – Spacing between grid lines in degrees.

  • grid_lat_limit – Latitude limit for gridlines. For example, if grid_lat_limit=60, then gridlines will only be plotted for latitudes between 60°N and 60°S (inclusive). This can be useful to reduce visual clutter around the poles.

  • indicate_equator – Toggle indicating the equator with a solid line.

  • indicate_prime_meridian – Toggle indicating the prime meridian with a solid line.

  • aspect_adjustable – Set adjustable parameter when setting the aspect ratio. Passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_aspect(). Set to None to skip setting the aspect ratio (generally this is only recommended if you’re setting the aspect ratio yourself).

  • dms_ticks – Toggle between showing ticks as degrees, minutes and seconds (e.g. 12°34′56″) or decimal degrees (e.g. 12.582). This argument is only applicable for plot_wireframe_radec(). If dms_ticks is None (the default), then ticks will only be shown as degrees, minutes and seconds if scale_factor is not used.

  • use_shifted_meridian – If use_shifted_meridian=True, plot the wireframe with RA coordinates between -180° and 180°, rather than the default of 0° to 360°. This can be useful for bodies which lie at RA=0°, which can be split over two halves of the plot with the default use_shifted_meridian=False. This argument is only applicable for plot_wireframe_radec().

  • show – Toggle immediately showing the plotted figure with

  • formatting

    Dictionary of formatting options for the wireframe components. The keys of this dictionary are the names of the wireframe components and the values are dictionaries of keyword arguments to pass to the Matplotlib plotting function for that component. For example, to set the color of the plotted rings to red, you could use:

    body.plot_wireframe_radec(formatting={'ring': {'color': 'r'}})

    The following components can be formatted: grid, equator, prime_meridian, limb, limb_illuminated, terminator, ring, pole, coordinate_of_interest_lonlat, coordinate_of_interest_radec, other_body_of_interest_marker, other_body_of_interest_label, hidden_other_body_of_interest_marker, hidden_other_body_of_interest_label.

  • **kwargs

    Additional arguments are passed to Matplotlib plotting functions for all components. This is useful for specifying properties like color to customise the entire wireframe rather than a single component. For example, to make the entire wireframe red, you could use:



The axis containing the plotted wireframe.

plot_wireframe_km(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, *, scale_factor: float | None = None, add_axis_labels: bool | None = None, aspect_adjustable: Optional[Literal['box', 'datalim']] = 'datalim', show: bool = False, **wireframe_kwargs: Unpack[WireframeKwargs]) Axes[source]

Plot basic wireframe representation of the observation on a target centred frame. See plot_wireframe_radec() for details of accepted arguments.


The axis containing the plotted wireframe.

plot_wireframe_angular(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, *, origin_ra: float | None = None, origin_dec: float | None = None, coordinate_rotation: float = 0.0, scale_factor: float | None = None, add_axis_labels: bool | None = None, aspect_adjustable: Optional[Literal['box', 'datalim']] = 'datalim', show: bool = False, **wireframe_kwargs: Unpack[WireframeKwargs]) Axes[source]

Plot basic wireframe representation of the observation on a relative angular coordinate frame. See plot_wireframe_radec() for details of accepted arguments.

The origin_ra, origin_dec and coordinate_rotation arguments can be used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinate frame (see see radec2angular()). For example, to plot the wireframe with the origin at the north pole, you can use:

body.plot_wireframe_angular(origin_ra=0, origin_dec=90)


If custom values for origin_ra and origin_dec are provided, the plot may appear warped or distorted if the target is a large distance from the origin. This is because spherical coordinates are impossible to represent perfectly on a 2D cartesian plot. By default, the angular coordinates are centred on the target body, minimising any distortion.


The axis containing the plotted wireframe.

plot_wireframe_custom(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, coordinate_func: Optional[Callable[[float, float], tuple[float, float]]] = None, *, transform: matplotlib.transforms.Transform | None = None, additional_array_func: Optional[Callable[[Iterable, Iterable], tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]]] = None, **wireframe_kwargs: Unpack[WireframeKwargs]) Axes[source]

Plot a custom wireframe representation of the observation, using a user-defined coordinate system.

This can be used to create a custom wireframe plot variant, similar to the plot_wireframe_radec(), plot_wireframe_km(), plot_wireframe_angular() and BodyXY.plot_wireframe_xy() methods. All wireframe variants use the same plotting code internally, and this method allows the internal wireframe plotting code to be accessed directly, with custom arguments. Most wireframe uses are covered by the built-in wireframe plotting methods but this method can be useful when plotting with custom projections or complex coordinate systems.


If you just want to change the units of a wireframe plot, this can be done with the scale_factor argument of the built-in wireframe plotting methods. For example, body.plot_wireframe_angular(scale_factor=1/60) will plot the wireframe with units of arcminutes (rather than the default arcseconds).

The coordinate_func and transform arguments are used to convert data in RA/Dec coordinates into the desired coordinate system and apply any additional Matplotlib transforms desired to the plotted data. Both of these arguments are optional, so generally you will only need to specify a value for coordinate_func.

For example, this approximately replicates the plot_wireframe_km() method, by using radec2km() to convert RA/Dec coordinates to km coordinates:

ax = body.plot_wireframe_custom(coordinate_func=body.radec2km)
ax.set_xlabel('Projected distance (km)')
ax.set_ylabel('Projected distance (km)')

Or to plot a wireframe in custom ‘angular’ coordinates that are reflected in the y direction, you could use:

def coordinate_func(ra, dec):
    x, y = body.radec2angular(ra, dec)
    return x, -y

ax = body.plot_wireframe_custom(coordinate_func=coordinate_func)

The transform argument is mainly useful if you wish to create an interactive wireframe plot, where the plotted data can be changed after plotting (like in the PlanetMapper GUI). If both coordinate_func and transform are provided, then the transform is applied to the plotted data after transforming with coordinate_func. The plotting functionality when both coordinate_func and transform are provided can therefore be simplified as:

x, y = coordinate_func(ra, dec)
ax.scatter(x, y, transform=transform)

The additional_array_func argument can be used to specify a function to apply to arrays before plotting any linear features (e.g. the limb, gridlines, rings). For example, this is used internally in plot_wireframe_radec() to add NaNs into arrays of data whenever the coordinates wrap from one side of the axis to the other (to prevent lines being drawn across the entire axis). If specified, this function is applied after first converting the data with coordinate_func and before applying any transform argument, and is only applied to data plotted with Matplotlib’s plot function. The plotting functionality when coordinate_func, transform and additional_array_func are provided can therefore be simplified as:

# plotting arrays of ra and dec coordinates
xs, ys = zip(*(coordinate_func(ra, dec) for ra, dec in zip(ras, decs)))
xs, ys = additional_array_func(xs, ys)
ax.plot(xs, ys, transform=transform)

# plotting individual ra and dec coordinates
x, y = coordinate_func(ra, dec)
ax.scatter(x, y, transform=transform)


This method does not set the aspect ratio of the plot, so you will usually need to do this yourself to ensure the plot is not distorted. For example, to set the aspect ratio to 1, you can use ax.set_aspect(1).

  • ax – Matplotlib axis to use for plotting. If ax is None (the default), uses plt.gca() to get the currently active axis.

  • coordinate_func – Function to convert RA/Dec coordinates to the desired coordinate system. Takes two arguments (RA, Dec) and returns two values (x, y). If this is not provided, then the default no-op function coordinate_func=lambda ra, dec: (ra, dec) is used.

  • transform – Matplotlib transform to apply to the plotted data, after transforming with coordinate_func. If this is not provided, then no additional transform is applied.

  • additional_array_func – Optional function to apply to iterable of converted (x, y) coordinates before plotting any linear features (e.g. the limb, gridlines, rings). This should take two iterables of x and y coordinates and return two arrays x and y coordinates to plot. The lengths of the input coordinates do not have to be the same as the lengths of the output coordinates, so additional_array_func can be used to add or remove points from the plotted data as needed. However, the length of the output x array should be the same as the length of the output y array. If this is not provided, then no additional function is applied.

  • **wireframe_kwargs – See plot_wireframe_radec() for details of additional arguments.

class planetmapper.Backplane(name: str, description: str, get_img: Callable[[], ndarray], get_map: _BackplaneMapGetter)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

NamedTuple containing information about a backplane.

Backplanes provide a way to generate and save additional information about an observation, such as the longitudes/latitudes corresponding to each pixel in the observed image. This class provides a standardised way to store a backplane generation function, along with some metadata (name and description) which describes what the backplane represents.

See also BodyXY.backplanes.

  • name – Short name identifying the backplane. This is used as the EXTNAME for the backplane when saving FITS files in

  • description – More detailed description of the backplane (e.g. including units).

  • get_img – Function which takes no arguments returns a numpy array containing a backplane image when called. This should generally be a method such as BodyXY.get_lon_img().

  • get_map – Function returns a numpy array containing a map of backplane values when called. This should take map projection keyword arguments, as described in BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates(). This function should generally be a method such as BodyXY.get_lon_map().

name: str

Alias for field number 0

description: str

Alias for field number 1

get_img: Callable[[], ndarray]

Alias for field number 2

get_map: _BackplaneMapGetter

Alias for field number 3

class planetmapper.BodyXY(target: str, utc: str | datetime.datetime | float | None = None, nx: int = 0, ny: int = 0, *, sz: int | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Body

Class representing an astronomical body imaged at a specific time.

This is a subclass of Body with additional methods to interact with the image pixel coordinate frame xy. This class assumes the tangent plane approximation is valid for the conversion between pixel coordinates xy and RA/Dec sky coordinates radec.

The xyradec conversion is performed by setting the pixel coordinates of the centre of the planet’s disc (x0, y0), the (equatorial) pixel radius of the disc r0 and the rotation of the disc. These disc parameters can be adjusted using methods such as set_x0() and retrieved using methods such as get_x0(). It is important to note that conversions involving xy image pixel coordinates (e.g. backplane image generation) will produce different results before and after these disc parameter values are adjusted.

For larger images, the generation of backplane images can be computationally intensive and take a large amount of time to execute. Therefore, intermediate results are cached to make sure that the slowest parts of code are only called when needed. This cache is managed automatically, so the user never needs to worry about dealing with it. The cache behaviour can be seen in apparently similar lines of code having very different execution times:

# Create a new object
body = planetmapper.BodyXY('Jupiter', '2000-01-01', sz=500)
body.set_disc_params(x0=250, y0=250, r0=200)
# At this point, the cache is completely empty

# The intermediate results used in generating the incidence angle backplane
# are cached, speeding up any future calculations which use these
# intermediate results:
body.get_backplane_img('INCIDENCE') # Takes ~10s to execute
body.get_backplane_img('INCIDENCE') # Executes instantly
body.get_backplane_img('EMISSION') # Executes instantly

# When any of the disc parameters are changed, the xy <-> radec conversion
# changes so the cache is automatically cleared (as the cached intermediate
# results are no longer valid):
body.set_r0(190) # This automatically clears the cache
body.get_backplane_img('EMISSION') # Takes ~10s to execute
body.get_backplane_img('INCIDENCE') # Executes instantly

You can optionally display a progress bar for long running processes like backplane generation by show_progress=True when creating a BodyXY instance (or any other instance which derives from SpiceBase).

The size of the image can be specified by using the nx and ny parameters to specify the number of pixels in the x and y dimensions of the image respectively. If nx and ny are equal (i.e. the image is square), then the parameter sz can be used instead to set both nx and ny, where BodyXY(..., sz=50) is equivalent to BodyXY(..., nx=50, ny=50).

If nx and ny are not set, then some functionality (such as generating backplane images) will not be available and will raise a ValueError if called.

BodyXY instances are mutable and therefore not hashable, meaning that they cannot be used as dictionary keys. to_body() can be used to create a Body instance which is hashable.

  • target – Name of target body, passed to Body.

  • utc – Time of observation, passed to Body.

  • observer – Name of observing body, passed to Body.

  • nx – Number of pixels in the x dimension of the image.

  • ny – Number of pixels in the y dimension of the image.

  • sz – Convenience parameter to set both nx and ny to the same value. BodyXY(..., sz=50) is equivalent to BodyXY(..., nx=50, ny=50). If sz is defined along with nx or ny then a ValueError is raised.

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments are passed to Body.

backplanes: dict[str, Backplane]

Dictionary containing registered backplanes which can be used to calculate properties (e.g. longitude/latitude, illumination angles etc.) for each pixel in the image.

By default, this dictionary contains a series of default backplanes. These can be summarised using print_backplanes(). Custom backplanes can be added using register_backplane().

Generated backplane images can be easily retrieved using get_backplane_img() and plotted using plot_backplane_img(). Similarly, backplane maps cen be retrieved using get_backplane_map() and plotted using plot_backplane_map().

This dictionary of backplanes can also be used directly if more customisation is needed:

# Retrieve the image containing right ascension values
ra_image = body.backplanes['RA'].get_img()

# Retrieve the map containing emission angles on the target's surface
emission_map = body.backplanes['EMISSION'].get_img()

# Print the description of the doppler factor backplane

# Remove the distance backplane from an instance
del body.backplanes['DISTANCE']

# Print summary of all registered backplanes
print(f'{len(body.backplanes)} backplanes currently registered:')
for bp in body.backplanes.values():
    print(f'    {}: {bp.description}')

See Backplane for more detail about interacting with the backplanes directly.

Note that a generated backplane image will depend on the disc parameters (x0, y0, r0, rotation) at the time the backplane is generated (e.g. calling body.backplanes['LAT-GRAPHIC'].get_img() or using get_backplane_img()). Generating the same backplane when there are different disc parameter values will produce a different image.

This dictionary is used to define the backplanes saved to the output FITS file in

classmethod from_body(body: Body, nx: int = 0, ny: int = 0, *, sz: int | None = None) Self[source]

Create a BodyXY instance with the same parameters as a Body instance.

  • bodyBody instance to convert.

  • nx – Number of pixels in the x dimension of the image.

  • ny – Number of pixels in the y dimension of the image.

  • sz – Convenience parameter to set both nx and ny to the same value.


BodyXY instance with the same parameters as the input Body instance and the specified image dimensions.

to_body() Body[source]

Create a Body instance from this BodyXY instance.


Body instance with the same parameters as this BodyXY instance.

xy2radec(x: float, y: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert image pixel coordinates to RA/Dec sky coordinates.

  • x – Image pixel coordinate in the x direction.

  • y – Image pixel coordinate in the y direction.


(ra, dec) tuple containing the RA/Dec coordinates of the point.

radec2xy(ra: float, dec: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert RA/Dec sky coordinates to image pixel coordinates.

  • ra – Right ascension of point in the sky of the observer

  • dec – Declination of point in the sky of the observer.


(x, y) tuple containing the image pixel coordinates of the point.

xy2lonlat(x: float, y: float, not_found_nan=True) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert image pixel coordinates to longitude/latitude coordinates on the target body.

  • x – Image pixel coordinate in the x direction.

  • y – Image pixel coordinate in the y direction.

  • not_found_nan – Controls the behaviour when the input x and y coordinates are missing the target body.


(lon, lat) tuple containing the longitude and latitude of the point. If the provided pixel coordinates are missing the target body, and not_found_nan is True, then the lon and lat values will both be NaN.


NotFoundError – if the input x and y coordinates are missing the target body and not_found_nan is False.

lonlat2xy(lon: float, lat: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert longitude/latitude on the target body to image pixel coordinates.

  • lon – Longitude of point on target body.

  • lat – Latitude of point on target body.


(x, y) tuple containing the image pixel coordinates of the point.

xy2km(x: float, y: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert image pixel coordinates to distances in the target plane.

  • x – Image pixel coordinate in the x direction.

  • y – Image pixel coordinate in the y direction.


(km_x, km_y) tuple containing distances in km in the target plane in the East-West and North-South directions respectively.

km2xy(km_x: float, km_y: float) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert distances in the target plane to image pixel coordinates.

  • km_x – Distance in target plane in km in the East-West direction.

  • km_y – Distance in target plane in km in the North-South direction.


(x, y) tuple containing the image pixel coordinates of the point.

xy2angular(x: float, y: float, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert image pixel coordinates to relative angular coordinates.

  • x – Image pixel coordinate in the x direction.

  • y – Image pixel coordinate in the y direction.

  • **angular_kwargs – Additional arguments are used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates. See Body.radec2angular() for details.


(angular_x, angular_y) tuple containing the relative angular coordinates of the point in arcseconds.

angular2xy(angular_x: float, angular_y: float, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) tuple[float, float][source]

Convert relative angular coordinates to image pixel coordinates.

  • angular_x – Angular coordinate in the x direction in arcseconds.

  • angular_y – Angular coordinate in the y direction in arcseconds.

  • **angular_kwargs – Additional arguments are used to customise the origin and rotation of the relative angular coordinates. See Body.radec2angular() for details.


(x, y) tuple containing the image pixel coordinates of the point.

set_disc_params(x0: float | None = None, y0: float | None = None, r0: float | None = None, rotation: float | None = None) None[source]

Convenience function to set multiple disc parameters at once.

For example, body.set_disc_params(x0=10, r0=5) is equivalent to calling body.set_x0(10) and body.set_r0(5). Any unspecified parameters will be left unchanged.

adjust_disc_params(dx: float = 0, dy: float = 0, dr: float = 0, drotation: float = 0) None[source]

Convenience function to adjust disc parameters.

This can be used to easily add an offset to disc parameter values without having to call multiple set_... and get_... functions. For example,

body.adjust_disc_params(dy=-3.1, drotation=42)

is equivalent to

body.set_y0(body.get_y0() - 3.1)
body.set_rotation(body.get_rotation() + 42)

The default values of all the arguments are zero, so any unspecified values (e.g. dx and dr in the example above) are unchanged.

  • dx – Adjustment to x0.

  • dy – Adjustment to y0.

  • dr – Adjustment to r0.

  • drotation – Adjustment to rotation.

get_disc_params() tuple[float, float, float, float][source]

Convenience function to get all disc parameters at once.


(x0, y0, r0, rotation) tuple.

centre_disc() None[source]

Centre the target’s planetary disc and make it fill ~90% of the observation.

This adjusts x0 and y0 so that they lie in the centre of the image, and r0 is adjusted so that the disc fills 90% of the shortest side of the image. For example, if nx = 20 and ny = 30, then x0 will be set to 10, y0 will be set to 15 and r0 will be set to 9. The rotation of the disc is unchanged.

set_x0(x0: float) None[source]

x0 – New x pixel coordinate of the centre of the target body.


ValueError – if x0 is not finite.

get_x0() float[source]

x pixel coordinate of the centre of the target body.

set_y0(y0: float) None[source]

y0 – New y pixel coordinate of the centre of the target body.


ValueError – if y0 is not finite.

get_y0() float[source]

y pixel coordinate of the centre of the target body.

set_r0(r0: float) None[source]

r0 – New equatorial radius in pixels of the target body.


ValueError – if r0 is not greater than zero or r0 is not finite.

get_r0() float[source]

Equatorial radius in pixels of the target body.

set_rotation(rotation: float) None[source]

Set the rotation of the target body.

This rotation defines the angle between the upwards (positive dec) direction in the RA/Dec sky coordinates and the upwards (positive y) direction in the image pixel coordinates.


rotation – New rotation of the target body.


ValueError – if rotation is not finite.

get_rotation() float[source]

Rotation of the target body.

set_plate_scale_arcsec(arcsec_per_px: float) None[source]

Sets the angular plate scale of the observation by changing r0.


arcsec_per_px – Arcseconds per pixel plate scale.

set_plate_scale_km(km_per_px: float) None[source]

Sets the plate scale of the observation by changing r0.


km_per_px – Kilometres per pixel plate scale at the target body.

get_plate_scale_arcsec() float[source]

Plate scale of the observation in arcseconds/pixel.

get_plate_scale_km() float[source]

Plate scale of the observation in km/pixel at the target body.

set_img_size(nx: int | None = None, ny: int | None = None) None[source]

Set the nx and ny values which specify the number of pixels in the x and y dimension of the image respectively. Unspecified values will remain unchanged.

  • nx – If specified, set the number of pixels in the x dimension.

  • ny – If specified, set the number of pixels in the y dimension.


TypeError – if set_img_size is called on an Observation instance.

get_img_size() tuple[int, int][source]

Get the size of the image in pixels.


(nx, ny) tuple containing the number of pixels in the x and y dimension of the image respectively

set_disc_method(method: str) None[source]

Record the method used to find the coordinates of the target body’s disc. This recorded method can then be used when metadata is saved, such as in

set_disc_method is called automatically by functions which find the disc, such as set_x0() and Observation.centre_disc(), so does not normally need to be manually called by the user.


method – Short string describing the method used to find the disc.

get_disc_method() str[source]

Retrieve the method used to find the coordinates of the target body’s disc.


Short string describing the method.

add_arcsec_offset(dra_arcsec: float = 0, ddec_arcsec: float = 0) None[source]

Adjust the disc location (x0, y0) by applying offsets in arcseconds to the RA/Dec celestial coordinates.

  • dra_arcsec – Offset in arcseconds in the positive right ascension direction.

  • ddec_arcsec – Offset in arcseconds in the positive declination direction.

get_img_limits_radec() tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]][source]

Get the limits of the image coordinates in the RA/Dec coordinate system.

This can be used to set the axis limits of a plot, for example:

xlim, ylim = obs.get_img_limits_radec()

See also get_img_limits_km() and get_img_limits_xy().


(ra_left, ra_right), (dec_min, dec_max) tuple containing the minimum and maximum RA and Dec coordinates of the pixels in the image respectively.

get_img_limits_km() tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]][source]

Get the limits of the image coordinates in the target centred plane. See get_img_limits_radec() for more details.


(km_x_min, km_x_max), (km_y_min, km_y_max) tuple containing the minimum and maximum target plane distance coordinates of the pixels in the image.

get_img_limits_xy() tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]][source]

Get the limits of the image coordinates. See get_img_limits_radec() for more details.


(x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max) tuple containing the minimum and maximum pixel coordinates of the pixels in the image.

limb_xy(**kwargs) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Pixel coordinate version of Body.limb_radec().


**kwargs – Passed to Body.limb_radec().


(x, y) tuple of coordinate arrays.

limb_xy_by_illumination(**kwargs) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Pixel coordinate version of Body.limb_radec_by_illumination().


**kwargs – Passed to Body.limb_radec_by_illumination().


(x_day, y_day, x_night, y_night) tuple of coordinate arrays of the dayside then nightside parts of the limb.

terminator_xy(**kwargs) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Pixel coordinate version of Body.terminator_radec().


**kwargs – Passed to Body.terminator_radec().


(x, y) tuple of coordinate arrays.

visible_lonlat_grid_xy(*args, **kwargs) list[tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]][source]

Pixel coordinate version of Body.visible_lonlat_grid_radec().


List of (x, y) coordinate array tuples.

ring_xy(radius: float, **kwargs) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Pixel coordinate version of Body.ring_radec().

  • radius – Radius in km of the ring from the centre of the target body.

  • **kwargs – Passed to Body.ring_radec().


(x, y) tuple of coordinate arrays.

matplotlib_xy2radec_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None) Transform[source]

Get matplotlib transform which converts between coordinate systems.

Transformations to/from the xy coordinate system are mutable objects which can be dynamically updated using update_transform() when the radec to xy coordinate conversion changes. This can be useful for plotting data (e.g. an observed image) using image xy coordinates onto an axis using RA/Dec coordinates.

# Plot an observed image on an RA/Dec axis with a wireframe of the target
ax = obs.plot_wireframe_radec()
ax.autoscale(False) # Prevent imshow breaking autoscale

See Body.matplotlib_radec2km_transform() for more details and notes on limitations of these linear transformations.

matplotlib_radec2xy_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None) Transform[source]
matplotlib_xy2km_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None) Transform[source]
matplotlib_km2xy_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None) Transform[source]
matplotlib_xy2angular_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) Transform[source]
matplotlib_angular2xy_transform(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, **angular_kwargs: Unpack[AngularCoordinateKwargs]) Transform[source]
update_transform() None[source]

Update the matplotlib transformations involving xy coordinates (e.g. matplotlib_radec2xy_transform()) to use the latest disc parameter values (x0, y0, r0, rotation).

map_img(img: ndarray, *, interpolation: Union[Literal['nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'], int, tuple[int, int]] = 'linear', spline_smoothing: float = 0, propagate_nan: bool = True, warn_nan: bool = False, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

Project an observed image to a map. See generate_map_coordinates() for details about customising the projection used.

If interpolation is 'linear', 'quadratic' or 'cubic', the map projection is performed using scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline using the specified degree of interpolation.

If interpolation is 'nearest', no interpolation is performed, and the mapped image takes the value of the nearest pixel in the image to that location. This can be useful to easily visualise the pixel scale for low spatial resolution observations.

To map a cube, this function can be called repeatedly on each image in the cube:

mapped_cube = np.array([body.map_img(img) for img in cube])

See also Observation.get_mapped_data().

  • img – Observed image where pixel coordinates correspond to the xy pixel coordinates (e.g. those used in get_x0()).

  • degree_interval – Interval in degrees between the longitude/latitude points in the mapped output. Passed to get_x_map() and get_y_map() when generating the coordinates used for the projection.

  • interpolation – Interpolation used when mapping. This can be any of 'nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic' or 'cubic'; the default is 'linear'. 'linear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic' are aliases for spline interpolations of degree 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Alternatively, the degree of spline interpolation can be specified manually by passing an integer or tuple of integers. If an integer is passed, the same interpolation is used in both the x and y directions (i.e. RectBivariateSpline with kx = ky = interpolation). If a tuple of integers is passed, the first integer is used for the x direction and the second integer is used for the y direction (i.e. RectBivariateSpline with kx, ky = interpolation).

  • spline_smoothing – Smoothing factor passed to RectBivariateSpline(..., s=spline_smoothing) when spline interpolation is used. This parameter is ignored when interpolation='nearest'.

  • propagate_nan – If using spline interpolation, propagate NaN values from the image to the mapped data. If propagate_nan is True (the default), the interpolation is performed as normal (i.e. with NaN values in the image set to 0), then any mapped locations where the nearest corresponding image pixel is NaN are set to NaN. Note that there may still be very small errors on the boundaries of NaN regions caused by the interpolation.

  • warn_nan – Print warning if any values in img are NaN when any of the spline interpolations are used.

  • **map_kwargs – Additional arguments are passed to generate_map_coordinates() to specify and customise the map projection.


Array containing map of the values in img at each location on the surface of the target body. Locations which are not visible or outside the projection domain have a value of NaN.

plot_wireframe_xy(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, *, scale_factor: float | None = None, add_axis_labels: bool | None = None, aspect_adjustable: Optional[Literal['box', 'datalim']] = 'box', show: bool = False, **wireframe_kwargs: Unpack[WireframeKwargs]) Axes[source]

Plot basic wireframe representation of the observation using image pixel coordinates. See Body.plot_wireframe_radec() for details of accepted arguments.


The axis containing the plotted wireframe.

plot_map_wireframe(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, *, label_poles: bool = True, add_title: bool = True, add_axis_labels: bool = True, grid_interval: float = 30, grid_lat_limit: float = 90, indicate_equator: bool = True, indicate_prime_meridian: bool = True, aspect_adjustable: Optional[Literal['box', 'datalim']] = 'box', formatting: dict[Literal['all', 'grid', 'equator', 'prime_meridian', 'limb', 'limb_illuminated', 'terminator', 'ring', 'pole', 'coordinate_of_interest_lonlat', 'coordinate_of_interest_radec', 'other_body_of_interest_marker', 'other_body_of_interest_label', 'hidden_other_body_of_interest_marker', 'hidden_other_body_of_interest_label', 'map_boundary'], dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **map_and_formatting_kwargs) Axes[source]

Plot wireframe (e.g. gridlines) of the map projection of the observation. See Body.plot_wireframe_radec() for details of accepted arguments.

For example, to plot an orthographic map’s wireframe with a red boundary and dashed gridlines, you can use:

        'grid': {'linestyle': '--'},
        'map_boundary': {'color': 'red'},
plot_map(map_img: ndarray, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, *, wireframe_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, add_wireframe: bool = True, **kwargs) QuadMesh[source]

Utility function to easily plot a mapped image using plt.imshow with appropriate extents, axis labels, gridlines etc.

  • map_img – Image to plot.

  • ax – Matplotlib axis to use for plotting. If ax is None (the default), then a new figure and axis is created.

  • wireframe_kwargs – Dictionary of arguments passed to plot_map_wireframe().

  • add_wireframe – Enable/disable plotting of wireframe.

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments are passed to generate_map_coordinates() to specify the map projection used, and to Matplotlib’s pcolormesh to customise the plot. For example, can be used to set the colormap of the plot using e.g. body.plot_map(..., projection='orthographic', cmap='Greys').


Handle returned by Matplotlib’s pcolormesh.

get_wireframe_overlay_img(output_size: int | None = 1500, dpi: int = 200, rgba: bool = False, **plot_kwargs) ndarray[source]


This is a beta feature and the API may change in future.

Generate a wireframe image of the target.

This effectively generates an image version of plot_wireframe_xy() which can then be used as an overlay on top of the observation when creating figures in other applications.

See also get_wireframe_overlay_map().


The returned image data follows the FITS orientation convention (with the origin at the bottom left) so may need to be flipped vertically in some applications. If needed, the image can be flipped in Python using:



If you are creating plots with Matplotlib, it is generally better to use plot_wireframe_xy() directly rather than generating an image as it will produce a higher quality plot.

  • output_size – Size of the output image in pixels. This will be the length of the longest side of the image. The other side will be scaled accordingly to maintain the aspect ratio of the observed data. If size is None, then the size is set to match the size of the observed data.

  • dpi – Dots per inch of the output image. This can be used to control the size of plotted elements in the output image - larger dpi values will produce larger plotted elements.

  • rgba – By default, the returned image only has a single greyscale channel. If rgba is True, then the returned image has 4 channels (red, green, blue, alpha) which can be used to more easily overlay the wireframe on top of the observed data in other applications.

  • **plot_kwargs – Additional arguments passed to plot_wireframe_xy().


Image of the wireframe which has the same aspect ratio as the observed data.

get_wireframe_overlay_map(output_size: int | None = 1500, dpi: int = 200, rgba: bool = False, **map_and_formatting_kwargs) ndarray[source]


This is a beta feature and the API may change in future.

Generate a wireframe map of the target.

This effectively generates an image version of plot_map_wireframe() which can then be used as an overlay on top of the mapped observation when creating figures in other applications.

See also get_wireframe_overlay_img().


The returned image data follows the FITS orientation convention (with the origin at the bottom left) so may need to be flipped vertically in some applications. If needed, the image can be flipped in Python using:



If you are creating plots with Matplotlib, it is generally better to use plot_map_wireframe() directly rather than generating an image as it will produce a higher quality plot.

  • output_size – Size of the output image in pixels. This will be the length of the longest side of the map. The other side will be scaled accordingly to maintain the aspect ratio of the observed data. If size is None, then the size is set to match the pixel size of the map.

  • dpi – Dots per inch of the output image. This can be used to control the size of plotted elements in the output image - larger dpi values will produce larger plotted elements.

  • rgba – By default, the returned image only has a single greyscale channel. If rgba is True, then the returned image has 4 channels (red, green, blue, alpha) which can be used to more easily overlay the wireframe on top of the observed data in other applications.

  • plot_kwargs – Dictionary of arguments passed to plot_map_wireframe().

  • **map_and_formatting_kwargs – Passed to plot_map_wireframe(). This can include arguments such as projection.


Image of the map wireframe which has the same aspect ratio as the map.

static standardise_backplane_name(name: str) str[source]

Create a standardised version of a backplane name when finding and registering backplanes.

This standardisation is used in functions like get_backplane_img() and plot_backplane() so that, for example body.plot_backplane('DEC'), body.plot_backplane('Dec') and body.plot_backplane('dec') all produce the same plot.


name – Input backplane name.


Standardised name with leading/trailing spaces removed and converted to upper case.

register_backplane(name: str, description: str, get_img: Callable[[], ndarray], get_map: _BackplaneMapGetter) None[source]

Create a new Backplane and register it to backplanes.

See Backplane for more detail about parameters.

  • name – Name of backplane. This is standardised using standardise_backplane_name() before being registered.

  • description – Longer description of backplane, including units.

  • get_img – Function to generate backplane image.

  • get_map – Function to generate backplane map.


ValueError – if provided backplane name is already registered.

backplane_summary_string() str[source]

String summarising currently registered backplanes.

print_backplanes() None[source]

Prints output of backplane_summary_string().

get_backplane(name: str) Backplane[source]

Convenience function to retrieve a backplane registered to backplanes.

This method is equivalent to


name – Name of the desired backplane. This is standardised with standardise_backplane_name() and used to choose a registered backplane from backplanes.


Backplane registered with name.


BackplaneNotFoundError – if name is not registered as a backplane.

get_backplane_img(name: str) ndarray[source]

Generate backplane image.

Note that a generated backplane image will depend on the disc parameters (x0, y0, r0, rotation) at the time this function is called. Generating the same backplane when there are different disc parameter values will produce a different image. This method creates a copy of the generated image, so the returned image can be safely modified without affecting the cached value (unlike the return values from functions such as get_lon_img()).

This method is equivalent to


name – Name of the desired backplane. This is standardised with standardise_backplane_name() and used to choose a registered backplane from backplanes.


Array containing the backplane’s values for each pixel in the image.

get_backplane_map(name: str, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

Generate map of backplane values.

This method creates a copy of the generated image, so the returned map can be safely modified without affecting the cached value (unlike the return values from functions such as get_lon_map()).

This method is equivalent to


Array containing map of the backplane’s values over the surface of the target body.

plot_backplane_img(name: str, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, show: bool = False, **kwargs) Axes[source]

Plot a backplane image with the wireframe outline of the target.

Note that a generated backplane image will depend on the disc parameters (x0, y0, r0, rotation) at the time this function is called. Generating the same backplane when there are different disc parameter values will produce a different image.

  • name – Name of the desired backplane.

  • ax – Passed to plot_wireframe_xy().

  • show – Passed to plot_wireframe_xy().

  • **kwargs – Passed to Matplotlib’s imshow when plotting the backplane image. For example, can be used to set the colormap of the plot using body.plot_backplane_img(..., cmap='Greys').


The axis containing the plotted data.

plot_backplane_map(name: str, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, show: bool = False, **kwargs) Axes[source]

Plot a map of backplane values on the target body.

For example, top plot a backplane map with the ‘Blues’ colourmap and a red partially transparent wireframe, on an orthographic projection, use:

    wireframe_kwargs=dict(color='r', alpha=0.5),
  • name – Name of the desired backplane.

  • ax – Matplotlib axis to use for plotting. If ax is None (the default), then a new figure and axis is created.

  • show – Toggle showing the plotted figure with

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments are passed to plot_map(). These can be used to specify and customise the map projection, and to customise the plot formatting.


The axis containing the plotted data.

generate_map_coordinates(projection: str = 'rectangular', degree_interval: float = 1, lon: float = 0, lat: float = 0, size: int = 100, lon_coords: numpy.ndarray | tuple | None = None, lat_coords: numpy.ndarray | tuple | None = None, projection_x_coords: numpy.ndarray | tuple | None = None, projection_y_coords: numpy.ndarray | tuple | None = None, xlim: tuple[float, float] | None = None, ylim: tuple[float, float] | None = None) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, pyproj.transformer.Transformer, dict[str, Any]][source]

Generate underlying coordinates and transformation for a given map projection.

The built-in map projections (i.e. possible values for the projection argument) are:

  • 'rectangular': cylindrical equirectangular projection onto a regular longitude and latitude grid. The resolution of the map can be controlled with the degree_interval argument which sets the spacing in degrees between grid points. This is the default map projection.

  • 'orthographic': orthographic projection where the central longitude and latitude can be customized with the lon and lat arguments. The size of the map can be controlled with the size argument.

  • 'azimuthal': azimuthal equidistant projection where the central longitude and latitude can be customized with the lon and lat arguments. The size of the map can be controlled with the size argument.

  • 'azimuthal equal area': Lambert azimuthal equal area projection where the central longitude and latitude can be customized with the lon and lat arguments. The size of the map can be controlled with the size argument.

  • 'manual': manually specify the longitude and latitude coordinates to use for each point on the map with the lon_coords and lat_coords arguments.

Projections can also be specified by passing a proj projection string to the projection argument. If you are manually specifying a projection, you must also specify projection_x_coords and projection_y_coords to provide the x and y coordinates to project the data to. See for a list of projections that can be used. The provided projection string will be passed to pyproj.CRS. create_proj_string() can be used to help build a projection string.


You generally don’t need to call this method directly. Instead, pass your desired arguments directly to functions like get_backplane_map() or map_img().

Usage examples:

# Generate default rectangular map for emission backplane

# Generate default rectangular map at lower resolution and only covering
# the northern hemisphere
body.get_backplane_map('EMISSION', degree_interval=10, ylim=(0, np.inf))

# Generate orthographic map of northern hemisphere
body.get_backplane_map('EMISSION', projection='orthographic', lat=90)

# Plot orthographic map of southern hemisphere with higher resolution
    'EMISSION', projection='orthographic', lat=-90, size=500

# Get azimuthal equidistant map projection of image, centred on specific
# coordinate
body.map_img(img, projection='azimuthal', lon=45, lat=30)
  • projection – String describing map projection to use (see list of supported projections above).

  • degree_interval – Degree interval for 'rectangular projection.

  • lon – Central longitude of 'orthographic', 'azimuthal' and 'azimuthal equal area' projections.

  • lat – Central latitude of 'orthographic', 'azimuthal' and 'azimuthal equal area' projections.

  • size – Pixel size (width and height) of generated 'orthographic', 'azimuthal' and 'azimuthal equal area' projections.

  • lon_coords – Longitude coordinates to use for 'manual' projection. This must be a tuple (e.g. use lon_coords=tuple(np.linspace(0, 360, 100))) - this allows mapping arguments and outputs to be cached).

  • lat_coords – Latitude coordinates to use for 'manual' projection. This must be a tuple.

  • projection_x_coords – Projected x coordinates to use with a pyproj projection string. This must be a tuple.

  • projection_y_coords – Projected x coordinates to use with a pyproj projection string. This must be a tuple.

  • xlim – Tuple of (x_min, x_max) limits in the projected x coordinates of the map. If None, the default, then the no limits are applied (i.e. the entire globe will be mapped). If xlim is provided, it should be a tuple of two floats specifying the minimum and maximum x coordinates to project the map to. For example, to only plot the western hemisphere, you can use use xlim=(0, 180) in a rectangular projection. Note that these limits are expressed in the projected coordinates of the map. Setting the limits can be useful to speed up the performance of mapping when only a subset of the map is needed (such as for observations with limited spatial extent). If you only want to set one limit, then you can pass infinity e.g. xlim=(315, np.inf) to only set the minimum limit. The limits are implemented using x_to_keep = (x >= min(xlim)) & (x <= max(xlim)), so the ordering of the limits does not matter. Note that the limit calculations assume that the data is on a rectangular grid (i.e. all rows have the same x coordinates and all columns have the same y coordinates), so may produce unexpected results if a custom projection is used.

  • ylim – Tuple of (y_min, y_max) limits in the projected y coordinates of the map. If None, the default, then the no limits are applied. See xlim for more details.


(lons, lats, xx, yy, transformer, info) tuple where lons and lats are the longitude and latitude coordinates of the map, xx and yy are the projected coordinates of the map, transformer is a pyproj.Transformer object that can be used to transform between the two coordinate systems, and info is a dictionary containing the arguments used to build the map (e.g. for the default case this would be {'projection': 'rectangular', 'degree_interval': 1, 'xlim': None, 'ylim': None}).

create_proj_string(proj: str, **parameters) str[source]

Create projection string for use with pyproj.

This function will automatically build a projection string that can be used as the projection argument of generate_map_coordinates().

By default, this function automatically sets the +axis parameter of the projection to match the Body.positive_longitude_direction of the target body - if the target body has a positive longitude direction of E, then the projection will have +axis=enu, if the target body has a positive longitude direction of W, then the projection will have +axis=wnu. This behaviour can be disabled by passing axis=None to this function. See for more details about the +axis projection parameter.


# '+proj=ortho +axis=wnu +type=crs'

body.create_proj_string('ortho', lon_0=180, lat_0=45)
# '+proj=ortho +lon_0=180 +lat_0=45 +axis=wnu +type=crs'

body.create_proj_string('ortho', lon_0=180, lat_0=45, axis=None)
# '+proj=ortho +lon_0=180 +lat_0=45 +type=crs'
  • proj – Projection name. See for a full list of projections that can be used.

  • **parameters – Additional parameters to pass to the projection. These are passed to pyproj as +{key}={value}. For example, to create a projection with a central longitude of 45 degrees, you can use lon_0=45. By default, the axis direction is set to match the Body.positive_longitude_direction of the target body (see above), pass axis=None to disable this behaviour.


Proj string describing the projection. This can be passed to the projection argument of generate_map_coordinates().

get_lon_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the planetographic longitude value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_lon_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of planetographic longitude values.

get_lat_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the planetographic latitude value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_lat_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of planetographic latitude values.

get_lon_centric_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the planetocentric longitude value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_lon_centric_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of planetocentric longitude values.

get_lat_centric_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the planetocentric latitude value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_lat_centric_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of planetocentric latitude values.

get_ra_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the right ascension (RA) value of each pixel in the image.

get_ra_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of right ascension values as viewed by the observer. Locations which are not visible have a value of NaN.

get_dec_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the declination (Dec) value of each pixel in the image.

get_dec_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of declination values as viewed by the observer. Locations which are not visible have a value of NaN.

get_x_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the x pixel coordinate value of each pixel in the image.

get_x_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the x pixel coordinates each location corresponds to in the observation. Locations which are not visible or are not in the image frame have a value of NaN.

get_y_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the y pixel coordinate value of each pixel in the image.

get_y_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the y pixel coordinates each location corresponds to in the observation. Locations which are not visible or are not in the image frame have a value of NaN.

get_km_x_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the distance in target plane in km in the East-West direction.

get_km_x_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the distance in target plane in km in the East-West direction. Locations which are not visible have a value of NaN.

get_km_y_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the distance in target plane in km in the North-South direction.

get_km_y_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the distance in target plane in km in the North-South direction. Locations which are not visible have a value of NaN.

get_phase_angle_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the phase angle value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_phase_angle_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the phase angle value at each point on the target’s surface.

get_incidence_angle_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the incidence angle value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_incidence_angle_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the incidence angle value at each point on the target’s surface.

get_emission_angle_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the emission angle value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_emission_angle_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the emission angle value at each point on the target’s surface.

get_azimuth_angle_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the azimuth angle value of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_azimuth_angle_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the azimuth angle value at each point on the target’s surface.

get_local_solar_time_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the local solar time value of each pixel in the image, as calculated by Body.local_solar_time_from_lon(). Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_local_solar_time_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the local solar time at each point on the target’s surface, as calculated by Body.local_solar_time_from_lon().

get_distance_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the observer-target distance in km of each pixel in the image. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_distance_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the observer-target distance in km of each point on the target’s surface.

get_radial_velocity_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the observer-target radial velocity in km/s of each pixel in the image. Velocities towards the observer are negative. Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_radial_velocity_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the observer-target radial velocity in km/s of each point on the target’s surface.

get_doppler_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the doppler factor for each pixel in the image, calculated using SpiceBase.calculate_doppler_factor() on velocities from get_radial_velocity_img(). Points off the disc have a value of NaN.

get_doppler_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the doppler factor of each point on the target’s surface. This is calculated using SpiceBase.calculate_doppler_factor() on velocities from get_radial_velocity_map().

get_limb_lon_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the planetographic longitude of the point on the target’s limb that is closest to each pixel. See Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec() for more detail.

get_limb_lon_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the planetographic longitude of the point on the target’s limb that is closest to each point on the target’s surface (for the observer). See Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec() for more detail.

get_limb_lat_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the planetographic latitude of the point on the target’s limb that is closest to each pixel. See Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec() for more detail.

get_limb_lat_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the planetographic latitude of the point on the target’s limb that is closest to each point on the target’s surface (for the observer). See Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec() for more detail.

get_limb_distance_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the distance in km above the target’s limb for each pixel. See Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec() for more detail.

get_limb_distance_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the distance in km above the target’s limb for each point on the target’s surface (for the observer). See Body.limb_coordinates_from_radec() for more detail.

get_ring_plane_radius_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the ring plane radius in km for each pixel in the image, calculated using Body.ring_plane_coordinates(). Points of the ring plane obscured by the target body have a value of NaN.

get_ring_plane_radius_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the ring plane radius in km obscuring each point on the target’s surface, calculated using Body.ring_plane_coordinates(). Points where the target body is unobscured by the ring plane have a value of NaN.

get_ring_plane_longitude_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the ring plane planetographic longitude in degrees for each pixel in the image, calculated using Body.ring_plane_coordinates(). Points of the ring plane obscured by the target body have a value of NaN.

get_ring_plane_longitude_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the ring plane planetographic longitude in degrees obscuring each point on the target’s surface, calculated using Body.ring_plane_coordinates(). Points where the target body is unobscured by the ring plane have a value of NaN.

get_ring_plane_distance_img() ndarray[source]

See also get_backplane_img().


Array containing the ring plane distance from the observer in km for each pixel in the image, calculated using Body.ring_plane_coordinates(). Points of the ring plane obscured by the target body have a value of NaN.

get_ring_plane_distance_map(**map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

See generate_map_coordinates() for accepted arguments. See also get_backplane_map().


Array containing map of the ring plane distance from the observer in km obscuring each point on the target’s surface, calculated using Body.ring_plane_coordinates(). Points where the target body is unobscured by the ring plane have a value of NaN.

class planetmapper.Observation(path: str | os.PathLike | None = None, *, data: numpy.ndarray | None = None, header: | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BodyXY

Class representing an actual observation of an astronomical body at a specific time.

This is a subclass of BodyXY, with additional methods to interact with the observed data, such as by saving a FITS file containing calculated backplane data. All methods described in BodyXY, Body and SpiceBase are therefore available in instances of this class.

This class can be created by either providing a path to a data file to be loaded, or by directly providing the data itself (and optionally a FITS header). The nx and ny values for BodyXY will automatically be calculated from the input data.

If the input data is a FITS file (or a header is specified), then this class will attempt to generate appropriate parameters (e.g. target, utc) by using the values in the header. This allows an instance of this class to be created with a single argument specifying the path to the FITS file e.g. Observation('path/to/file.fits'). Manually specified parameters will take precedence, so Observation('path/to/file.fits', target='JUPITER') will have Jupiter as a target, regardless of any values saying otherwise in the FITS header.

If a FITS header is not provided (e.g. if the input path corresponds to an image file), then at least the target and utc parameters need to be specified.

When an Observation object is created, the disc parameters (x0, y0, r0, rotation) initialised to the most useful values possible:

  1. If the input file has previously been fit by PlanetMapper, the previous parameter values saved in the FITS header are loaded using disc_from_header().

  2. Otherwise, if there is WCS information in the FITS header, this is loaded with disc_from_wcs().

  3. Finally, if there is no useful information in the FITS header (or no header is provided), the disc parameters are initialised using centre_disc().

  • path – Path to data file to load. If this is None then data must be specified instead. Any user (~) and shell variables (e.g. $var) in the path are automatically expanded if possible.

  • data – Array containing observation data to use instead of loading the data from path. This should only be provided if path is None.

  • header – FITS header which corresponds to the provided data. This is optional and should only be provided if path is None.

  • target – Name of target body, passed to Body. If this is unspecified, then the target will be derived from the values in the FITS header.

  • utc – Time of observation, passed to Body. If this is unspecified, then the time will be derived from the values in the FITS header.

  • **kwargs – Additional parameters are passed to BodyXY. These can be used to specify additional parameters such as`observer`. The image size is automatically determined from the data, so passing nx, ny or sz as arguments when creating an Observation object will raise a TypeError.

FITS_FILE_EXTENSIONS = ('.fits', '.fits.gz')

File extensions which will be read as FITS files. All other file extensions will be assumed to be images.


FITS keyword used in metadata added to header of output FITS files.

path: str | None

Path of input data file, or None if no file was provided.

data: np.ndarray

Observed data.

header: fits.Header

FITS header containing data about the observation. If this is not provided, then a basic header will be produced containing data derived from the target and utc parameters.

to_body_xy() BodyXY[source]

Create a BodyXY object with the same parameters and data as this observation.


BodyXY object with the same disc parameters as this Observation instance.

disc_from_header() None[source]

Sets the target’s planetary disc data in the FITS header generated by previous runs of planetmapper.

This uses values such as HIERARCH PLANMAP DISC X0 to set the disc location to be the same as the previous run.


ValueError – if the header does not contain appropriate metadata values. This is likely because the file was not created by planetmapper.

disc_from_wcs(suppress_warnings: bool = False, validate: bool = True, use_header_offsets: bool = True) None[source]

Set disc parameters using WCS information in the observation’s FITS header.

See also rotation_from_wcs() and plate_scale_from_wcs().


There may be very slight differences between the coordinates converted directly from the WCS information and the coordinates converted by PlanetMapper.

  • suppress_warnings – Hide warnings produced by astropy when calculating WCS conversions.

  • validate – Run checks to ensure the WCS conversion has appropriate RA/Dec coordinate dimensions.

  • use_header_offsets – If present, use the HIERARCH NAV RA_OFFSET and HIERARCH NAV DEC_OFFSET values from the FITS headerr to adjust the target’s disc location by the specified arcsecond offsets. If these keywords are not present or use_header_offsets is False, no adjustment is made.


ValueError – if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails.

position_from_wcs(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Set disc position (x0, y0) using WCS information in the observation’s FITS header.

See also disc_from_wcs().


ValueError – if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails.

rotation_from_wcs(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Set disc rotation using WCS information in the observation’s FITS header.

See also disc_from_wcs().


ValueError – if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails.

plate_scale_from_wcs(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Set plate scale (i.e. r0) using WCS information in the observation’s FITS header.

See also disc_from_wcs().


ValueError – if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails.

get_wcs_offset(*args, **kwargs) tuple[float, float, float, float][source]


This is a beta feature and the API may change in future.

Get the difference between the current disc parameters and the disc parameters calculated from the WCS information in the observation’s FITS header.

For example, this function can be used to retrieve the cumulative offset after adjusting the disc position:

# Initialise disc with parameters from WCS

# Adjust the disc position
observation.adjust_disc_params(1, 2, 3, 4)

# Retrieve the cumulative offset
print(observation.get_wcs_offset())  # (1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)

Similarly, this function can be used to retrieve the offset after running the GUI to fit the disc:


See also get_wcs_arcsec_offset().


(dx, dy, dr, drotation) tuple containing the differences in disc parameters between the current disc parameters (i.e. those returned by BodyXY.get_disc_params()) and the disc parameters calculated from the WCS information in the observation’s FITS header. dx and dy give the difference in the disc centre position in pixels, dr gives the difference in the disc radius in pixels, and drotation gives the difference in the rotation angle in degrees.


ValueError – if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails.

get_wcs_arcsec_offset(*args, check_is_position_offset_only: bool = True, **kwargs) tuple[float, float][source]


This is a beta feature and the API may change in future.

Get the offset in RA/Dec celestial coordinates between the current disc location and the disc location calculated from the WCS information in the observation’s FITS header.

For example, this function can be used to retrieve the cumulative offset after adjusting the disc position:

# Initialise disc with parameters from WCS

# Adjust the disc position
observation.add_arcsec_offset(10, 10)

# Retrieve the cumulative offset
print(observation.get_wcs_arcsec_offset())  # (11.23, 10.0)

Similarly, this function can be used to retrieve the offset after running the GUI to fit the disc:


The RA/Dec offsets returned by this function are generally only meaningful if the disc location (x0, y0) is the only difference between the current disc parameters and those derived from the WCS. Therefore, by default this function checks that the dr and drotation values returned by get_wcs_offset() are sufficiently small to be considered a position offset only, and raises a ValueError if this is not the case. This check can be disabled by setting check_is_position_offset_only to False.

See also get_wcs_offset().

  • *args – See disc_from_wcs() for additional arguments.

  • **kwargs

    See disc_from_wcs() for additional arguments.

  • check_is_position_offset_only – If True (the default), check that the dr and drotation values returned by get_wcs_offset() are sufficiently small to be considered a position offset only. If this is False, then the dr and drotation values are not checked.


(dra_arcsec, ddec_arcsec) tuple containing the offsets in arcseconds in the RA and Dec celestial coordinates between the current disc location (i.e. those returned by BodyXY.get_disc_params()) and the disc location calculated from the WCS information in the observation’s FITS header.


ValueError – if no WCS information is found in the FITS header, or validation fails. A ValueError is also raised if check_is_position_offset_only is True and the dr or drotation values returned by get_wcs_offset() are not sufficiently small.

fit_disc_position() None[source]

Automatically find and set x0 and y0 so that the planet’s disc is fit to the brightest part of the data.

fit_disc_radius() None[source]

Automatically find and set r0 using aperture photometry.

This routine calculates the brightness in concentric annular apertures around (x0, y0) and sets r0 as the radius where the brightness decreases the fastest. Note that this uses circular apertures, so will be less reliable for targets with greater flattening and may not work well for targets which are not entirely in the image frame.


ValueError – if x0 or y0 are not within the image frame.

get_mapped_data(interpolation: Union[Literal['nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'], int, tuple[int, int]] = 'linear', *, spline_smoothing: float = 0, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) ndarray[source]

Projects the observed data onto a map. See BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates() for details about customising the projection used.

For larger datasets, it can take some time to map every wavelength. Therefore, the mapped data is automatically cached (in a similar way to backplanes - see BodyXY) so that subsequent calls to this function do not have to recompute the mapped data. As with cached backplanes, the cached mapped data is automatically cleared if any disc parameters are changed (i.e. you shouldn’t need to worry about the cache, it all happens ‘magically’ behind the scenes).

  • interpolation – Interpolation used when mapping. This can either any of 'nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic' or 'cubic'. Passed to BodyXY.map_img().

  • spline_smoothing – Passed to BodyXY.map_img().

  • **map_kwargs – Additional arguments are passed to BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates() to specify and customise the map projection.


Array containing cube of maped of the values in img at each location on the surface of the target body. Locations which are not visible or outside the projection domain have a value of NaN.

append_to_header(keyword: str, value: str | float | bool | complex, comment: str | None = None, hierarch_keyword: bool = True, header: | None = None, truncate_strings: bool = True, remove_existing: bool = True)[source]

Add a card to a FITS header. If a header is not specified, then header is modified.

By default, the keyword is modified to provide a consistent keyword prefix for all header cards added by this routine.

  • keyword – Card keyword.

  • value – Card value.

  • comment – Card comment. If unspecified not comment will be added.

  • hierarch_keyword – Toggle adding the keyword prefix from FITS_KEYWORD to the keyword.

  • header – FITS Header which the card will be added to in-place. If header is None, then header will be modified.

  • truncate_strings – Allow string values to be truncated if they will create a card longer than 80 characters.

  • remove_existing – Remove any existing cards with the same key before adding the new card.

add_header_metadata(header: | None = None)[source]

Add automatically generated metadata a FITS header. This is automatically called by save() so add_header_metadata does not normally need to be called manually.


header – FITS Header which the metadata will be added to in-place. If header is None, then header will be modified.

make_filename(extension: str = '.fits', prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '') str[source]

Automatically generates a useful filename from the target name and date of the observation, e.g. 'JUPITER_2000-01-01T123456.fits'.

  • extension – Optionally specify the file extension to add to the filename.

  • prefix – Optionally specify filename prefix.

  • suffix – Optionally specify filename suffix.


Filename built from the target name and observation date.

save_observation(path: str | os.PathLike, *, include_wireframe: bool = True, wireframe_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, show_progress: bool = False, print_info: bool = True) None[source]

Save a FITS file containing the observed data and generated backplanes.

The primary HDU in the FITS file will be the data and header of the observed data, with appropriate metadata automatically added to the header by add_header_metadata(). The backplanes are generated from all the registered backplanes in BodyXY.backplanes and are saved as additional HDUs in the FITS file.

For larger image sizes, the backplane generation can be slow, so this function may take some time to complete.

  • path – Filepath of output file.

  • include_wireframe – Toggle generating and saving wireframe overlay image as an additional backplane of the output FITS file. The wireframe is generated by BodyXY.get_wireframe_overlay_img().

  • wireframe_kwargs – Dictionary of keyword arguments passed to BodyXY.get_wireframe_overlay_img() to customise the wireframe overlay.

  • show_progress – Display a progress bar rather than printing progress info. This does not have an effect if show_progress=True was set when creating this Observation.

  • print_info – Toggle printing of progress information (defaults to True).

save_mapped_observation(path: str | os.PathLike, *, interpolation: Union[Literal['nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'], int, tuple[int, int]] = 'linear', spline_smoothing: float = 0, include_backplanes: bool = True, include_wireframe: bool = True, wireframe_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, show_progress: bool = False, print_info: bool = True, **map_kwargs: Unpack[MapKwargs]) None[source]

Save a FITS file containing the mapped observation in a cylindrical projection.

The mapped data is generated using get_mapped_data(), and mapped backplane data is saved by default.

For larger image sizes, the map projection and backplane generation can be slow, so this function may take some time to complete.

  • path – Filepath of output file.

  • interpolation – Interpolation used when mapping. This can either any of 'nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic' or 'cubic'. Passed to BodyXY.map_img().

  • spline_smoothing – Passed to BodyXY.map_img().

  • include_backplanes – Toggle generating and saving backplanes to output FITS file.

  • include_wireframe – Toggle generating and saving wireframe overlay map as an additional backplane of the output FITS file. The wireframe is generated by BodyXY.get_wireframe_overlay_map().

  • wireframe_kwargs – Dictionary of keyword arguments passed to BodyXY.get_wireframe_overlay_map() to customise the wireframe overlay.

  • show_progress – Display a progress bar rather than printing progress info. This does not have an effect if show_progress=True was set when creating this Observation.

  • print_info – Toggle printing of progress information (defaults to True).

  • **map_kwargs – Additional arguments are passed to BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates() to specify and customise the map projection.

run_gui() list[tuple[float, float]][source]

Run an interactive GUI to display and adjust the fitted observation.

This modifies the Observation object in-place, so can be used within a script to e.g. interactively fit the planet’s disc. Simply run the GUI, adjust the parameters until the disc is fit, then close the GUI and the Observation object will have your new values:

# Load in some data
observation = planetmapper.Observation('exciting_data.fits')

# Use the GUI to manually fit the disc and set the x0,y0,r0,rotation values

# At this point, you can use the manually fitted observation


Once you have manually fitted the disc, you can simply close the user interface window and the disc parameters will be updated to the new values. This means that you don’t need to click the Save… button unless you specifically want to save a navigated file to disk.

The return value can also be used to interactively select a locations::

observation = planetmapper.Observation('exciting_data.fits')
clicks = observation.run_gui()
ax = observation.plot_wireframe_radec()
for x, y in clicks:
    ra, dec = observation.xy2radec()
    ax.scatter(ra, dec)

See the graphical user interface tutorial for more details about the GUI.


The Open… button is hidden for user interfaces created by this method to ensure that only one Observation object is modified by the user interface.

If you want the full user interface functionality instead, then call planetmapper from the command line or create and run a user interface manually using


List of (x, y) pixel coordinate tuples corresponding to where the user clicked on the plot window to mark a location.

class planetmapper.BasicBody(target: str | int, utc: str | datetime.datetime | float | None = None, observer: str | int = 'EARTH', *, aberration_correction: str = 'CN', observer_frame: str = 'J2000', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BodyBase

Class representing astronomical body which is treated as a point source.

This is typically used for objects which have limited data in the SPICE kernels (e.g. minor satellites which do not have well known radii). Usually, you are unlikely to need to create BasicBody instances directly, but they may be returned when using Body.create_other_body().

This is a very simplified version of Body.

  • target – Name of target body (see Body for more details).

  • utc – Time of observation (see Body for more details).

  • observer – Name of observing body (see Body for more details).

  • **kwargs – See Body for more details about additional arguments.

target: str

Name of the target body, as standardised by SpiceBase.standardise_body_name().

utc: str

String representation of the time of the observation in the format '2000-01-01T00:00:00.000000'. This time is in the UTC timezone.

observer: str

Name of the observer body, as standardised by SpiceBase.standardise_body_name().

aberration_correction: str

Aberration correction used to correct light travel time in SPICE.

observer_frame: str

Observer reference frame.

et: float

Ephemeris time of the observation corresponding to utc.

dtm: datetime.datetime

Python timezone aware datetime of the observation corresponding to utc.

target_body_id: int

SPICE numeric ID of the target body.

target_light_time: float

Light time from the target to the observer at the time of the observation.

target_distance: float

Distance from the target to the observer at the time of the observation.

target_ra: float

Right ascension (RA) of the target centre.

target_dec: float

Declination (Dec) of the target centre.

class planetmapper.AngularCoordinateKwargs[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Class to help type hint keyword arguments of angular coordinate transformations and plotting functions.

See Body.radec2angular() for more details.

origin_ra: float | None
origin_dec: float | None
coordinate_rotation: float
class planetmapper.WireframeKwargs[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Class to help type hint keyword arguments of wireframe plotting functions. The color, alpha and zorder parameters are a non-exhaustive list of commonly used formatting parameters which are passed to matplotlib functions.

See Body.plot_wireframe_radec() for more details.

label_poles: bool
add_title: bool
grid_interval: float
grid_lat_limit: float
indicate_equator: bool
indicate_prime_meridian: bool
formatting: dict[Literal['all', 'grid', 'equator', 'prime_meridian', 'limb', 'limb_illuminated', 'terminator', 'ring', 'pole', 'coordinate_of_interest_lonlat', 'coordinate_of_interest_radec', 'other_body_of_interest_marker', 'other_body_of_interest_label', 'hidden_other_body_of_interest_marker', 'hidden_other_body_of_interest_label', 'map_boundary'], dict[str, Any]] | None
color: str | tuple[float, float, float]
alpha: float
zorder: float
class planetmapper.MapKwargs[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Class to help type hint keyword arguments of mapping functions.

See BodyXY.generate_map_coordinates() for more details.

projection: str
degree_interval: float
lon: float
lat: float
size: int
lon_coords: ndarray
lat_coords: ndarray
projection_x_coords: ndarray
projection_y_coords: numpy.ndarray | None
xlim: tuple[float, float] | None
ylim: tuple[float, float] | None